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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Cleveland OH
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Hi! I can confirm that this was correct. We got his SSN with absolutely no problems the day after we entered the US on his K1. We brought along his foreign birth certificate, the I-94 with his most recent entry on the K1, and his passport with his K1 stamp. They actually didn't even ask to see his birth certificate, just the I-94 and passport. (I'd still bring the birth certificate though, just to be safe.) All in all it took about a half hour at the office, and we received his SSN in the mail just over 2 weeks later.
  2. Hi! I'm sorry I'm responding a little late, currently visiting my partner and helping him pack up for the move! Yes, this was exactly what my RFE looked like, and all you need to do is check no and send it back. As I said, since your answer is no, there's no need to provide further evidence to prove the negative! Congratulations, things will move quickly from here.
  3. They seem to release interview dates about a month in advance, so they might not even have the dates available that you want yet. But if that's the case, just keep checking back and you can schedule whenever your desired timeframe has been released! (London does not schedule for you, so no worries there.)
  4. I suppose you could, although if they aren't questioning your "met online" status then it wouldn't be necessary. My partner and I also met online - we met on a Jcink forum for writing - and I explained that in my initial package, and USCIS didn't question it or flag it as a possible IMB. Since I see here you said you didn't elaborate in your initial package, they may ask you for evidence. But if they don't, I truly don't think you'd need to try to "prove a negative", so to speak! I would just follow the exact instructions that are sent. You could always print out the Discord TOS for the interview stage in case the officer there asks about it. If you get the same RFE as me, I didn't have to do anything other than check "no" and sign the exact same letter that they sent me, and then send it straight back. I didn't need to re-print that page or the petition, or any other part of the packet. Your instructions may be different but that's how it worked out for me!
  5. It's extremely possible that the RFE will just ask you to answer that question, not offer up any elaboration. I got an RFE for missing a checkbox about whether I have any criminal convictions, and the entire RFE was just for me to check "no" on the letter and send it back. Since Discord isn't an IMB, your RFE could be as simple as that! And, for what it's worth, it only held up the process about 3 weeks for us.
  6. Purely speculation but I'd reckon they're requesting this evidence because they already suspect fishiness. Unfortunately you did something illegal by working while on a tourist visa and now it's come back to bite you. Nobody here would advise you to do what you suggested, as it is illegal and it is against the TOS of this site to advocate for/condone any illegal activity.
  7. My partner had his interview mid May of this year in London. Everything we handed over that required my signature was scanned. Obviously all of his were wet since he printed off and signed himself. But it was not an issue!
  8. It sounds like CR1 is a better choice for you. When you enter the US on a K1, you are not allowed to work at all until you receive your work authorization, which could be several months. If your partner does not have enough income to support both of you, it will be a very difficult transition to the US, since you'll need funds to live and also the funds for adjustment of status after you're here, which is upwards of $2000. On a CR1, you'll arrive in the US with the ability to work instantly and you don't have to go through the AOS process. Here's an informational page about the differences between different visas: @Crazy Cat has a great comparison chart too which I can't seem to find now. Whichever path you take, I'd really recommend taking a long study of the guides provided here on VJ: https://www.visajourney.com/guides/ They are extremely helpful and will answer a lot of these preliminary questions!
  9. Congratulations! You can check your case status on the USCIS website using your receipt number here: https://egov.uscis.gov/ Otherwise, nothing to do but wait for NOA2.
  10. If you are in a western country (I agree with someone in your posting history who mentioned it sounds like you are in the UK, so that's my assumption) then there are absolutely resources for you. Homeless shelters, food banks, domestic violence shelters, government assistance programs for food and shelter and income assistance - there are programs you could definitely qualify for. Is your partner not able to help you financially, at least enough to get away and support yourself for a bit? Listen, your situation is extremely sympathetic. It sounds incredibly difficult. Many, many people immigrate to the United States because they are facing hardships at home. If the US government allowed everyone who attempted to immigrate illegally slide because they had a sad story (and to be clear, coming to the US on an ESTA with the intent to adjust status is illegal immigration) then everyone would do that. I'm not trying to be harsh, but I'm trying to make you understand that escaping your situation via illegal immigration isn't an option, no matter what kind of story you can tell them if you get caught. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is try to make your life bearable in the meantime.
  11. I really feel for your situation. Unfortunately, nobody here would condone that path, as it is expressly against the law (as you have acknowledged yourself) and it goes against VJ TOS to give any advice that would not be a legal option. Also, for what it's worth, there's a lot that could go wrong with that plan that would just land you back at home, and even potentially with a ban from entering the US at all, or at the very least with your current K1 now under more intense scrutiny. Rather than focusing on marriage as a way out of your situation, I would really encourage you to look into whatever community resources are available to you in your area of the world. Domestic violence shelters, etc, to get you away from your parents and on your feet independently, first. There is no quick way out of your situation that is legal and involves immigration to the United States. If you fill out your timeline, or at least tell us what embassy, others may be able to tell you how much longer you have to wait in the K1 process, or even point you toward resources available in your country. I'm very sorry for everything you're going through. It sounds extremely hard.
  12. The Hep B vaccine is a 3 dose series, but if you get the first dose, the medical center will be able to waive the requirement for the remaining two due to the time constraint. My partner got his first dose of the Hep B vaccine with his GP because we saw another review that mentioned that vaccine isn't always available at the clinic and we didn't want any hold ups. Same with the Covid booster.
  13. Understandable - I'd definitely still take the evidence just in case your officer is more concerned with your situation, but I wouldn't stress too much about it!
  14. Personally, with London I think you should be okay. YMMV because I (the USC) have income above the poverty guidelines so I did not need to joint sponsor. However, at my fiance's interview on Tuesday, they asked for just the I-134 form, but he didn't give them any of the evidence. They never asked for it, and his visa has now been issued, so apparently it wasn't a problem. I don't think London weights it very heavily. As Boiler said, just make sure you have it all worked out when it comes time for I-864 at the AOS stage. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
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