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Everything posted by Family

  1. Aaa…that’s a different kettle of fish . ..😂 You won’t clear F-2A in time and will likely age out to F-2B … I would have Exhausted all options in getting the F-1 student and change of status …even with a starter program that may not be your ultimate choice . But if your H-4 is already gone …no chance there. Did you consult w attorney before dad filed ? ‘
  2. I was questioning your claim that says you could not adjust with your parent as a child dependent H-4 under 21. Did you apply for I-485 w parents and got denied ?
  3. Did you file I-485 at the same time as your parents and USCIS denied you on basis “ over 18 but under 21”….I will ask that you read the denial and either quote it directly or upload it here The is only one CSPA protection and under that definition a child remains so until 21…
  4. The USC father doesn’t have to be physically present for the CRBA, he is not required to be the applying parent . He can simply sign and notarize the DS-5507 ‘You can do the heavy lifting , prepare the applications and fly with children to the interview. https://www.notarize.com/international/norway#:~:text=Notarize a document from Norway in a matter of minutes.&text=Complete a notarization in 15,%2410 per additional notary seal. https://common.usembassy.gov/en/crba/
  5. Great post , you are a skilled writer. As you noted , misinformation is often bandied about on forums . ‘Most common is the USC petitioner /sponsor’s need to have 3 years of past tax returns. Once again, your experience demonstrates there is no such thing. I am curious however, why you think that foreign spouses qualifying income needs to be 3 times poverty guidelines. …as that applies only to assets. Income level should suffice at the 125% , be it foreign ( and will continue ) or domestic . Did the CO say something to make you believe that?
  6. Democratic congressmen unveil bill to rename a federal prison after Trump The measure comes in response to a group of Republicans introducing a bill to rename Dulles airport after the former president and presumptive GOP presidential nominee. Three Democratic congressmen unveiled legislation Friday to rename a federal prison in Miami after former President Donald Trump. The bill — offered by Reps. Gerry Connolly, of Virginia; Jared Moskowitz, of Florida; and John Garamendi, of California — comes in response to a measure introduced by a group of House Republicans to rename Washington Dulles International Airport after Trump. “When our Republican colleagues introduced their bill to rename Dulles after Donald Trump, I said the more fitting option would be to rename a federal prison,” Connolly said in a statement. “I hope our Republican friends will join us in bestowing upon Donald J. Trump the only honor he truly deserves.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/democratic-congressmen-unveil-bill-rename-federal-prison-trump-rcna146588
  7. Did you attempt to file a new I-130 DCF ( direct consular filing) through Frankfurt after the I-407 completed by USCIS? ‘You need some qualifying circumstances ( review criteria first). If they already denied you for I-130 DCF , then just file the new I-130 online today
  8. They shift workloads to service centers as they see fit…so you won’t know where it lands . Things seem to be looking up so let’s hope speedy resolution coming your way
  9. Wait to file moms I-824 until you have the approval in hand. You need to make sure it also says an I-824 is required. ..
  10. Only one address comes up for I-824..are you checking the correct instructions for USCIS filing, not CBP https://www.uscis.gov/i-824-addresses
  11. They will definitely approve your green card. ..under F-2A if current or as soon as hubby naturalizes. It’s common misconception for attorneys to insist that 2 s I-290 B filings are required …but you stood your ground and got them to do it free. ..so take it as a BIG WIN.
  12. You say she is married for 10 years…if that is true, she would have been granted a permanent card from the start..nor a conditional 2 year. You can check with her on date of marriage date on her green card date she applied for I-751
  13. Enjoy your hammer and laugh with gusto 😂 I admit everytime I see @Crazy Cat get riled up on cehst . picture this fellow
  14. A man who attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right rallies will lose his city council seat after his past was revealed Several residents in Enid blasted city council commissioner Judd Blevins at a public meeting last fall for participating in the 2017 “Unite the Right” rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia, that saw one counter protester killed and dozens injured. They also highlighted offensive comments he was accused of making online under a pseudonym Blevins has also denied that he’s ever identified as a White nationalist or White supremacist. In one message less than a month before the 2017 rallies, Conway wrote positively about Adolf Hitler, saying, “Hitler never would have allowed this sh*t.” Conway also wrote a derogatory statement about a Jewish woman. The contexts of the posts are unclear. And in one message less than two weeks before the Charlottesville rally, Conway wrote: “I JUST CANT FEEL SAFE IF IM NOT PACKING AN AR WITH A 100 ROUND DRUM AND SPORTING MY SWASTIKA ARMBAND.” https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/02/us/enid-oklahoma-council-special-election-charlottesville-rally/index.html
  15. Apr 3, 2024 - ISW Press Several Iranian-backed Iraqi militias have signaled their desire to disrupt the “land bridge” connecting Israel to the Persian Gulf. Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba Secretary General Akram al Kaabi criticized the “land bridge,” which passes through the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan, in a speech on April 3. Kataib Hezbollah military spokesperson Hussein Moanes similarly declared on April 1 that the group is prepared to arm Iranian-backed militants in Jordan and “cut off” land routes that reach Israel. https://www.understandingwar.org/
  16. Did you and spouse separate AFTER the October ROC interview / approval? ‘Is it possible she sent a bad faith letter to USCIS to try and derail your N-400?
