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Posts posted by Dakine10

  1. 2 hours ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    But yet we have page after page of Trump pulled the tag off a mattress threads 


        Yes, although that seems to be beside the point. 


        As our friend Kip used to say, post something interesting and people will comment. If not, I don't think we need to go digging around for an explanation.

  2. 9 hours ago, Bill & Katya said:

    Is it really a "the Left" thread?  I would think all people would be interested when the media admits to do something wrong regardless of the context.


        Well it shouldn't have been, but a few here seem intent on making every thread about "the left". I don't think we need to go searching for reasons why the thread didn't gain traction. How many times do you expect people to read the same thing before they stop clicking?

  3. 5 hours ago, Bill & Katya said:

    As stated, it is an opinion piece, and I do not want to violate VJ TOS by posting the entire article.  But it begs the question, if you cannot read it, why comment on it?


         As I stated, what you posted here was more than the WSJ allows people to read without paying. Fair use does not allow you to be posting content for free that the WSJ is charging viewers to read, however the content does not seem to be at a level I would pay money to read. That was my point.



  4. 1 hour ago, jg121783 said:

    New revelations have surfaced that the Obama administration abused intelligence during the election by launching a massive domestic-spy campaign that included snooping on Trump officials.


    The irony is mind-boggling: Targeting political opposition is long a technique of police states like Russia, which Team Obama has loudly condemned for allegedly using its own intelligence agencies to hack into our election.


    The revelations, as well as testimony this week from former Obama intel officials, show the extent to which the Obama administration politicized and weaponized intelligence against Americans.




      You've posted at least 20 times that the NY post is 'fake' news. You have been one of the most vocal people on this site in that regard.


      If you only believe the media when it's when it's something you agree with, then it's time to admit that the issue in general may be more with the viewers than the source.

  5. 5 hours ago, Boiler said:

    But but




         This young lady would have likely drawn suspicion regardless of who the president was, but as we all know, the reaction of DHS is often heavily influenced by the policies of the president. Trump was the one who took the leash off the dogs, so to speak. If we are to believe that DHS had their hands tied to a certain extent under Obama, then it's probably worth keeping in mind (for travelers) how heavy those hands may have become now that they have been 'freed'. 


      I don't know her intentions, and neither did DHS. Even prior to this story though,  I think it's been apparent that right now is probably not a good time to be testing the limits of immigration policy.

  6. 27 minutes ago, IAMX said:

       We really aren't arguing about anything. In fact Bill agreed with me that FOX really capitalized on an opportunity.  Pseudo news and a captive audience was their bread and butter.


       I'm not surprised you chose to resort to liberal bashing again though. Your thought train seems to follow a single track in that regard. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Bill & Katya said:

    Interesting, that caption could apply to any of the major media outlets. 


      Sure it could, but it says FOX. What other news channel needed a slogan like 'fair and balanced' for something that had generally been implied by news coverage up until that point. FOX was really the trailblazer for pushing the limits of fake news. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    I wonder how long it will be before MDL  becomes outdated and  THE LEFT finds it offensive?  I just asked my middle of the road Asian wife if her or any of her , friends found that offensive. She thought it was a silly thing, and said of course not.


    I suspect it is more white uber offended leftist in a rush to prove how enlightened and hip they are.


      Skipped reading the article again, didn't you?

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