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  1. @Blueeyes1989 Hello, I would like to know if you have any idea when RCMP clearance going to expire? I took mine March 2021. Should I get a new one? Thanks

  2. My priority date 01-oct-2002. Hopefully I will received my interview letter soon. Thanks Blueeyes1989
  3. Hi did she received it through email or mail? I moved to different address I am just wondering. Thanks
  4. Did you receive your interview letter?

    1. kenai


      I have not received an interview letter yet. I don’t know where to check. As other people in the trend that was DQ’d the same time they already received their interview letter. Do you know if it will be send through mail or email? thanks

    2. Blueeyes1989


      What is your priority date?

    3. kenai


      Priority date 01-oct-2002. The last email I received late august was the generic  notice "to inform your case for an immigrant visa is documentarily complete at NVC since 30-Oct-2021"  So far nothing  new. I was a little worried as we recently move to different address. And if it was through mail I might not get it. I am relieved that interview letter will be sent through email. Thank you @Blueeyes1989 for replying. 

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