  17. Just for historical context in 2019 that was exactly the case …so it’s safe for now and if administration doesn’t change . That is not however applicable to the USC stepchildren ..just to the alien applicant. ‘But both USCIS and DOS had very very different way of “.looking “ at the “totality” and all that jazz https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/fact-sheet/public-charge-policies-for-immigrants-implications-for-health-coverage/ Under the rule, officials will newly consider use of certain previously excluded programs, including non-emergency Medicaid for non-pregnant adults, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and several housing programs, in public charge determinations
  18. The situation led Trump Media to take emergency loans, including from an entity called ES Family Trust, which opened an account with Paxum Bank, a small bank registered on the Caribbean island of Dominica that is best known for providing financial services to the porn industry. Through leaked documents, the Guardian has learned that ES Family Trust operated like a shell company for a Russian-American businessman named Anton Postolnikov, who co-owns Paxum Bank and has been a subject of a years-long joint federal criminal investigation by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) into the Trump Media merger. The existence of the trust has previously been reported by the Guardian and the Washington Post. However, who controlled the account, how the trust was connected to Paxum Bank, and how the money had been funneled through the trust to Trump Media was unknown. The new details about the trust are drawn from documents including: Paxum Bank records showing Postolnikov having access to the trust’s account, the papers that created the trust showing as its settlor a lawyer in St Petersburg, Russia, and three years of the trust’s financial transactions. The concern surrounding the loans to Trump Media is that ES Family Trust may have been used to complete a transaction that Paxum itself could not. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/03/trump-media-es-family-trust-2022-loans
  19. If one is needed and they recommend you for one…it’s where it starts.
  20. Choose your words carefully….its great to be excited about the Job/ Work …but they must believe you intend to go back home…so dream of getting a competitive advantage when you return home….? 😎.
  21. No …it will have to wait for priority date to be current. See link in prev response. They may approve it quickly but will be many years . Make sure you indicate , she will do consular process .
  22. First , it’s encouraging to hear you got back on track. Do not cancel the interview. You will provide a corrected /updated response to the DS-160 then . ‘Be open and truthful about misunderstanding the ESTA questions , in light of what I assume is No Live Trace and your perception that it went away. Follow the link and get as much of the recommended records as you can . Squeeze in a visit to your doctor, a psychiatrist that deals with addiction and try to put together an All Clear evaluation , if possible. ‘Get a couple of He Is The Best Thing since Sliced Bread letters of recommendation from a professional and community figure. Put your best foot forward…and follow the officers lead. Ask if your record warrants recommendation for non immigrant waiver …if you are unsure how interview is going. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/UnitedKingdom.html The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 enables some criminal convictions to become 'spent', or ignored, after a set length of time from the date of conviction. After this period, with certain exceptions, an ex-offender is not normally obliged to mention their conviction when applying for a job or obtaining insurance, or when involved in criminal or civil proceedings. The "No Live Trace" or "Further Information Stepped Down" response indicates that information is available relating to a 'spent' conviction. A "No Trace" response indicates a clean police record. Applicants presenting “No Live Trace” or “Further Information Stepped Down” police records are encouraged to request and submit their Subject Access Record to facilitate visa processing. Applicants are legally entitled to gain access to this information about themselves under Section 7 of the British Data Protection Act, 1998. Prison Records Unavailable. Court Records Available. Applicants may obtain court records (usually called "Memorandum of Conviction" in the United Kingdom), by writing to the Clerk of Court of the court (or courts) in which he or she was tried. This request must include as precise a date and place as possible.
  23. Not in this scenario. ..only if there had been a separate petition for the child. ..and would only be relevant if OP natz after child turned 21.
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