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Status Updates posted by monyfer

  1. Geez, some of the people on that thread just DON'T get it.

  2. Thanks for sticking up for me in that thread about VSC being slow..obviously is slow, but recent filers have seen it pick up speed and are getting greedy to get approved in less than 5 months, ugh!

  3. We got a teeny tiny bit of possibly good news - but I do NOT want to get my hopes up only for them to crash down again!!!

  4. VSC told my congressional liaison that they will "expedite this petition" - does this mean our BG checks are over? How much longer will it take - knowing VSC expedite could still mean another month!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Piefre


      I hope that NOA2 is on its way.

    3. Mandyfonck


      Hey Monica,

      Nice to meet you, I would like to tell you that our situation is pretty the same as yours. This saturday is gonna get 60 days since their replied for us and nothing yet from them. I´m sad and at the same time angry..but I don´t know what to do unless waiting for a miracle.

    4. Mandyfonck


      They didn´t tell us nothing about BG ... this week we ll call to the Senator and seeing what is gonna happen!!!

  5. I see a possible glimmer of hope at the end of this dark tunnel - praying we won't be let down!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monyfer


      Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts, EVERYONE! I pray to GOD in HEAVEN that the end is in sight (and I am not even a religious person!)

    3. la2011


      Been following you, too. I pray this ordeal ends soon and wish you the best and sending lots of positivity your way.

    4. no  more

      no more

      Yes its coming....like old saying, darkest before the dawn!!!!

  6. Thanks hun..I keep hoping it will be any day now..we have waited this long..!!

  7. I got an e-mail saying that my case is pending review, but it did not give any timeline. Yours said sixty days? Mine just said these cases are processed as resources are available..

  8. I'm ok..still no news :(

  9. Got a follow up e-mail in response to the service request I placed after the 60 days from my RFE response expired. Says my case is pending review & these cases are processed as resources and priorities allow - no timeframe given. Is this good or bad?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. jimmy&eloisa


      thats good!! getting closer

    3. JCCJ


      Can't wait to hear good news from you. You'll get approved soon!!!

    4. Dumb/Dumber


      Praying you hear something soon.

  10. Thanks for the lawyer advice, I am going to contact her, even though I am not sure what she can do for us. Was she expensive?

  11. Thanks for checking in on us! :) We are still waiting - our visit recharged our batteries for a little while though. Hoping for good news soon or we will seriously discuss other options. Sigh! R u getting excited for Badhir's interview??

  12. Channah, I am going to file the paperwork with the Ombudsman. I was looking at the form and am not sure to fill out my name or my fiance's name for the first part. I think you filled this form out, do you remember whose name you put? Petitioner or beneficiary? It just says subject..

  13. Alone again. Another service request placed yesterday. More waiting.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Dumb/Dumber


      Monfer - hugs and good thoughts to you too. If you get your NOA2, it will give me some hope, but right now I just have no idea what the world is going on. There is no reason why you should not be approved already. You sent back your RFE. This is nuts. I pray pray pray you get your NOA2 this week.



      hey guys , im still praying for you...when i wanted attention to my case...i wrote to the white house, hillary clinton , and the ombusdmand , two senator and one congressman. just a few ideas to put out there .....but im sending blessings and luck to you yall

    4. Dumb/Dumber


      Thanks. We just need hope. I just saw a couple that waiting 8 months to get approved and now he is in the United States. That gives me hope.

  14. Did you put in your service request? We did - more waiting now.

  15. We went to the immigration office here in Philly, at 16th and Callowhill. Bad experience We are so frustrated! Glad to hear things are going well for you and your fiance though :)

  16. Did you have two RFEs? Can you explain what happened to your case and do you know why it took so long?

  17. InfoPass was awful, USCIS, heads up, try treating your citizens with RESPECT! http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/317609-infopass-appointment-was-a-disaster/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Channah&Aaron


      ;yeah! Let's say August first. And then u decide whether its a final deadline, or you decide to wait a little longer if you haven't ran out all of your patience :) but we all know that you will receive your noa2 before august will even start!

    3. T&R


      Ahhhhhhhh Monica, I am so sorry to hear! I cant believe they threated you that way! You dont deserve this! I KNOW everything will be fine for you...there are things that happen that we can not understand why...but I know everything will be fine, I am sorry for all of this. I am keeping you in my prayers. Wish you all the best, Tacia

    4. monyfer


      Thanks, Tacia, for your prayers. Hugs.

  18. Hi Michele!!! Our InfoPass appoint was a nightmare. Here is my review: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/317609-infopass-appointment-was-a-disaster/

  19. I am so glad you got your interview, one month away, how exciting! I am happy my honey here but InfoPass was a nightmare, here is my review http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/317609-infopass-appointment-was-a-disaster/

  20. InfoPass was an epic FAIL.. They refused to even look at out case coz i mentioned our congressman was involved. ahhhhhggg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. no  more

      no more

      Oh Monica I cant believe this! And for her to suggest you just get married and that way he can stay??? Does she not know the rules! I would go back and talk to someone above her for sure! ANd the fact she said she cant see your petition anyway..THEN WHATS THE POINT!!! Really I am so sorry you went through that today...I was thinking about you guys all day....love ya honey! Go kick some some ####!

    3. monyfer


      Thanks for your support xoxo

    4. charlize56


      my fiance told me before that he helped a freind from new orleans to fixed his immigration papers,bcoz they are from louisiana they went to new orleans office and yeah they are so rude to people!i hope that uscis office in jackson missisipi knows how to respect fellow americans?!

  21. My honey has arrived! He did get pulled aside in going thru immigration but it ended up being fine. Tomorrow: Infopass

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Channah&Aaron


      ; oh, and ofcourse good luck with your InfoPass!!!!

    3. no  more

      no more

      GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

    4. monyfer


      He flew into Newark, Channah! The InfoPass was awful but we are happy to be together for a few days anyway :)

  22. We have our infopass appt on Friday

  23. No, not til Friday

  24. We WILL get approved this week. We HAVE TO!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. stronger


      Wow...good luck girl. I hope you finally get some answers. *hugs*

    3. KayDeeCee


      Good luck tomorrow! I hope they tell you something useful. You guys deserve to know what the hell is going on.

    4. no  more

      no more

      So glad tomorrow you have the infopass...ANd yes your positive thoughts will pay off...We are all rooting for you! It will be such a happy day when we see you with your NOA2! WHen is he arriving??? I know you are excited to see him!

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