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Posts posted by lilek.k

  1. Hi, I am little confused. We just received our marriage certificate and there is my husband sign and my sign as well but with my maiden name. There is nowhere information that I’ve changed my name. Does it mean that I can’t use my husband name? Or all certificates look like that and is it normal? Can I fill out AOS form with my new name? Please help, thank you in advance.

  2. @jeaniecz I appreciate all advice my heart is broken becasue I know how much my son loves US, he was there as a 9 old child with me, he even was studying English philology... We will try again. I was reading that is good to have the employer letter. Do you have any other suggestion what may let the OC think he has a tie in his own country?

  3. 18 minutes ago, kzielu said:

    With B2 denial he unfortunately will not ever be eligible to VWP, even if Poland joins to program - sorry to be downer on this. Others above said everything - odds were against you / him in this case - sponsoring him for GC due to his age would be very long so likely they suspected he was trying to circumvent it.


    Btw - Cleves are very close to where I am, in fact I drove through it (sort of - on 275) yesterday...

    What do you mean? They will not let him enter the US at POE? I don't understand.......

  4. 10 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    Personally, I don't think he should try again unless his circumstances change materially.  If he goes back in six months, or a year without anything changing much it will most likely be the same results.  It is difficult, when my fiancé was still in Russia, she tried twice in a year to get a visitor visa and both times was denied.  Of course if we knew then what we know now, she would not have wasted her time and money on the second attempt.

    That is crazy 😞

  5. 16 hours ago, ElDiablo said:

    So he has no ties to his home country, his mum is moving to the USA for good, and you seriously expected him to get approved? Really?


    That's a slam dunk case of an easy automatic denial, no surprises there.


    In a few years when he has a reason to return to his home country (right now he has no reason) he can try again.

    Yes I seriously expected him to get approved! I thought and still do that telling the truth is worth it. You really think we should try after few years???

  6. I know we are paying now for others who overstayed in US. But now I just start thinking if he got his denial once, they will have it the system right, how it may affect the next application? Even if he find a job how will they decide if this tie or bond is enough? There is no ristriction in Poland of trying one more time but if after three months with good job won't be enough, then when next year, in two years? Ehhhhhhh, maybe they never let him visit me :-((((((((

  7. Thank you all for help, if I knew my K1 visa would be s problem we would have done it differently, maybe erlier but it looks like I am an optymistic thinking when you are honest they would notice. Not everyone is a cheater or consider US as an Eldorado, he only wanted to spend vacation there!




  8. Hi everyone, 

    I'm heartbroken! Last Thursday my son tourist visa wasn't approved.  He is 23, just finished his study and we wanted to fly together to US. I'm the K 1 visa holder. We were planning to go to US at the end of August and now what.... The main reason he was denied was not enough strong bonds with country what they said. He doesn't want to stay, he said that and more this trip was going to be vacation time and my wedding. Nope, no way! They know better. Now, due to the fact, when he can try again? If he find a job in here will be enough? I start to think that the main reason he was denied is my moving to US... We did everything right with that, and now I feel it is the main factor that the embassy doesn't want approve my son's visa. I heard about one man whose mom lives in US and he couldn't visit her, his visa was denied 10 times. That’s crazy 😓

  9. 4 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    It's not quite clear. I have my divorce paper translated and copied. Should I make a duplicate ftom the vourt as well?

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