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Posts posted by Toastbear

  1. Just wanted to share my expierence.


    We filed our K1 application in February and I visited two times since that in April and July (2 weeks each) without any problems.


    Me and my Fiance knew we are gonna get an RFE, so we decided to book another flight for September and I planned on staying with him for 7 weeks and also bring my dog. So of course I was stressing out, getting all the evidence to proof my ties and also the documents for importing my dog.


    ... then i arrived around 5pm on wednesday last week at the Dulles airport in Washington DC... and you know what? The officer didnt care about anything. He asked me why and how long im there and then he send me through without even looking up to me. They didnt even check the vaccinations or anything for my dog. lol


    Maybe its important to mention that I am from germany and I am using my ESTA for visiting.

  2. This might be a dumb question, but we got our RFE yesterday and we need to submit some documents from the courthouse.


    Ive read a couple of topics and websites now and some people say you should think about sending other stuff in too. I kinda feel like I should send some more boarding passes etc to show that we have met 2 more times since we filed again. 


    Do you think thats a good idea or should we just send what they told us on the RFE?



  3. 7 hours ago, JFH said:

    If he's 30, it's unlikely that the records no longer exist. My husband was arrested in 1990 - 28 years ago - and went to prison. We were able to obtain the whole file. Including the notes taken by the police officers who arrived following the 911 call and the transcript of the 911 call. 

    Where did you get that whole file?

  4. 16 minutes ago, MeghanK said:

    Still incorrect, sorry... Not sure if you have an old form or something but the question right after it specifies *any* arrest, conviction, fine, etc outside of those previous 3 questions (those first three are just scrutinized more)... and asks for documentation. It is further explained on the I-129f instructions.






    omg.. youre so right. 


    I just scrolled down and saw this too. I guess i just thought we needed to submit it because we had 3 or more. These petitions are really confusing!


    Imma try to edit my posts, so nobody gets a wrong idea.


    edit: nevermind you can never edit your old posts. weird.

  5. 7 minutes ago, MeghanK said:

    No this is incorrect info. You do need to submit certified court records (and in some cases more - like police reports) for any criminal arrest or conviction for the USC. 

    That is only half correct.


    I just checked the petition again. There is a domestic violence question, a rape/murder question and a question about 3 or more arrests or convictions for crimes relating to a controlled substance or alcohol. 

    Means if you answer everywhere with no, and you only had 2 convictions/arrests for example because of alcohol, then you put a no there too. Which leads to no documents!

  6. 29 minutes ago, Markssoutherngirl said:

    Wait I’m confused! Were we suppose to submit a criminal record too? I went down the checklist on here (even had a friend double check for me) and never saw that. I thought that it was for the interview. Am I wrong? This means we will definitely be getting an RFE. :(

    No dont worry. You only need to provide this if you have 3 or more criminal charges (USC). Doesnt matter if you got convicted for it or no. If you have like only 2 charges, then you dont need to submit anything afaik.

  7. 14 minutes ago, madameMaison said:

    Okay so my Fiancé just said they called him back, and the lady said it usually takes about 6 to 7 months, and that our case is a week shy from their priority date and that we will hear from them shortly, and their just busy with their routine processing for the case.


    That's all I got. 😂... So underwhelmed but eh.

    Heads up, I felt like this yesterday too, but today we got our RFE without any update on any website!


    So your approval letter or RFE might be on the way already too.

  8. Hey guys!


    My fiance got our RFE today and as I already knew its about his criminal history, because we only listed his charges on the petition without certification of it.


    Here is the RFE:




    What we did back in november was paying the state police in VA to send my fiance a backgroundcheck on him, but sadly it never arrived, even though they charged his creditcard for it. So we sent out the petition without it. 

    Now it says "with the police report". What does this exactly mean? He already called his courthouse and they say he can print something out there and they can sign it, but we arent sure if we still need to get this background check from the state police too?


    Also my fiance forgot that he was put in juvenile detention with 14 (hes 30 now), but he cant remember anymore if there was anything court related. Do we need to submit that too? He actually didnt mention this in the original petition because he only got put in there because his mum and him had a loud argument and she called the police on him, and when they arrived he ran away. So when he came back later that day, they arrested him and put him into detention.

    You might say now: go and get the documents for it, but this was in a whole different state and he would need to drive between 4-5 hours to go there. 


    I hope you can help me with that and provide me with some more information. Also i saw the tips on the RFE's (signing it, coverletter etc), can anyone link me the thread to it? We really want to make this right and send it back asap.


    Thank you!

  9. OMG... no update on the old or new website, but my fiance told me he got our RFE. I was already thinking we gonna get that, because I knew we didnt submit his criminal records, since the state police didnt send us the backgroundcheck he paid for in november (!).


    So he called his courthouse today and we can get atleast that tomorrow, but still need to wait until we hear back from the state police because they want additionally a background check from us too for some reason.


    One thing my fiance is wondering about. He got put in juvenile detention with 14, because his mum called the cops when they were arguing and he ran away. He is now 30. Does he need to get something about that too? The problem is this would be like a 4 hour drive just to go to the courthouse there.


