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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from yuly_p in COLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2   
    Como su matrimonio fue reciente la residencia permanente que recibió es sólo válida por dos años con la condición de que tiene que estar casada por mínimo dos años para que reciba la residencia permanente válida por 10 años. 90 días antes de la fecha de vencimiento tiene que enviar el formulario I-751 para remover las condiciones de su residencia.
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    Mononoke28 reacted to KaritoBurgess in COLOMBIANOS CON VISA K1 (CONTINUACION 6)   
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Meli BZ in COLOMBIANOS CON VISA K1 (CONTINUACION 6)   
    Mi esposo se tomó las fotos en Foto Japon en Medellín y se las tomaron con una camiseta Nike sin ningún problema y no le hicieron montaje con ninguna chaqueta. Ese cuento de las chaquetas es casi patético, ¿cómo es que esa gente cree que una embajada se va a fijar si la persona tiene chaqueta o no para aprobarles una visa? Es ridículo.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from TBoneTX in help with children visa. need to get them here fast   
    The process can take anywhere from 6-12 months, depending on YOU. You can speed things up if you have everything ready for when their cases get to the NVC, get all their documents, forms and payments ready to go, so when something is completed, your stuff is pretty much at the post office being delivered at the same time, that will speed things along. The way to do this is by reading the EZSpouseGuide, then read it again, and then again, and again until it makes sense.
    Also, your wife can go there and stay with them if it's for less than 12 months (which is the reason why you need to go through the NVC process quickly). After being there for 6 months the immigration official may question her long stay in Colombia; however, they can't deny her entry as long as she doesn't stay outside of the US for more than 12 months.
    As for expediting your case, nobody will do it, neither the embassy, the USCIS, nor the NVC unless someone is dying or being deployed to some unknown place to defend the US or something drastic like that, so it's no use. Just stay on top of the NVC process, send your wife to be with her children until they get an interview (if you can afford it), and the'll be here in no time.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Marfe in COLOMBIANOS VIVIENDO EN LOS EE.UU. (Parte 2)   
    Hola Marfe,
    Sí a mi esposo le mandaron un correo electrónico y un documento por correo regular donde dice que la evaluación de todos los créditos de sus estudios equivalen a un Bachelor en informática, no estoy segura exactamente cómo lo colocaron. El caso es que le dijeron que ya podía aplicar en cualquier universidad si quería seguir con la maestría y que solo era decirles a ellos que manden la evaluación a la universidad que él escoja cuando aplique.
    Si ellos le dijeron que no podían darle la equivalencia a su título debe ser porque basado en la lista de créditos y materias que exigen en este país, usted no tiene algunas materias que le hacen falta, y por eso le dijeron que tenía que tomarlas en una universidad para poder obtener su bachelor.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Meli BZ in COLOMBIANOS CON VISA K1 (CONTINUACION 6)   
    Respecto a la validación de estudios, ningún documento tiene que estar apostillado, las apostillas casi nunca, mejor dicho, nunca las piden en los EE.UU. aunque en Colombia les digan que sí las va a necesitar. Vuelvo y reitero, no se necesita apostillar ningún documento. Tampoco tiene que ser autenticado por notario y las traducciones las puede hacer cualquier persona que domine los dos idiomas. Yo traduje todos los certificados de estudio, calificaciones, y diplomas de mi esposo, lo único que tuve que hacer es formatearlos para que quedaran con un font y estilo parecido al original y firmar la certificación al final del documento diciendo que fui yo la que los tradujo.
    Otro motivo por el cual les sugiero que pidan todo de sus universidades/colegios en sobres SIN SELLAR es para que verifiquen que tienen todas las clases que tomaron. A mi esposo al principio no le pusieron tres clases que había tomado, incluyendo una de matemáticas y lógica y tuvo que regresar a la universidad y hacer el reclamo. Si hubiera enviado eso así en un sobre sellado para que se lo validen no hubieran incluido las tres materias que le faltaban.
    Una vez que él mandó todo a WES, documentos originales en sobres sellados, traducciones, y fotocopias de los diplomas le evaluaron todo y a las dos semanas le validaro el título universitario como un Bachelors de Ingeniería de Sistemas. De vez en cuando les piden materias adicionales y es si no tomarlas en una universidad o community college para poder obtener el título, pero no es mayor cosa.
