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  1. Yes, I am Tony––the only one on the tread to use their full name lol.
  2. Edit: 1,003 days was a different date, but nonetheless, June 18th is a symbolic date I'll share with @ice-qube one day lol.
  3. Hey guys, I haven't been on here for a long time (8 days). I used to regularly check in 8 times an hour (lol). I'm here for 2 main reasons. First, I know how much it must hurt when someone gets approved and they announce it on here while you are still waiting (whether you admit it or not). I know I used to slightly envy those approved (whilst still being happy for them). However (and finally), I have the chance to witness my name turn green on the spreadsheet, as not only am I approved and issued my Visa, but I am also in Florida with my wife, reunited after 1,003 days. They asked for my passport back on April 11th, I was issued on April 28th, got my Visa on May 2nd, and entered the U.S. today (May 6th). Apparently clearance was received on March 30th. I am #37 on @Danii's spreadsheet. The second reason why I am here is for my 'brother from another mother,' @ice-qube. Brother, if you are still waiting, which I think you are, my wife and I hired Joshua Goldstein to help us with the Mandamus lawsuit. I know he used to charge $4,500 USD, his price might have gone up, but maybe you can ask him for the same price as one of his previous clients (me). Tell him that you are my friend or something and that I recommended him to you. I've never felt this bad for someone I have never met before, but I do because I was in your shoes and I know exactly how you feel, man. I believe you applied for your Visa on June 18th, 2019? If so, that exact date was symbolic for me too (as you can see, that is the 1,003rd day I've been waiting to reunite with my wife). I applied for my Visa in October 2020, but June 18th, 2019 is symbolic in a different way (we can talk about it when we meet in Florida). If you want, you can send me a contact of yours in the direct messages, maybe Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter (I don't have a phone number yet). Let's keep in touch for the better days to come. In the meantime, stay strong, YOU CAN fix this madness, just as my wife and I did. For the rest of you, thank you too, for healing my depression in some way, as I knew I wasn't alone in this. However, I am starting a new life now, and I will no longer be checking this website, as it gives me terrible chills. I hope you understand. All the best to everyone, and good luck!
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