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Everything posted by Family

  1. My initial position stands. Move forward with I-130s and CRBA submitting name and BC info that is currently reflected as her legal name. Adding the bc and pending court case changes will make the future process easier. At any stage , a delayed registration BC will trigger request for review . So no use juggling What Ifs and no advantage in waiting
  2. Former Pentagon chief: Trump gave no order to prepare troops before Jan. 6 Former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told the House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol that then-President Trump gave no orders to prepare troops before that day. When specifically asked about whether there was a direct order from Trump to have Guard troops ready, Miller said there was not At the hearing last week the committee shared testimony from Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who recalled how he felt about Trump not issuing orders to deploy the National Guard “You’re the commander in chief. You’ve got an assault going on on the Capitol of the United States of America,” Milley said. “And there’s nothing? No call? Nothing? Zero?”
  3. Yes…some folks still reminisce fondly😂. ‘Been trying to envision what a real schism would look like …on the streets…bar room brawls? naughty tallies? …Just can’t see it QAnon follower who chased Capitol officer on Jan. 6 gets 5 years Wearing a T-shirt celebrating the conspiracy theory with his arms spread, Douglas Jensen became part of one of the most memorable images from the riot. As he handed down the sentence, Judge Timothy Kelly said he wasn’t sure Jensen understood the seriousness of a violent attack in which he played a “big role.” EXPLAINER: How to watch the Jan. 6 committee’s final public meeting “It snapped our previously unbroken tradition of peaceful transfer of power. We can’t get that back,” Kelly said. “I wish I could say I had evidence you understood this cannot be repeated.” Jensen was convicted at trial of seven counts, including felony charges that he obstructed Congress from certifying the Electoral College vote and that he assaulted or interfered with police officers during the siege. His sentence also includes three years of supervised release and a $2,000 fine. He gave a brief statement to the judge, saying that he wanted to return to “being a family man and my normal life before I got involved with politics.” https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/qanon-follower-who-chased-capitol-officer-on-jan-6-gets-5-years Photos: A look back at the Jan. 6 insurrection https://www.npr.org/sections/pictureshow/2022/01/06/1070610129/photos-one-year-later-a-look-back-on-the-jan-6-insurrection
  4. Judge permits Gaetz, Greene to sue California cities that canceled their events But the judge blasted the GOP lawmakers for “pure conjecture” and “conspiracy theory” against civic groups. A federal judge on Friday cleared the way for Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene to sue two California cities that canceled their political events in 2021. But the judge excoriated the two pro-Trump firebrands for attempting to blame the cancellation on a slew of liberal advocacy groups — from the NAACP to the League of Women Voters to LULAC, who the pair accused of conspiring with Anaheim and Riverside, Calif., to shut down their planned rallies. The lawsuit by the two GOP lawmakers is “utterly devoid of any specifics plausibly alleging such an agreement,” wrote U.S. District Judge Hernan Vera in a 22-page opinion, calling it “both legally and literally, a conspiracy theory that relies purely on conjecture.” https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/22/judge-permits-gaetz-greene-to-sue-california-cities-that-canceled-their-events-00148693
  5. Then go ahead and file now . It may take a few months before they look at the case and you will have a generous window to respond at RFE stage ..(87 days to answer from date of RFE) Make sure you translate and supporting court name change documentation.
  6. Do you have any documentation of the court case in her home country that shows her birth certificate will be so drastically amended? ‘Are you sure of the time frame you expect that case to result in her obtaining a whole new birth certificate/identity? You can file now, using her current name and birth certificate along with evidence of upcoming changes. You will get an RFE As an adult with children of her own, why did she wait so long ?
