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Status Updates posted by monyfer

  1. Very depressed as we start our journey towards our journey towards our 9th month since NOA1. Congrats to Michele and Bahadir on their approval. We really are the last ones left behind now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Patricklove


      Be encouraged it won't be too long now!!1 stay strong

    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; stay strong!! we all feel for you and you know we are here for you... Think about the fact your <3 is going to visit you very soon from now.. and I know your NOA2 has arrived at your house by then... we all know it!! =)

    4. charlize56


      oh not you!but me that left behind.

  2. How are you doing? I can't believe both of us are still waiting...we have very similar time lines. Have you heard anything at all? I put in a service request - told we are still under background investigation? It's been well over a month since VSC received our RFE response...:(

  3. I know it is a very hard process. Stay strong....

  4. So sad that another week came and went with nothing. I'm too disappointed to even get hopeful that we will hear anything next week..what do you think? The only good news is my honey is coming to visit me over my birthday/July 4th weekend. Really pray we have some good news before then or we need to seriously talk about me moving back w/him ....

  5. Hi Channah! Yesterday came and went with RFE. Disappointing...we really thought last week would have been our week :( Anyway..my honey is coming to visit me over the July 4th wknd (which is also my b-day) so that is a little something to look forward to! :) Wonder if we will have any notice by the....

  6. You know what else is shady? When I check the EAC number on USCIS website, I check the numbers immediately following and after my number - a bunch of people with same filing date as me have RFEs and aren't approved yet. I think the officer we got assigned to is just really lazy, haha.

  7. Thaks for your support, that is really sweet.

  8. Gracias por el apoyo! Mi amor y yo decidimos que si no hemos recibido nada a mas tardar julio, me regresare a Mexico. El esta harto de estar solo y yo tambien. Aunque quisieramos una vida aqui en USA, me parece casi imposible :(

  9. That's great that CSC filer from August got approved but that scares me. I can't imagine waiting two more months. My fiance is sick of being apart and we have decided to have a serious talk in early July - if no approval by then I move back to Mexico... :-/

  10. thanks, hun. I think I will try contacting the Obudsman.......I have exhausted every other possibility at this point! Hope everything is going well with you as you prepare for your visa interview. :) :)

  11. Hi Channah! I appreciate your positivity! But, seeing those Oct/Nov filers approved makes me sadder, because they all filed after us - or their RFEs were dated after ours! The older couple from Sept, even though their RFE was dated before ours, i found out they didn't send their response back until a week after we sent ours! So we are still at the bottom of the pile somewher...

  12. Thanks so much for your support!

  13. Tomorrow marks 8 months since we sent our K-1 petition, and another day of crushing disappointment. I don't even wake up optimistic anymore. I am depressed, angry, and despondent all the time. It was hard to see so many people with RFEs dated after ours (even the one dated before us, they sent their response after we sent ours) approved today. This is how my fiance & I get treated for being upstanding, law-abiding, tax paying citizens all our lives? Treated like terrorists? All we wan...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Dumb/Dumber


      Worried about you. I have not seen any posts from you since June 2, 2011. Are you ok? We are all here for you and we feel your pain.

    3. monyfer


      I'm ok. Just very, very depressed.

    4. Dumb/Dumber


      I know. I have lost it so many times and it is so very painful, but we have to keep the faith. It is our fear that is overwhelming us. We are so afraid they won't get to come to America and so unsure of our future, but right now we have to try to think positive thoughts. Trust me I know how hard it is, but we can't let fear control our lives. Hang in there.

  14. Thanks, I hope we're next but things just are not looking good for us. I've lost all hope and don't even wake up feeling optimistic anymore - I've done that every day for eight months and all it has brought me is day after day of crushing disappointment :(

  15. Thanks for the positive thought - but I doubt we'll be next. I see today they approved a bunch of people with RFEs dated after ours (even the one dated before ours, they didn't send the response back until after we did). I have been optimistic every day for eight months and it has been crushed every day. I don't even wake up with hope anymore - just dread knowing another long day wi...

  16. So very happy for you!!! Hope to God we are next!

  17. Do you know if you were in administrative processing at all before you got approved?

  18. I sure hope this week is it!

  19. I sure hope this week is it!

  20. ANOTHER week came and went with nothing. Almost eight months with nothing. Got a letter from USCIS today saying that a decision cannot be made because the required background investigation into us is still open. Ironic, considering neither my fiance or I have any criminal background whatsoever - not even a speeding ticket! Guess he won't be here by my birthday like I hoped.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MandD


      :( thats sad :( lets hope they approve u guys soon :(
    3. sancdiap


      I'm really sorry to hear that

    4. shirley del carme

      shirley del carme

      Dont worry guys you will have it, just be patient and everything be ok....good luck!

  21. I don't know the answer to your question - I am not at the interview stage yet, but there are lots of other couples here with Mexican beneficiaries who could probably answer that for you. I think you don't even need the police certificate unless you have a police record.

  22. congrats!!!

  23. No news :( I am a little worried because tomorrow is the last Friday before the three day weekend. I saw someone with an RFE from FEBRUARY only just now got approved-3 months later..so scared it will take that long for us:(

  24. #######? Are you KIDDING me? I would be LIVID if I were you. Get your Senator involved immediately! Granted, mine didn't have the power to do anything more than send an e-mail and get a standard response, but you never know, some Senators/Congressman seem to actually have power. WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY NEED 30 MORE DAYS?!?!?!

  25. CONGRATS!! What was your RFE for? When did you send it back and when did VSC confirm receipt? We are waiting 7.5 months and sent our RFE response back over a month ago and nothing :(

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