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Posts posted by LizzyGreen

  1. 6 hours ago, PatLuvO said:

    There are two pages I follow on Instagram that have useful travel information/updates 






    Just wanted to clarify that I am not affiliated with either or anything like that lol I just wanted to share it with the thread because the information might help someone 

    Dandptravelsandtours not dnd

  2. 1 hour ago, Hrmjoevii said:

    Thank you for all your response and I really appreciate it.. I got this in the mail last night and the embassy here in Lagos keeps modifying their mail..  now in this mail they said in the paragraph that Only U.S. Citizens and those who already have U.S. Legal Permanent Residency (LPR) status, also known as a green card holder, are allowed to book a ticket for one of these flights.  All other immigrant and non-immigrant visa holders are not eligible for these evacuation flights... 


    Go to Airfrance office or Ethiopia airline and book their evaluation flight

  3. 8 minutes ago, Hrmjoevii said:

    for Cr1 visa holder are they eligible For the upcoming flight from Lagos to the us on Ethiopian air comming July 16th and 23rd? Bcos this mail blow I got in my mail says only lpr and citizens are allowed .. my questions is having a cr1 visa would not be a problem at the port of entry in Washington


    No it won't be a problem. Other airlines too like KLM, Emirates and Airfrance are evacuating Immigrants to the United States... Don't wait for it to be reissued, it might take forever. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, aaron2020 said:

    To qualify for an SB1 visa, the person needs to prove that it was beyond their control to return to the US.  Waiting for a Covid vaccine is not beyond her control.  She needs to just get on a plane like many other people.  If the SB-1 is denied, she will need to go through the entire immigration visa process again.  

    can she risk it and get on the plane and arrive the state to see if she'll be allowed into the country? At the point of entry, she might be referred to an immigration judge to give judgement on her case. 


    Because from what I learnt, trump is truing to cancel IR5 Immigrant visa vlass. So the risk of getting denied and re-apply, is too high with a higher chances of getting denied.

  5. 1 hour ago, Paul & Mary said:

    Of course she will be allowed in with an unexpired visa..  Just don't transit a banned country.


    Also please don't cross post your questions especially in the k1 forums since you are a spousal.

    She can transit a ban country, remember she is a spouse of a USC. But your visa validity should expire in August, soon all will be fine

  6. 1 hour ago, geowrian said:

    Parents of USC only. Parents of LPRs are not a visa category.


    1 hour ago, Angel4love said:

    It has been signed. 

    I say to people, worry less, God has a way of taking care of situations. It will surely end in praise. I wasnt bothered one bit not because I already have my immigrant visa, but because I wanted the will of God to be done. And I strongly believe, everything in life happens for a reason.

    Wasn't Nigerians banned from obtaining immigrant visa via consular processing? After the ban, were we not issued visas?

    So God is still in the business of doing wonders.

    A clip from the EO signed yesterday:


    Spouses of USC and children under 21 years old, are not impacted by this EO.


    I strongly believe K-1 visa, is equally not affected, because it is non- immigrant visa, even though there is intention to adjust.


    Those affected are IR5( Parents of USC)

    And the LPR sponsoring their spouses. Then other classes of immigrant visa.


    It's for 60days, but I can bet you, trump will extent it.


    Existing valid visa, is not affected, so travel as soon as you can.


    We will join our spouses and love ones and at the end give glory to God for all he has done in our lives.


    Please stay safe and remain blessed


  7. Can we all just take a deep breathe and stop thinking too hard? Trump supporters and non supporters, please calm down. 


    It's his time to make choices as the President and he has the right to implement what ever policies he feels it's good and of great benefits to his country, so take take a break from all this unnecessary arguments and debate.


    The Bible says, that the heart of man is in the hands of God. At the end, if it is Gods will that we eventually meet our spouses, change location, adopt a new life and work outside our region, him alone will determine that.


    A man who thought he was greater than God and was mean to people who opposed him, is currently with God almighty.(This happened few days ago in my country)


    Let's have the fear of God in us all, and remember, we are all strangers on earth.


    Have a blessed day!

  8. 2 hours ago, retheem said:

    I will advise you to travel as soon as possible. You may encounter additional screening at the port of entry but you will get through. Waiting until it expires could bring other complications in visa re-issuance. And with the propensity of this administration to botch matters immigration, you may want to take your chance

    I think it's best to wait and see how this virus is being contained. Its worst in the state and the numbers are rising. It will surely get better soon. 


    Better be alive than dead!

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