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Harry M

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Posts posted by Harry M

  1. I'm traveling in a month to the UK with my spouse and child. We went two years ago with an extension letter and had no issues, just some extra processing at check in and when I came back to the US. I was entering our passenger details on the British Airways website, we flew a different airline before. Passport info is straight forward but then it asks for my green card info. I included my USCIS number as it's written on the card but for expiration it doesn't allow me to add a date in the past, for obvious reasons. With the extension letter it should be straight forward like before when I'm traveling. But for my passenger details in the lead up should I put the expiration as it would be with the extension letter, adding 48 months on? Leave everything blank and do it at check in? Call and find out best way to proceed? Just wondering if anything that went through know of the best way to handle this?

  2. 2 hours ago, beloved_dingo said:

    Did you recently file for citizenship?


    Regardless, it is not unusual and isn't something to worry about. Sometimes cases are transferred just to balance case load.


    The notice you receive will tell you where your case was moved to. 

    That's what I figured after a lengthy Google search.


    Not applied for citizenship yet. This was the first update I've had in over two years. Got excited until I read it.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tio said:

    I know that you said that they received it on March 1st, but when did you send it? Also, how did you get a case number without the check being cashed?

    My wife and I sent off our paperwork around President's Day, so about 2/16 is when the mail would have been picked up. I emailed the lockbox, to see if they received it since I didn't do recorded delivery I wasn't sure if they even got it. Automated email said they would get back to me within 30 days. I decided to call and got round the AI on the phone and spoke to a person, they were able to give me my case number after I confirmed my A-number and a few of my personal details, triple checked the number they gave me. It only says they have received my case and nothing else, but I'll take that for now.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Meisha&Jake said:

    Really worried that people who sent packet after us are already getting notifications & cards/checke cashed.. we sent 16th Feb, received at Phoenix Lockbox on 22nd Feb.. 😞 erghhhh. 

    Same. I think I'm gonna try and speak to an Agent tomorrow. Just to see if I have a case number. Who knows my check might be cashed tomorrow, I just want to get any kind of confirmation at this point.

  5. We've had our realtor, who is my wife's high school friend, pull some strings and set us up with a mortgage lender that has been working tooth and claw to get us approved. More than what USAA did. We have a good feeling, but this would be our first home for both of us so lots having to learn. We couldn't qualify for a FHA, but he's trying to get us on a regular one for 4% interest and only need to put 5% down, probably the best we can do for Northern Kentucky.

  6. Just wanted to see if anyone had any advice for buying a house in the US for the first time.


    I've been over here for a little over a year, got a job 4 months ago. At the moment I'm the main breadwinner as my wife switched to part time and has gone back to school. She has good credit, I'm working on mine still but it would still be considered good. As an added bonus I have savings plus inheritance I had been using to keep me alive before I got a job. Our current rent payments have been and would be more than what our potential mortgage repayments would be.


    Suppose my question is: has anyone had any trouble getting approved this early on? We have been told it would be difficult and have got preapproval through USAA (her father was a veteran) but that isn't set in stone. We found a house and put an offer using our preapproval letter, but under our realtor's suggestion we're shopping around for a better rate.


    How likely will be approved elsewhere?

  7. 16 minutes ago, Ben&Zian said:

    Why the long wait between getting your EAD and now going to go back to work with the green card? Could have been out working for months now by your timeline. 


    Advice wise, my husband didn't work for about 5-6 months total so when he finally was able to, and he was anxious to get back out working, at first was a struggle as he didn't have a car so I drove him back and forth along with my own work, so was extremely hectic. As for you, just go in open minded, relaxed, and don't stress over what others do. Depending on your line of work, just focus and you'll slowly adjust to how things work at that company, so go in open minded.

    When we did the AOS, we sent off for the EAD at the same time. AOS got delayed a little as we needed to send more evidence, but nevertheless I had my interview for that in April and got approval the day after. As for the EAD, after I sent it off I didn't hear anything again. My AOS got approved first so it negated that. I got a notification saying it was voided because of my green card.

  8. It's been nine months since I've moved to the US on a K-1, eight months since I got married and nearly two months since my green card got approved. I've managed to get everything else set up, thanks in large part to my wonderful wife, bank accounts, secured credit card, Kentucky Driver's License and many other things which I now feel completely like an ordinary citizen now.


    The job hunt has been good, have had three interviews and two job offers (one I turned down because the role wasn't what I expected). I'm about to accept one today, unless the other one offers me a role and I may take that one instead. After many months sitting at home in our apartment I think I've become too comfortable with home life. As much as I want to get back to work, it's also gonna be feel weird being employed once again. I left my previous job almost exactly a year ago, that way I'd have time to do all the stuff I wanted to do in the UK before I left.