  7. It just occurred to me, that get her to the land border …sounds a bit vague. ..and does not involve stealth or illegal crossing. For clarification, it just means your wife gets in front of a CBP officer presents her expired card, extension letter and asks to be allowed . .. ‘She insists she is an LPR and even if they detain her a bit or issue NTA …she will get in. None of that is possible anywhere but at land POE. ‘
  8. If they approve the next boarding foil ( post I-751) , he is fine…but if they deny, then it’s time for a Napoleonic tactic at land POE…😂
  9. 54 Great Sources for Climate Change News https://onlinepublichealth.gwu.edu/resources/sources-for-climate-news/ Climate Change & Global Warming Research Guide: Useful Websites Useful search tips and links to a rich and diverse range of information sources relating to climate change at DePaul University Library https://libguides.depaul.edu/c.php?g=253564&p=1690283 WMO | State of Global Climate 2023 Report 19 March 2024 The State of the Global Climate 2023 report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) shows that records were once again broken, and in some cases smashed, for greenhouse gas levels, surface temperatures, ocean heat and acidification, sea level rise, Antarctic sea ice cover and glacier retreat. Weather hazards continued to trigger displacement in 2023, showing how climate shocks undermine resilience and create new protection risks among the most vulnerable populations https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/reports
  10. Yes, she can sign. The definition of “other person” is on back of the form and is specifically for LPR https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf
  11. On a very serious note, try finding a Saul Goodman type of Immigration Attorney …preferably in the town near POE you will attempt in Mid April .
  12. It’s all good ..😊 I self deleted one since you had already confirmed I-751 sent. The other was just personal info redaction . Hail To The Mods! 😂
  13. Sorry to repeat this, but it’s important. did you specifically ask in file that they Accept Late Filed I-751 for Good Reason?
  14. You cannot have her wait out the I-751 duration. The filing is meant to generate the receipt and extension. …and give some small ammunition to try and get her in the country , by land POE if necessary. The filing itself is not a total fix…you have to get her in
  15. Did you ask for USCIS to accept the late filing of I-751 in your cover letter?
  16. https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/extreme-weather/ As Earth’s climate changes, it is impacting extreme weather across the planet. Record-breaking heat waves on land and in the ocean, drenching rains, severe floods, years-long droughts, extreme wildfires, and widespread flooding during hurricanes are all becoming more frequent and more intense. Human actions since the Industrial Revolution, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, have caused greenhouse gases to rapidly rise in the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases increase, they act as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet. In response, Earth’s air and ocean temperatures warm. This warming affects the water cycle, shifts weather patterns, and melts land ice — all impacts that can make extreme weather worse. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Sixth Assessment Report released in 2021, the human-caused rise in greenhouse gases has increased the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. NASA’s satellite missions, including the upcoming Earth System Observatory, provide vital data for monitoring and responding to extreme weather events. What are the effects of climate change on extreme weather?
  17. Context Hearing on Impact of Climate Change on Severe Weather The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing on the impact of climate change on severe weather events, such as heat waves, floods, and hurricanes. Witnesses included Michael Wehner, senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Jennifer Jurado, chief resilience officer of Broward County, Florida, who both testified on how human-caused climate change was making severe weather events more frequent and intense. https://www.c-span.org/video/?531527-1/hearing-impact-climate-change-severe-weather
  18. This Republican is pushing back on MAGA election fraud Wisconsin GOP leader says Trump backers seeking to recall him don’t have enough signatures Wisconsin’s top Republican lawmaker, who derided supporters of former President Donald Trump attempting to recall him from office as “whack jobs and morons,” on Thursday challenged the validity of thousands of signatures collected and declared the effort failed. If the challenges are successful, there would be nowhere near enough valid signatures to force a recall election for Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. Vos is being targeted for recall because he refused to impeach the state’s top elections official or proceed with attempting to decertify President Joe Biden’s 2020 victory in Wisconsin. His actions angered Trump, who accused Vos of covering up election corruption, while Trump’s followers mounted an unsuccessful primary challenge in 2022 and are now trying to force a recall election. Vos contends that no matter what lines are used, petition circulators fell “woefully short” of the needed valid signatures to force a recall election. He also alleged the recall effort was “plagued with fraud and criminality.” The Racine County district attorney was also investigating claims that the petitions included names of people who did not sign it. Petition organizers have alleged a wide array of conspiracy theories to explain why their petitions contained invalid signatures. They did not return a message seeking comment after Vos filed his challenges. https://apnews.com/article/wisconsin-speaker-robin-vos-trump-recall-cfd4dbf2b7aded431d1324b3a0416d75
  19. Their workflow and dept staffing is widely available public knowledge. Some DIY hints /hacks are valuable if they help save effort/resources/frustration.. I for example always used dry white out without ever running into any issues, in-spite of the instructions.
  20. NO ONE handling the DEMOLITION of your Binder and dismantling of sheet protectors will read the contents . ..so your effort was futile . ‘It’s true that USCIS is forgiving ( unlike courts that would bounce back submissions that don’t conform) …but that attorney was pulling your leg😂
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