    Si tienen preguntas me pueden contactar, es un proceso muy fácil siempre y cuando tengan todo reciente y a la mano ya que desafortunadamente muchas universidades en Colombia no sirven para nada y es muy difícil que le colaboren a uno con esa vuelta si están fuera del país. Se los digo por experiencia.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from NArocks in Colombia Club Part IV   
    VisaJourney is a forum dedicated to family based visas and it's free of charge since it is used mostly for information purposes.
    Since neither one of you is here on a family based visa, you will need to go a different route. Have you asked your school to see if they can guide you on how to change your visa status to an F1? They may be able to help in filing the correct form which I believe it's form I-539 along with form I-20 from the school. Now, I don't know if you can add your wife to this status change, so that should also be asked.
    If they're not able to help, which they should, then I would suggest you contact an immigration lawyer for advice.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Meli BZ in COLOMBIANOS CON VISA K1 (CONTINUACION 6)   
    A este abogado se le nota que han sido varios los que han llegado con las mismas preguntas y está hasta el cogote de que VisaJourney lo haya hecho quedar mal. Cada persona tiene derecho a su propia opinión, sin embargo el señor está errado al escribir lo que escribió. Si no hubiera sido por VisaJourney muchas personas no hubieran podido seguir el proceso de traer a sus esposos, esposas, novias, novios, niños, y familia sin tener que pagarle un abogado y sin tener que esperar casi el doble de tiempo porque los abogados rara vez le dan prioridad a los casos y es por eso que al contratarlos todo se demora muchísimo más.
    Por otra parte la gente de este foro no tiene ningún motivo para mentir como lo indica él y es por eso que casi toda la información que se encuentra acá es de confianza. Desde la lista de documentos y pruebas que se deben mandar al USCIS para iniciar el proceso, el proceso en el Centro Nacional de Visas, hasta cuando llega el caso a la embajada, citas médicas, vacunas y exámenes de laboratorio. Aquí no se le miente a nadie y dado el caso se vería a leguas.
    En cuanto al tiempo que dicen las personas que les llega el NOA1, tampoco se les miente. Lo único que hay que hacer es mirar los Timelines en VisaJourney donde encontrarán una lista larga de usuarios con las fechas de cuándo enviaron el paquete, cuándo recibieron los NOA1, NOA2, y cuándo se enviaron los casos a las embajadas correspondientes para comparlos con sus propios casos. Sería un fenómeno que todos esos usuarios se hubieran puesto de acuerdo para mentir solo por chiste. Si el 90% de ellos dicen que recibieron tal documento en tal fecha y que enviaron el caso en tal otra entonces es porque así es como están procesando los formularios y casos en el USCIS y el NVC. Ahora, si el abogado se sentó en las petacas porque vive muy ocupado o muy elevado y no vio que llegó un NOA1, un NOA2 o peor, un RFE y no le informó al cliente... DE MALAS, eso lo hace un pésimo abogado y es ahí cuando los mismos clientes prefieren seguir el proceso por sí solos.
    Yo lo único que digo es que si el caso es algo fácil, donde no hubo deportación alguna, ni estadía por más de lo que le permietieron si alguna vez estuvieron en los EE.UU., no hay delitos, y no hay complicaciones, entonces no hay necesidad de contratar un abogado así les duela a ellos en el alma. No pierdan plata ni tiempo contratándolos.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Malu81 in COLOMBIANOS CON VISA K1 (CONTINUACION 6)   
    Las personas que obtienen la visa de inmigrante tienen hasta 6 meses para usarla y entrar a los E.E.U.U.. Si sus niños no lo pueden hacer durante esos primeros 6 meses, su otra opción sería decirle al cónsul que por ahora no pueden viajar y que si sería posible volver más tarde por las visas de ellos, eso se llama "follow to join", que quiere decir que ponen todo en suspensión hasta que puedan ir por las visas de ellos. Lo malo es que apenas tiene 12 meses para hacerlo, tiene que hacer otra cita y alguien tiene que volverse a presentar por ellos para que así se las aprueben. Una vez aprobadas, tienen 6 meses para viajar y ya se le extendería el período de viaje por más o menos 18 meses: 12 meses para volver a la embajada por las visas y 6 meses más para usarlas para entrar al país.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from user19000 in When marriage on VJ fails...   
    I personally think that it's pretty naive to go into a marriage without analyzing everything, even the fact that it's possible that it may not work out. Before getting married and before filing each person has to realize that there's a 50/50 chance it will work out, and if it doesn't, the reasons are endless. But to be shocked at "feeling used" for a green card, it's pretty naive like I said.
