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Everything posted by Redro

  1. I am pro choice... I cannot dictate what other women do... I don't exclude any situations but my personal experience tells me late term abortions aren't something a woman decides on a whim. It is generally informed by a medical issue. If someone has an abortion at 8 months cos they just didnt want a baby not my circus and not my monkey! But, they're not having an abortion at 8 months they're going into labour and the baby will most likely be a still birth.
  2. Truthfully... I suggest "on demand abortion"... But, this is only because I've spoken to numerous women who do not want an abortion and really struggle with the decision. And am a) From a country where although abortion is legal but doctors pressure women to keep the baby because a grandparen (family member) will/can/should care for the child and B) I live in a country where doctors pressure women to have an abortion because they aren't male/ have the markers of down syndrome/ have another birth abnormality. After seeing friends struggle with raising children alone. Having seen high school girls expelled from school for being pregnant while the father of said children gets to stay in school... I'm all for more choice and freedom for women who become pregnant and want to explore their options. People think as soon as abortion is legal it is a free for all but the truth is women still discuss the decision with family members. The entire discussion is about access to safe and legal abortions.
  3. Your husband is from the UK or from another country? Did you submit the correct birth certificate to NVC February 23? If so they should review the documents soon... Currently as of May 2, 2022 they are reviewing documents from February 13, 2022. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/nvc-timeframes.html When you receive an RFE at NVC you go to the back of the queue and have to wait another 10-15 weeks (depending on NVC review time frame). Check out this forum: https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/83-national-visa-center-dept-of-state/ A lot of people have had their cases delayed by several months at the NVC stage (the month NVC threads are very informative).
  4. You've only spent 16 days together since 2012? That's a major red flag. I would spend more time together. Maybe get married. And really show you are trying to build a life together.
  5. It doesn't matter if a locale doesn't stipulate abortion at 9 months is only for medical issues. I can assure you... from my personal experience... women who go to 9 months want that baby. Also an abortion at 9 months is basically labour./ a still birth. Doctors will sometimes pressure a woman to abort because of abnormalities but when you are pregnant and you know it every month is awesome and a gift! And when you're informed about an abnormality you cling to the belief it isn't real and you'll have a healthy baby... @laylalexagree or disagree about your experiences with friends?
  6. Me: Joins topic because it has ZEN in the title and I think yeah I can do with some info about being totally zen THE TOPIC: Mentions all my triggers: The Cold, Mosquitos, CANADIA... HUMIDITY CAN I SPEAK TO THE MANAGER?
  7. The morning after pill sounds fun but it can really mess with a woman's cycle and health for several months after she takes it... and ... Abortion at 9 months is because the baby (I will always say baby regardless of gestation period) had an abnormality and will not survive after birth... Read those abortion stories. Read stillbirth stories they are heartbreaking. If you are in anyway aware of what women have to endure when they fall pregnant, when they access an abortion you don't think it's an easy breazy experience. I really dislike the "abortion is for all genders" argument. It isn't. It's a woman's issue. WOMEN have to deal with the ever looming spectre of pregnancy. WOMEN have to panic every time they miss a period. The amount of friends of spoken to about missed periods, miscarriages, and abortions... men don't even realize.
  8. Just like to hop in an say: Abortion is not a FAR LEFT WING/ FAR RIGHT WING issue It is all about women's health care and women's rights. My friends who are mothers, my friends who aren't mothers all care about access to the right to access a safe abortion. And I'll remind you... you probably know a woman who has had an abortion. Legal or because 'the baby had a medical issue'... Access to safe and legal abortion should be protected in all countries. We can go down the slippery slope of what this means for the US but having a child really does impact a woman's earning capacity and if they are forced to have a child their future and earning capabilities are greatly compromised.
  9. K1 is already on file or K1 is pending and you want to apply for B1/B2? There is always the chance the tourist visa is approved (a South African secured his B2 with a CR1 pending) but it all depends on the evidence and interview. Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.
  10. Upload a statement showing your source of income will continue after you move back to the US. Upload statements of savings in excess of X3 125% poverty requirements Upload statement of W2/1099s OR statement explaining why you do not have W2s/1099s Upload 2021 tax returns if you have them
  11. Reason why I suggest showing proof of living at the same address. OP moved to China in 2020 but only met/married his spouse 8 months ago...
  12. @type2error just got back from dinner so wanted to say 1.) Don't feel bad thinking you needed the K1 to get married in the US. I know the UK has special visa rules for marriage so of course 2.) Going through the K1 or CR1 right after marriage was a bad fit for you... K1)the US wants you to live in the US once you adjust so using AP to finish your Phd (1.5 years) could have resulted in a denial. CR1) Applying for CR1 and moving to the US only to go back to the UK would have put your LPR status in jeopardy (you want to apply for a special document to allow you to stay outside the US for 2 years and obtaining that document involves staying in the US for 3+ months... same issue as AP). If you're a UK citizen you have access to ESTA use that to your advantage and visit your spouse whenever. Apply for the spousal visa when you're ready to move to the US.. Know it will take 1.5 - 2 years. And don't move to the US until you're ready! One of our members has gone through the I-130 process several times because they've lived in several countries in between applications. Maintaining your LPR status can be a mission!
