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Posts posted by 90DayFinancier

  1. 19 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    It is interesting how opinions can be treated as facts when they come from a certain political mindset.

    How does a news article which features quotes from a variety people with different perspectives on the issue come across to you as an opinion piece? It is a news piece about opinions. They actually said those things. Substantial difference from opinion or even analysis. 

  2. No invention was needed. The Russians attempted interfered on multiple levels, documented well in the indictment of IRA participation on US soil. Whether it impacted outcomes or not, it is a fact. At the very least their was naivete by several team members affiliated with the Trump campaign spheres.


    Specific to Flynn, his crimes are undisputable. He took money from Turkey and represented their interests and did not register as a foreign agent. He took funding from Russia and he met with the Russian ambassador and lied about it. Why?  Because he knows the law.


    Trump partisans need to get over their anguish on this topic and face up the reality.



  3. 1 hour ago, Dashinka said:

    It’s an opinion piece dressed up as a news piece that only points out various opinions from those on both sides.  Anyone could have written it, but the only fact it actually contains is the fact that the DOJ dropped the Flynn case.

    Well that's your opinion. That fact is several quotes from different views on the topic were presented. Quite a bit of difference over American Greatness or Town Hall that features one group of views.

  4. 1 hour ago, Dashinka said:

    Actually, the only thing that didn’t transfer over was the headline.  The portion that you posted is still there on page three.

    The lede was buried, the impact was negated. Folks who don't want to wade through Townhall , Breitbart , Rush Limbaugh, American greatness threads will not not see a merged bit  two paragraphs in the whole scheme of things. Personally, those publications are hacks and life is to short to read/ listen to them let alone , you have expressed similar views about the Post, the Times, Forbes et Al and you are entitled to that view. 



  5. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/little-richard-dead-48505/


    A founding father of rock and roll whose fervent shrieks, flamboyant garb, and joyful, gender-bending persona embodied the spirit and sound of that new art form, died Saturday. He was 87. The musician’s son, Danny Jones Penniman, confirmed the pioneer’s death to Rolling Stone, but said the cause of death was unknown. 

    Starting with “Tutti Frutti” in 1956, Little Richard cut a series of unstoppable hits – “Long Tall Sally” and “Rip It Up” that same year, “Lucille” in 1957, and “Good Golly Miss Molly” in 1958 – driven by his simple, pumping piano, gospel-influenced vocal exclamations and sexually charged (often gibberish) lyrics. “I heard Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis, and that was it,” Elton John told Rolling Stone in 1973. “I didn’t ever want to be anything else. I’m more of a Little Richard stylist than a Jerry Lee Lewis, I think. Jerry Lee is a very intricate piano player and very skillful, but Little Richard is more of a pounder.” 

  6. 2 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    So which world view is correct?  The leftist biased mainstream media view, or the proper view?  It seems that Obama and Biden were in on everything as well.  I guess you don’t really care about total abuse of power.

    Neither is correct, both should deserve proper visibility and discussion. The two postings are not even two sides of the same discussion,IMO.

  7. Vice-president Mike Pence’s press secretary tested positive for the coronavirus, the White House said Friday, making her the second person who works at the White House complex known to test positive for the virus this week.

    Katie Miller is married to Stephen Miller, a top Trump advisor. She has been in recent contact with Pence but not with the president. The White House had no immediate comment on whether Stephen Miller had been tested or if he was still working out of the White House.


  8. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/mueller-s-investigation-trump-has-consumed-barr-day-one-n1203021


    • SHARE THIS —

    Image: William Barr Attorney General William Barr at a Wall Street Journal CEO Council, on Dec. 10, 2019, in Washington.Al Drago / Reuters file

    May 8, 2020, 9:50 AM PDT / Updated May 8, 2020, 10:50 AM PDT
    By Pete Williams

    WASHINGTON — To his critics, Attorney General William Barr is doing all he can to undercut the conclusions of the Mueller investigation to please the White House. To his supporters, he is scrutinizing the probe of a presidential candidate that even the Justice Department's inspector general said was flawed.

    Those fault lines were in sharp relief after Barr directed federal prosecutors to abandon their prosecution of Michael Flynn, who served briefly as national security adviser in the early days of the Trump administration. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations during the transition with Russia's ambassador to the U.S.


    By Charlie Savage
    May 7, 2020

    WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s decision to drop the criminal case against Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, even though he had twice pleaded guilty to lying to investigators, was extraordinary and had no obvious precedent, a range of criminal law specialists said on Thursday.

    “I’ve been practicing for more time than I care to admit and I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Julie O’Sullivan, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches criminal law at Georgetown University.

    The move is the latest in a series that the department, under Attorney General William P. Barr, has taken to undermine and dismantle the work of the investigators and prosecutors who scrutinized Russia’s 2016 election interference operation and its links to people associated with the Trump campaign.

    The case against Mr. Flynn for lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations with the Russian ambassador was brought by the office of the former special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. It had become a political cause for Mr. Trump and his supporters, and the president had signaled that he was considering a pardon once Mr. Flynn was sentenced. But Mr. Barr instead abruptly short-circuited the case.



  10. https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3083368/coronavirus-us-death-toll-would-have-been-halved


    The swifter introduction of measures to contain the coronavirus could have saved thousands of American lives, according to a new study. Photo: ReutersThe swifter introduction of measures to contain the coronavirus could have saved thousands of American lives, according to a new study. Photo: Reuters

    Coronavirus: US death toll would have been halved had it acted 4 days sooner, study says

    • Growth rate for new infections, fatalities slowed dramatically after introduction of self-isolation measures and wearing of face masks, American researchers say
    • Had Washington acted even a month after Beijing shut down Wuhan, human cost would have been a fraction of what it is today, they say
    Stephen Chen
    Stephen Chen in Beijing

    Published: 12:00am, 8 May, 2020


    The daily death toll from   in the United States could have been more than halved if authorities had acted more swiftly in recommending self-isolation and the wearing of face masks, according to a new study.

    Several US states began issuing stay-at-home orders in late March, while federal health authorities began recommending the use of face masks for all in early April. However, had such measures been implemented just four days earlier, the roughly 2,000 Covid-19 deaths currently being recorded each day would have been cut to less than 1,000, the study said.

    Furthermore, lifting the measures in a bid to kick-start the economy would almost instantly increase the daily death toll to more than 3,000, it said.

    “These findings may inform policymaking,” said the researchers from Princeton Medical Centre and other research institutes in a yet-to-be-peer reviewed paper posted on Medrxiv.org on Wednesday.


  11. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/05/07/immigration-review-could-lead-to-new-h-1b-visa-restrictions/amp/


    On April 22, 2020, the Trump administration issued a presidential proclamation that suspended the entry of most new immigrants for at least 60 days and ordered a 30-day review to recommend additional measures on temporary visas. Following the review, observers expect new restrictions on H-1B visa holders, F-1 students and others. A new restriction could take the form of suspending the entry of anyone on an H-1B visa coming from outside the country and/or imposing new conditions on their entry that would be difficult to satisfy.


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