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Nature Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Nature Boy 2.0

  1. I am a fool for a tooth gap, but NO. Condi Rice however. I have had impure thoughts Abrams was lost in North Ga. She stopped at Bubbas Bait and tackle and asked how she could get to 240. Bubba replied. Lose about 50lbs
  2. You can't talk about she who walks behind the corn, because the MDL has deemed her irrelevant. Therefore if you mention her you are obsessed. She should be in jail. Her fake Russian narrative supported by the media came close to removing a democraticly elected President. You wanna talk about real threats to Democracy.
  3. My chicka had not seen the first yet either. It was very very good. Of course some of the flying stuff was not possible, but if you just let go it was very much enjoyable. I was at my officer basic course when the first one came out.
  4. You have to admit I had them wondering for a second. About to go watch top gun
  5. What do you want to know about a .410.. Most common as a Forearm but also as a pistol The judge
  6. Yes they are on all long guns. That's why we called the forearms. I knew how old you were 😄
  7. You never was around a gun until your mid 20s ? Seriously you did not know what the forearm of a rifle was?
  8. Just for those of you that don't know. In the rural country back in the day we called long guns "forearms" because long guns have forearms, which is the gunstock between the recover and the muzzle. I just assumed since most people that know about guns knew this I would not have to explain. Evidently I overestimated the knowledge of my audience here.
  9. One of the best things I learned in my computer engineering classes, was ask. What has changed since it worked. In the 70s we had no mental health care, no school police or guards, most students had access to guns many with guns in their cars. Yet we never had school violence other than a little fist fight on occasion. What changed?
  10. Persons under the age of 18 cannot enter into a legal contract in most states, hence can't rent cars.
  11. Much like open borders, this is a Democratic issue that baffles me. Why do people deserve to have their student loan debt forgiven. How about people that joined the military to pay for college do they get a check. How about people that didn't go to college and too out loans to start a small business. Maybe make ways to have portions paid back. Volunteer in underserved communities. Medical loans could be repaid thru military service or serving in rural poor areas. Do something to earn it https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/27/advocates-slam-bidens-move-to-cancel-10000-in-student-debt.html
  12. I got a warning on FB and a post deleted one time. I was joking with a good friend. I told him I am too fat to run, to old to fight, so I mat just have to shoot you. LOL
  13. The problem is with humans involved everything is subjective. Google the Sanford college experiment some of the students were mock prison guards and some prisoners. When the guards got power the went berserk. Once of the problems today is no one has tolerance for other opinions. We see it in politics . In older times politicians disagreed on policy but remained friends and did not try to ruin each other with personal attacks. "in most cases". You see it all over the internet, and of course we have seen it repeatedly here. I got a coworker who was posting about the election on FB and asked any who disagreed to unfriend him. People like me who appreciate all view points and can vehemently disagree with someone and still respect and like them are becoming more rare. Us true Middle of the road types are becoming rare.
  14. The increased use of Weed? LOL Doubtful. Most of the people I knew from my Gen smoked weed. The same people had forearms in their vehicles at school, carried Knives at school etc. All the weed made them want to do is eat, have sex and chill. Never once so a party where everyone was getting high be anything but mellow
  15. When a shooter is killed. Black out any info on them and bury their body at sea like the did Osama and for the same reason
  16. Mr. Musk just gets it. So simple Texas school shooting: Elon Musk asks why media gives mass murderers the attention they desire https://www.foxnews.com/media/texas-school-shooting-elon-musk-media-murderers
  17. Everyone keeps saying put a stop to this. I really don't think there is one clear cut solution. I will say this again. Stop the 24/7 wall to wall news coverage that makes the perp infamous. Notice how it happens in clusters. Now how you stop the 24/7 coverage. I dont know
  18. It always amazes me that in Jean displays the smaller waist sizes for men are at eye level. As the sizes get bigger they get nearer to the floor. Does that make a bit of sense. By the time you are in the 40inch waits you darn near got to hold your breath and bend your fat butt over without passing out Not very inclusive
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