    Just let it go and move on as most people do with ANY relationship.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from C-ma'am in FUSTRATED   
    If you sent them your DS-230 with the civil documents on the 8th, you have to give it time to arrive to the NVC for them to process. On top of that, we had a Thanksgiving holiday last week, so that will set you back another couple of days. So yes, if everything is in order they should complete your case either this week or the next. That means they will schedule your interview during the first two weeks of December for either a January or early February interview.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from TBoneTX in FUSTRATED   
    If you sent them your DS-230 with the civil documents on the 8th, you have to give it time to arrive to the NVC for them to process. On top of that, we had a Thanksgiving holiday last week, so that will set you back another couple of days. So yes, if everything is in order they should complete your case either this week or the next. That means they will schedule your interview during the first two weeks of December for either a January or early February interview.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Julie y Pat in Travel Question   
    Use the name she has on her passport, which is the name the airlines will check before boarding.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Pressure and Guilt   
    I personally think you need to share your feelings with her so she knows that this is also affecting you as much as it is affecting her. It will show her that you care deeply about the decision she's made to be with you and that you're not taking it lightly. This will also help you get through the tough times ahead of you while she gets used to her new country and to this brand new way of life.
    Good luck!
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Address that applicant can use   
    The Colombian mail system is so unreliable and "crappy", for lack of a better word, that the chances of her getting anything in the mail are pretty slim to none. Once you know that the NVC has sent her case to the US embassy, you can contact the embassy and give them your email address, as well as hers, so they can communicate with you electronically. As for the visa delivery, she can choose to pick it up at the DHL location of her choice, no need to have it delivered.
    If you have any more questions regarding the process in Colombia, you can post them in the Colombia Club thread where you'll get more detail help from other members who have already gone or are currently going through the visa process.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from JoeKwa in NVC Case Complete!!!!   
    It all depends on when your case was completed by the NVC. If it was completed during the first two weeks of the month, the NVC tries to schedule the interview for the following month depending on the embassy's availability. If they completed it during the last two weeks of the month, they schedule the interview for the month after. Ex.: if your case was completed on 8/10, you will probably have an interview in September. If it was completed on 8/27, you will most likely have your interview in October. Again, it all depends on the embassy and a few months ago they were pushing the dates an extra month, but that doesn't appear to be the case any more.
    If you have any other questions, you can ask them in the Colombia Club thread. They're easier to find that way.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Mikesway in Bogota Embassy - how does fiance get notified after NOA2   
    I'm really confused by what you're complaining about because when I click on the link I gave you, all I have to do is go down a bit on that same page and your question with my answer is right there on post #261. It's really that simple.
    We're all here to help each other and many of us really go out of our way to help people who are just getting started to help them with the process since it can be overwhelming at times. The reason a Colombia Club thread was created is because individual threads that get created in any forum are moved down to other pages when new ones are posted, so your thread will eventually get lost in a sea of new threads. Since the Colombia Club is one of the most active, it will pretty much stay on the first page and other members will get to see your questions or comments.
    As much as you're dissing the Colombia Club thread, you're missing out on all the information it offers. It not only has info on the USCIS, NVC and embassy processes but it also has a lot of info regarding medical exams, vaccinations, lab work info, photo info, interview tips, lodging recommendations, airline ticket info, police certificate info, etc.
    Like I said, we're all here to help each other.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Cesar & Cata in Colombia Club Part IV   
    I'm replying through this thread so that we can keep it alive. It's much easier to have one thread as the main information center because otherwise we'll end up with a whole bunch of different threads and some of them will get lost in the bunch without any responses.
    Anyway, in response to your question, if the visa is to be picked up or delivered in Bogotá, it'll take between 2-3 business days, so keep in mind any US or Colombian holidays that may fall in between. Anything outside of Bogotá will take 6-10 business days.
    As soon as she has her visa in hand she can go straight to the airport and hop on a flight with a US destination, all she needs is her passport, visa and embassy envelope to be handed in to immigration at POE.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Quillero in Colombianos para Remover las Condiciones de Residencia   
    Con el NOA del formulario I-751 que envió para remover las condiciones de su residencia es suficiente. Cuando regrese a USA muestra eso con su green card expirada para que la dejen entrar.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Nena2008 in Colombianos para Remover las Condiciones de Residencia   
    El formulario I-865 es algo completamente diferente al I-751 y lo deben enviar a la dirección que aparece en las instrucciones.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Cesar & Cata in Got Approved!!!!!!!! Need advice!!!!   