    Should i make an extra topic for that? Also any tips on submitting the documents they want from the courthouse/policerecord.


    Thank you in advance


    Also for everyone:

    NOA1 old: Feb 9, NOA1 new: Feb 14

    RFE on hand: Sep 5

  10. 1 hour ago, ST_RO said:

    Enjoy your time together! That would definitely be awesome! 


    No, you can schedule it in Germany without the number and she told me if I don’t have it by Thursday, they will just hold mailing it out until I let them know. The lab results take about a week until they get them anyhow, so I’m hoping I will have it until then. 

    Which one lets you do this? berlin or frankfurt? im from germany too!

  11. 42 minutes ago, Erika 2018 said:

    Hi guys my fiancé lives in Indonesia and we filed the k1 fiancé visa on March 9. Still haven’t received anything yet and it’s been 6 months. I’m going there at the end of this month and hoping to be there when he gets his notice for the interview. 


    -How long does it take to get notice for the interview? I’ll be there from September 24-October 23.

    -what’s the probability of him getting an interview when I’m there? 

    -Do they send paperwork for the interview to me (petitioner) and to him regarding the interview? 

    - is there any way to speed up the process?! 


    Thank you so so so much!!! 

    Hey I think the chances of you being there when he gets an interview appointment is very low, 


    - Im a feb 9 filer and i still havent gotten anything, so you might need to wait for longer too (except youre very lucky)

    - to get the case number takes about 2-3 weeks after NOA2, and then he needs to make an appointment for the interview and the medical


    Maybe other people see it different, but I think if you dont get the NOA2 in the next 2 weeks, that you won't be there for the interview.


    They will send paperwork to your fiance and there is sadly no way to speed anything up, but after you get the NOA2 you can make it faster with calling the embassy for your casenumber and preparing the documents for the interview.

  12. 4 minutes ago, RickE said:

    Day 215 here. So you’re not alone. Feeling the same way. Trying to stay positive for. It’s me and my fiancé.  That magical NOA2 will all make this seem like distant memory once it arrives. 

    Yeah im trying to stay positive too since im seeing my fiance next week again, but I am so anxious about being one of the cases that wait over a year and still dont know whats going on :(

  13. 4 hours ago, Daniela M_______ said:

    Day 189... I need to hear something soon, we are starting to feel anxious as we have never been away for this long and we have other 4 months ahead.


    I literally have had my life on hold for most of 2018 and it's driving me crazy. I need to buy things and I'm like "would this fit in my suitcase?" :(


    Just a bad day, this whole process is a roller-coaster... Good luck to all of us!

    Day 205 here and I feel the same. Its horrible.

  14. 5 minutes ago, kabney110 said:

    I'm February 8th and 13th but when I called they didn't seem to realize there was a new system and couldn't figure out what I meant by new date.

    REALLY? lol


    3 minutes ago, Markssoutherngirl said:

    What is the old and new sites? I haven’t been checking either.

    Old: https://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/landing.do


    New: https://my.uscis.gov/account/applicant

  15. 13 minutes ago, Bigbright said:

    Hello everyone, I got a rfe, USCIS is requesting an intent to marry from the beneficiary. Can my fiance email me his intent to marry to me? Will it be acceptable? Or does he need to write and mail it which is likely going to be over a month to receive it.


    No, he needs to send it via mail. They want a wet signature.


    I dont really know how much time you have to respond, but thats what the instructions say: wet signature.


    Also if you need it faster than you gotta pay extra for fast delivery

  16. Just now, Bambi_Eyes9390 said:

    Phew! That makes me feel better! 


    AHH that's soon!! I hope you have a great time!

    Yeah im stressing out all the time too. Like rn im kinda stressing out because i usually go for only 2 weeks and without my dog. this time 7 weeks with dog. But im just gonna bring enough evidence in case they put me into secondary.


    So you should not worry about it at all. Just tell them "visiting my fiance" and have your backflight printed and some proof, like that you work or study, that you have an apartment. maybe an insurance? Print out whatever you can find. I never needed that but better safe than sorry!

  17. 1 hour ago, Bambi_Eyes9390 said:

    I'm just hoping and praying that we get our approvals soon, I get so happy seeing our group fill up with approval messages!!

    I feel like the wait has been harder this past month than since February because now we feel like we are so close.

    I'm feeling very very excited tonight as I finally got my flight booked to go and see my fiancé in October for 4weeks!! I'm so geeked to see him, plus we're hoping to have at least heard SOMETHING by the time I fly out. So now I'm planning to focus on counting down to that date instead of stressing about our NOA2 coming because at least with the flight, I actually have a date to look forward to now. Just praying for a smooth transition through immigration when I land there as I'm flying on the ESTA 😕


    Keeping everyone in my prayers tonight for lots of approvals next week 💞

    Dont worry about that. I flew 2 times while waiting for the NOA2 and never had a problem.


    Im flying to him on September 12 again for 7 weeks to distract from waiting!

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