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Posts posted by Genzo10

  1. 5 minutes ago, Beth Moskov said:

    So the original we were given an RFE so we had to supply a number of documents for the RFE so the makes the total number of pages to USCIS about 400. As for the business it it a legitimate business and he has helped me with the business side... NOT a means to earn a living but a project we have wanted to set up together. For our additional evidence we have not gone over board with evidence. 


    What kind of RFE did they ask?



  2. 5 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    he will have a French birth certificate and his passport will show he didn't live elsewhere

    my nieces born in France also say Moroccan nationality but never lived there

    your fiancee can go thru the process to apply for French citizenship if he does not already have it/ u can apply when u have lived there 5 continuous years

    brother in law just did that for his oldest daughter



    He has french citizenship because born in France but other citizenship from his parents. About passports he does not have old passports only new.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Lil bear said:

    As confusing as the official instructions are .. they are accurate and complete when read fully. But I'm pretty sure we all understand how you feel… i well remember the head spinning and panic thoughts that try to take hold ! 


    1 minute ago, Crazy Cat said:

    Thanks.  I had to think about that question for a while, myself.  Good luck on your journey.....


    Thank you

  4. 11 minutes ago, mushroomspore said:

    Where did you read that? How would they have access? They are law enforcement, which means they have to ask a judge for permission (aka, a search warrant). Also, you can delete things from social media. Law enforcement cannot know exactly what was deleted just by looking through your phone or computer. They have to get a warrant and then go directly to the social media companies to request the deleted data, which can take a long time.


    2 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    I don't know where you are getting your info, but I would stick with Visa Journey......what you read is way, way out in left field.....and inaccurate.


    Sorry maybe i did not understand well, i saw an article like few months ago where they ask now phone numbers and emails and social media.



  5. Hey, my fiance and me are on process and i read about this application.


    Why do some have to fill it out and others not?


    Is the DS-5535 the result of certain information that the applicant fills in the DS 160/260 before the interview? Isn't this due to information from I-129?


    Thank you My fiancé was born in France, has dual citizenship because his parents (Tunisia) but hasn't traveled anywhere in the past 7 years other than the US to see me.


    Do you think he can have it? 


    Thank you so much




  6. 1 minute ago, JeanneAdil said:

    French citizen by birth 

    or born in another country?

    if born in France and has not travel to countries that are considered to have "training camps for terrioism",  than quit worrying

    there is enough stress in this process without adding upneeded worry worry worry


    French citizen by birth, he has not travelled in any countries except US thoses last 5 years for vacation and visit me.

  7. 4 minutes ago, carmel34 said:

    There is no magic number of visits, other than the one visit requirement for the fiancé visa within the two years prior to filing the I-129F petition.  Some K-1 applicants are approved based on that one required visit, others are not.  There are so many additional factors involved, one of which is the country where the visa interview will take place.  For France, a low-fraud country, one visit may be sufficient, but it is impossible to predict what the final outcome will be.  We often see cases for a K-1 with "red flags" or complicating issues, including the country of origin for the beneficiary, large age gaps, different religions and languages, etc., that sometimes cause a K-1 denial because the officer suspects something is not right.  Is the beneficiary from France, or some other country, with legal residency in France?  Other issues that sometimes come up are related to the history of both the petitioner and the beneficiary, such as previous US visa denials for the beneficiary, deportation, specific relationship circumstances (met through a family member), or a criminal record for either.  I recommend visiting each other as often as you can, in person, not only for US immigration evidence purposes, but also to get to know each other as well as you can before marriage.  Good luck with your journey! 


    He is French and no criminal records, never been married never deported, he visited me in US.


    Thank you

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