  13. Congrats on the approval! As you are still doing your PhD (how much longer?) it would be better to get married in the US and leave before your 90 Day stay expires. Maybe figure out a SSN, joint bank account and other evidence before you leave. You might have had the same issue with the CR1 visa though as you're supposed to apply for a re-entry permit if you want to stay outside the US for more than a year. I've seen some I-130 consular cases receive approval fairly quickly at the USCIS stage after they've had a successful K1 petition so your second time round might not be as long. You might realize you need to slow down your case at NVC.
  14. It all depends on the mood of the person who chats to your husband. Your first trip might be okay but then your second trip (9 weeks after the first) could be a bit tricky. If you are worried about him being denied entry would you be willing to choose only one of the trips (maybe your brother's wedding?) Or change your flights so you travel to Ecuador, Mexico and then spend 10 weeks in the US for your brother's wedding/ seeing friends/family? Also, be aware your husband is not supposed to work while he is in the US. This includes remote work. Your husband having a bank account in the US would be a big red flag IMO. So, don't try to open a joint bank account or have him say he transferred all his cash to his wife's account... He should have enough to support himself for his entire trip in the US as he should not be working. Maybe even enough savings for 21 weeks of travel... if you decide to visit the US twice and he needs to explain your extended vacation plan. He should also be honest if asked and tell them he will be staying with his US wife's family. P.S if he is denied and you decide to fly to South America. Make sure any flights from that return from Ecuador don't transit through the US. IIRC You need a transit visa for that if you do not have ESTA.
  15. Yeah... that is complicated. Unless you can find a sample translation for USCIS purposes online I would pay~
  16. Oh nooooo! similar stories. Buddy sent in finances, DL and letter from parent and received an RFE. Seems like some reviewers are a little more strict than others. Hopefully they like what we uploaded.
  17. What did you initially upload for proof of domicile? You're the second person I've heard who has had the domicile RFE. I'm hoping we uploaded enough evidence as the husband has also lived overseas for several years.
  18. No need to apostille the document but if it is not in English you should translate it. I believe you can translate it yourself.
  19. Frustration and delays and unforeseen costs happen in the US with K1. Frustration and delays and unforeseen costs happen overseas with IR1/CR1. Not everyone will have the same RFE and ridiculous costs with I-693 but it is something to consider. I have noticed some people actually prefer K1 because the full medical/vaccination process doesn't have to happen overseas and they're looking to file a waiver... Medicals in Korea cost about $400-$500. Not sure about other countries...
  20. If she is being contacted by companies. Have her accept a job and then apply for an expedite. Can't hurt to try.
  21. Have you paid the fees to NVC? You need to submit the I-864 for your ex-husband's case to move forward to consulate. If you are worried about your husband visiting on a B2 visa there is a chance the application will be denied as he has displayed immigrant intent. Also, visitor visa waiting time is currently 449 days at Islamabad so he won't be able to go to the US anytime soon. First things first. Send a letter to USCIS and NVC and withdraw the petition.
  22. Have you paid attention to latest processing times? I would be so happy if our IR1/CR1 timeline was 7 months! Best news ever. We were planning on 1.5 to 2 years. K1 would probably take the same amount of time if interviewing in Seoul as April 2021 cases are being approved so maybe beneficiary would get an interview sometime in May or June 2021. (so time difference isn't that bad). Manila is a whole other kettle of fish... have you seen the K1 timelines? https://www.visajourney.com/timeline/k1list.php?op6=All&op66=All&op7=Philippines&op1=3&op2=&op3=1&op4=1&op5=5%2C6%2C8%2C10%2C11%2C13%2C14%2C15%2C16%2C17%2C18%2C20%2C21%2C22%2C25%2C26%2C27%2C28%2C108%2C110%2C111%2C208%2C210%2C211&cfl= Last 9 out of 10 interviews all received their NOA1 in 2020! Good luck with your speedy journey. Hope you've been very clear with your potential partner that you might not marry her/ file to adjust status so she knows where she stands...
  23. Just carrying on the tradition of leaking information? https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2022/05/02/leak-time-magazine-roe-wade/ I'm not fact checking. I've decided the washington post tells no lies.
  24. This is what I was mentioning. People think you haven't passed NVC stage because you do not have sufficient income or funds. If you add the two timelines to your signature you might get responses that aren't confusing.
  25. If you read OPs previous posts you'll see his daughter's case has been DQ'ed with assets: Now he is waiting for that case to be scheduled for interview. His wife isn't DQ'ed yet but that's because she didn't upload the correct divorce decree. OP will probably have issues with his I-864 and have to update the CO on his financial situation though because Peru is backlogged and no one appears to be getting interviewed (and he might not have included his new child on his current I-864).
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