    It takes about 3 days for the case to arrive at the embassy. So send them an email on Friday or Monday of next week to find out if they have it. If they do, they will send you the K Visa Instructions Package via email. Just follow the instructions on how to register on the link provided, pick your DHL destination, pay for the visa and pick your interview date. If you hurry, you might be able to make your appointment for August.
    For more info regarding the process in Colombia you can check out the Colombia Club thread.
  22. Like
    Mononoke28 got a reaction from C-ma'am in K-1 Sadness   
    This is exactly what I was thinking. I know it's a hard decision for you to make given the fact that you're so emotionally involved and it's hard to think with your head when your heart gets in the way. I hate to tell you this but based on my years here on VisaJourney reading all kinds of similar stories and personally knowing how some women in Colombia can be, I can honestly say that based on your story, she's a fraud. It's that simple.
    Many women in Colombia who are struggling financially think that their only way out is to marry a foreigner who they believe is rich and can provide for them and their family. On top of that, your her ticket way out of that situation and my prediction is she's waiting to get her green card to take off. She'll use the money she's saving to start a new life, either keep on working where she's working now or get a better job so she can have a much better life than the one she had back home.
    So in summary you have two options, one is to go through with the Adjustment of her Status so she can stay legally in the country and have a better life than if she were to go back to Colombia. Or 2, show up at your AOS interview with a letter saying what you feel she's doing, that you consider her a fraud and want to terminate the immigration process by filing for divorce. This will result in a denial of her AOS without her claiming any sort of abuse from you and won't give her time to get to plan B to make you look like the bad guy in order to get her permanent residency. She'll either have to stay in the US illegally or go back home. If you decide to do this, it's extremely important that you save all kinds of evidence that supports your story, that you're the good guy being used, that she has no interest in staying married and that it shows your marriage is not what it's supposed to be. Again, this will help you in case she plans on using the "abuse" excuse to get her green card.
    Either way you'll have to accept the fact that your marriage will eventually end up in divorce, that she used you to move ahead in life and that the woman you thought she was was just a farce in order for her to get what she wanted.
    Good luck!!!
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from Tuti & Baher in COLOMBIANOS con CR1   
    Lo único que necesitaría para comprobar que su matrimonio anterior terminó es una fotocopia de el acta de divorcio y la traducción si no están en inglés, nada más. La traducción la puede hacer Ud. misma si domina los dos idiomas y certificarla al final.
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from TBoneTX in K-1 Sadness   
    This is exactly what I was thinking. I know it's a hard decision for you to make given the fact that you're so emotionally involved and it's hard to think with your head when your heart gets in the way. I hate to tell you this but based on my years here on VisaJourney reading all kinds of similar stories and personally knowing how some women in Colombia can be, I can honestly say that based on your story, she's a fraud. It's that simple.
    Many women in Colombia who are struggling financially think that their only way out is to marry a foreigner who they believe is rich and can provide for them and their family. On top of that, your her ticket way out of that situation and my prediction is she's waiting to get her green card to take off. She'll use the money she's saving to start a new life, either keep on working where she's working now or get a better job so she can have a much better life than the one she had back home.
    So in summary you have two options, one is to go through with the Adjustment of her Status so she can stay legally in the country and have a better life than if she were to go back to Colombia. Or 2, show up at your AOS interview with a letter saying what you feel she's doing, that you consider her a fraud and want to terminate the immigration process by filing for divorce. This will result in a denial of her AOS without her claiming any sort of abuse from you and won't give her time to get to plan B to make you look like the bad guy in order to get her permanent residency. She'll either have to stay in the US illegally or go back home. If you decide to do this, it's extremely important that you save all kinds of evidence that supports your story, that you're the good guy being used, that she has no interest in staying married and that it shows your marriage is not what it's supposed to be. Again, this will help you in case she plans on using the "abuse" excuse to get her green card.
    Either way you'll have to accept the fact that your marriage will eventually end up in divorce, that she used you to move ahead in life and that the woman you thought she was was just a farce in order for her to get what she wanted.
    Good luck!!!
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    Mononoke28 got a reaction from KARIME Y DARREN in help me please   
    Tiene que mandarle un email a la embajada para ver si recibieron su caso. Les tiene que dar el número BGT que le asignó el Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC). Ya con eso le mandan las instrucciones por correo electrónico las cuales puede ver en su sitio web: http://spanish.bogota.usembassy.gov/docentrevvres.html
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