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Liya S.

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Posts posted by Liya S.

  1. 7 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Did he elaborate to you (you do not need to elaborate here) the underlying crime?  Second degree manslaughter can be a lot of things like a DWI causing a death, selling drugs causing a death etc.  Again, no need to elaborate here, I just mentioned it as it will be a sign of his honesty.


    Good Luck!

    Yes he told me what happened but i don't really know the full story that's why i have to do more research... and thank you!

  2. 6 hours ago, JeanneAdil said:

    he's 23 now and would have been 18+/-  when he went in

    lack of any former education or job skills/ factory work may be possible if he can pass drug tests   just be careful 

    BTW my sister says many prisons make the inmate prove they have a job outside in order to get parole/  she works North Carolina as parole officer


    in prison most inmates learn the wrong things/  like how to better at crime / how to do ID theft is  a popular subject in many US jails 


    Sorry as i am not judging him as he was young and the worst happened /just know what and why 

    and talk to his family /see if he still has their support as he will need it 

    What do you mean by "lack of any former education or job skills/ factory work may be possible if he can pass drug tests"? 

    He was 16 when he went in he's turning 23 soon. And i sent him money once ($50) and then told him i wouldn't send anything anymore. Thank you for your reply!

  3. 14 hours ago, PaulaCJohnny said:

    Sounds like you are really young. Am my right?

    One super important thing that you need to start to research and understand is the limitations of a ex fellow person in the US.


    Maybe you are not seeing this right now but a relationship where you prefer towards ridding it from others isn’t a good sign.


    Please be really careful because not just this relationship sounds very new but also the consequences after this can be harder than you think.


    How long have he been incarcerated? What as the charges? How old are you both?


    This is not judging you! I’m just trying to make sure you understand how life can be without pink glasses.


    Good luck.

    I don't know how life is for a felon in the US but I'll definitely look into that. He's 23 and i'm 22 ; he's been incarcerated since 2018 and he committed 2nd degree manslaughter.
    I'm going to take things slow, visit him a few times and see how it goes as i'm not in a rush.

  4. 3 hours ago, Bethie said:

    As one poster said you have been given good information,   but also,   you need to check into his back ground to see if any trouble he got into if any before this conviction, do not just take what information he provides.

    Also you need to meet and know his family & friends.

    You need a lot of back ground on this guy before saying I do or even just him filing a fiancé' visa.


    You should truly do your homework on this man,    see if you can read the court records  on him on these charges. 


    Make yourself think with your head &  not just with your  heart.  Prisoner who are counting down the freedom days will do and say anything to a woman to have a place to stay when released. That just don't mean a place to sleep, but also financial support, employment to gain for him may not be easy to find  with his convictions. 

    Best wishes.




    I'm not sure how i can get the court records but i'll take your advice and do some research. And yes after reading other posts i think i'm going to take things slow because after all marriage didn't even cross my mind. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, *Snowdrop* said:

    The previous people I've seen on here who have married prisoners and then filed the Spouse visa application have done so because their partner was going to be in prison for a long time - years -and they wanted to be there in the US to be able to visit on a regular basis. 


    In your case, as he's getting out in a year, I'd give you the same advice I'd give anyone who has begun a relationship with someone online and from another country - give yourselves a lot of time to get to know each other in different circumstances. First face to face - and then in your case face to face outside of the prison environment - meet his family, meet his friends, see if your goals and futures are compatible, see if your living habits and needs are compatible. 


    THEN... make the big life-changing decisions about marriage. Work out what his prison record means for his travel options, will he ever be able to go to Switzerland with you? If you have children with him in the USA then you will have to commit to living there until they are adults if he can't leave the country. 


    This is what I'd advise to anyone in a relationship where there has been little in person experience of each other. 

    Thank you for the advice!

  6. 23 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Visa Waiver Programme




    You get ESTA which allows you travel and seek admission under the VWP, good for a 90 day per trip but I would not max it out.


    If you decide to marry he is the one who will file an I 130 for you.

    Ok thank you !!

    13 minutes ago, Timona said:

    @Liya S. are you born Swiss? Or do you have another nationality?

    Just Swiss

  7. 18 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    First and most importantly we do not judge.


    Swiss are eligible for the VWP


    Meet first and see where it goes if anywhere, you are getting ahead of yourself.


    Also wondering what your friends and family think of this?

    What is VWP?
    My family doesn't know about our relationship because i feel like they wouldn't approve which is understandable. I'll have to tell them one day anyway but i wanted to do it after our first visits. My friends don't know about the whole marriage thing but they don't think anything much of it they just told me to be careful. Thank you for your reply btw !

  8. 44 minutes ago, Redro said:

    You don’t need a special visa to get married in the U.S. or to a prisoner BUT there might be special rules around how to get married in his particular facility so you’ll want to investigate that. 
    Regarding being sponsored and living together. After getting married you can file the I130 and I130a- you might want to wait until after he has left the facility if he has difficulty completing the needed documentation online unless you plan on completing the paperwork together on one of your prison visits and mailing in a package. 

    Then you will wait for the I130 to be approved. You will have to more than likely find a joint sponsor as your partner might not make enough to sponsor you( and generally the non U.S. citizen cannot self sponsor unless they have an income in the US- if you have about $100K in savings though you might be able to use assets) 
    There are communities online of foreign women marrying prisoners in the US and a current TV show following foreign women marrying/ dating men based out of Michigan so you might want to find those groups for some support and tips while you navigate the process. 
    Good luck and I hope your first meeting goes well. 

    BE AWARE: THE SPOUSAL VISA PROCESS TAKES ABOUT 18-24 months. So, you won’t be moving to the US anytime soon. And you might want to visit several more times and really have a firm understanding of his crimes as you might be questioned about how well you know him/ the reasons he was incarcerated at the interview. 

    Yes i was planning on visiting him more times until he gets out. And i figured the whole process would take a while lol but is there a visa i can apply for to be able to work and live in the US while waiting on my spousal visa? Thank you for your reply btw !

  9. Hi everyone!


    So my boyfriend & I have been dating for almost 6 months and he's currently in prison. He's getting out in 13 months and has expressed an interest in marrying me. I wanted to know if marrying someone in prison as a foreigner was even possible and if so what kind of visa would i need? He says it is because he knows people who did it but i'm still unsure lol. I haven't met him yet but i plan to in July & August (i got approved for visitation). Would those visits & our messages/phone calls be enough proof? Or would it be better to wait until he's out? I don't really know much about applying for visas & the timelines so i don't know if i could even be approved for one to marry him before he gets out (13 months). I have enough money to support myself but i read that a joint sponsor would be required since he's technically unemployed and will be for the next year. More information : i'm from Switzerland, he's from Kentucky ; we're both in our early twenties (if that matters) & he's in for manslaughter and robbery. Thank you all! 

    Ps : i don't want to be judged i would like some advice or testimonies before considering consulting an attorney.

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