    I've seen people on here talk about how difficult the waiting around was for them, and it has been for me as well at times. I didn't have my car for the first few months so I was trapped in our apartment, we live in a complex and getting out wasn't so easy on foot. And when I did there isn't a lot around here that I hadn't already done from previous visits. But now that I'm close to going back to work and replenishing my shrinking savings that I made before coming over here, a wave of anxiety is coming over me. Part of the reason I rejected the first job offer was because I didn't feel confident doing that job (even though they saw something in me that I didn't lol).


    Was this normal for anyone else? What advice would you give for going back to work, in a different country no less, after such a long period?

  9. I believe we did use a transcript before.


    If we did send off the 2017 transcript with the appropriate W-2, would they still use her pay slips, our accounts and employer letter to judge her income? Rather than the previous tax year before she started this job?


    I was thinking calling them up and telling that what we have and if that's good enough. We're worried about messing this up.

  10. My wife and I filed for AOS, along with EAD, back in November. We got a letter from USCIS, just before the holidays saying we didn't give them enough information, I'm guessing proof of her income, to provide a new affidavit along with additional information. We put it off for just after the holidays as that was stressful enough, then the shutdown happened which meant we couldn't access the IRS resources for a time, luckily we were able in the end.


    I'm going to list everything we now have and we just want to be sure if this should be enough now:

    - Photocopy of the letter that was sent, this was requested by them so no doubts there


    - New affidavit of support, this time we listed my

    assets as I have over $50,000 in checking and savings which we didn't disclose before. When we got that letter there was conflicting information, one saying we didn't give evidence of proof of income (despite including a letter from her employer). And the other saying we didn't meet the minimum requirement for the feudal poverty guidelines, which according to my maths should be about $20,575, and then saying we would need a joint sponser. My wife currently makes $35,000 a year, although she started this job in April, would this given them some issue?


    - We have included her W-2 for 2018, which we weren't able to before but we have it now. It doesn't say on the W-2 when she would have started, the overall income is lower as she only started in April, but she still made $25,000 in that time so that should still be enough? With the letter from her work backing this up allow them to work out how much she would have made over a full year, then take it all into account.


    - We've printed off bank statements from the last 12 month for my wife's checking account. I don't have an American bank account that goes back 12 months. We have a joint checking and savings but both have only existed for around 6 months, and were in her name initially and now have both of ours. Would they be able to tell it's the same account just by looking at the A/C, plus would they mind that they don't go back 12 months since they haven't existed that long? Likewise I do have my own checking account but that's only 3 months old as we only opened that after we got married.


    - We were able to get her tax returns again. Last time we included the last 3 years, even though 15 & 16 were optional. We have decided not to include them this time. I can't imagine we'd be able to do 2018 just yet, or anyone for that matter. But we have her W-2 as mentioned and her pay stubs and letter from employer again.


    - Six months of pay stubs as said above, didn't include these last time, mistake on our part we admit.


    That's everything we have and everything that the letter listed that we needed to include, to the best of our understanding. A whole section of what they needed was dedicated to getting a joint sponsor, would they still expect us to get one, even though we've proved as much as we can that we don't need one according to the guidelines. I'm thinking this was maybe added automatically as before there wasn't enough proof before? Should be still get one of her parents to joint sponsor just to be sure? Or would me just including everything about my savings be enough, along with the additional evidence were supplying proving with little doubt what my wife makes?


    Thank you for anyone taking the time to read this. It's been stressful for us since filing it, only to get this back at us. We just want to get it right once and for all. Then relax for a few months before preparing for the interview 😁.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Wuozopo said:


    Your immigrant category DOES NOT allow you to file Form I-485 before your petition is approved so that sentence is not written to you a K1.


    If you don't have your NOA2, then submit something else that shows your petition was approved. The things you mentioned work. 

    I did think this wouldn't apply to a K-1, the wording of it seemed odd just wanted to be sure.

  12. I'm getting my packet together for my AoS and EAD. Putting together my evidence. Going by the instructions for the I-485, on section 5 for the evidence it says to include either the immigrant petition (I-129F) or photocopy of I-797 Form, which I don't believe me and my wife ever recieved, however she did recieve a letter from the DoS saying the NVC recieved my approved petition. I imagine this isn't the same thing. I do have our petition still, with the stamp on the front page showing approval. Do I include a copy of this page, or the whole petition, would I be better off seeing if I can still get an I-797, or do I even need to include this at all. I wanted to clarify because of this line in the instructions before listing the evidence:


    If you are filing as a principal applicant and your immigrant category allows you to file Form I-485 before your
    petition is approved, you may submit your Form I-485 together with:
    This almost seems to me I don't need to include anything because my petition was already approved, about a year ago, not to mention I'm already here and got married three weeks ago.
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