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Everything posted by Timona

  1. 1. What stage of immigration are you at? AOS/ ROC? 2. Are these I-130 for the beneficiaries or you? 3. Are you a USC or LPR? 4. And where are the beneficiaries? Here in US or abroad?
  2. Read and understand what @Boiler said above. Naturalization can be challenged and the whole immigration history reviewed. You sent a letter and I'm sure you explained why you were withdrawing asylum. Regardless, whether you sent it or not, it's in the system. They know. Additionally, while filing AOS, it asks if you have an underlying petition. So, you must have mentioned it there too and even if you didn't, you name will appear in the system under 2 petitions. So, easy to know. Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, asylum and returning home is a grey area for me. I don't understand it well. I only speak from past experience. So, let us know how yours go exiting and returning. On the other side, you still have ROC and N400 to go for file reviews, even if you successfully make it back. Make a wise decision. As I said, this is a grey area for me. I'm not experienced much.
  3. I believe OP already requested for withdrawal of asylum case when he/she got CR-1, if he/ she made use of his/her comments on April 17th thread. So, IO will definitely know. So, number 2 ship is long gone. And it seems OP got GC within the last month. It will raise suspicions that the first place OP wants to visit is Colombia where they ran away from. It is not illegal, but very suspicious because it's contrary to the asylum case. I'd say this is a tight rope OP is walking. Think wisely and make the right judgment.
  4. Was this group just threatening your parents or others too? There's a reason behind this question. And you think they're gonna be happy to see you back? Asylum is one tough area. Once GC/ N400 is granted, the US government doesn't expect you to go back there because you ran away for a reason. I know Kenyans who lied and got asylum and are now USC. One thought he was so clever and went into Kenya via Uganda. So, he landed in Uganda and crossed the border via bus. He enjoyed his stay visiting those relatives that he's missed all this while. Upon returning to US, he was stopped by CBP who were waiting for him. They asked where he was and that was when he found out that they knew he was in Kenya. I don't know how it ended as I never heard from him again. The guy though he was being a genius by flying to Kenya via a neighboring country. USCIS/ CBP knows all these tricks. They're not new. A lot of Kenyans are coming to US on B-2 and as soon as they get to the carousel, apply for asylum as they had the application ready. They then lie that there is a war in Kenya. You may be granted asylum, but expect scrutiny when you finally miss those relatives and want to go back home. A month or so ago, there was one here who wanted to use "genocide in Kenya." I laughed so hard and asked him for proof. People are crazy and shortsighted. I'm sure US embassy Nairobi or even USCIS would have had a field day with this one. 19 year old is considered an adult...just FYI.. Adulthood is at 18
  5. From my little knowledge, it was on her to get a flight out of US before her time was up. That is why it's always advised not to book a return on the last day of your authorized stay. I know a case a while back where someone was caught in a storm and flights out of the airport where canceled. Unfortunately, it was a day or 2 before his authorized stay was due. He overstayed as there was nothing he could do. He still got a ban. He tried to fight it because legitimately, it wasn't his fault. Immigration told him "you had all these X days to get out. Screw you." That being said, there were flights out of US during COVID. I think people from Philippines were flying to Singapore or Hong Kong and connecting from there. I'm not sure which country it was. Additionally, she could have gone to Mexico. That being said, unfortunately, I don't think contacting DOS will be of help. A lot COVID overstayers got the ban while others did extensions. Your MIL isn't going to be an exception. Good luck trying though.
  6. Used USPS at AOS and UPS at ROC. No issues in either. I just went to the one that was closest to me at the time
  7. Difference here is temporary (1) vs permanent (2). OP shouldn't change address...I visited my country three times, 1 month duration each time and toured a few states during my immigration journey. Never changed address. However, I did do AR-11 when I switched residences..Basically permanent relocation from one part of Houston to another. Use common sense.
  8. How did you upload something for AOS? As far as I know, online filing is only available for N400
  9. I did read some where $2500 per month.. But hey, if you're happy, I will be for you. Until then, take it easy....
  10. Follow instructions on the letter. Go online in your USCIS account and it will let there. Otherwise, wait for it in the mail.
  11. See, I read you other thread. You mentioned she left you right after becoming a USC. Think twice and hard this time around. I'm not bashing you but I don't want you to go to your grave early due to a second bird flying away. In my honest opinion, glove aside, the first lady definitely used you and this second one is gonna do the same thing. We all her in VJ see it coming and also saw that the first did exactly that. This new one will toy with you till she gets to US and leaves, just like the first. In my post history on VJ, I've never defended anyone. You're the first and I'm trying to help you see it clearly. Advice: Move and pitch camp in the Philippines. Your two kiddos will be fine for 2 or 3 years. Talk nothing about US and pitch tent. If after the 3 years she's still by your side, then petition. I'd rather investigate for 3 years than have her here in 3 years and she leaves and you're divorced again after she gets her first GC. And don't let this new one start telling you about kids. People nowadays, will have a kid for the sake of immigration...I mean, they are gonna get one in the future anyway. So why not with USC and "use it as good evidence of strong relationship?" This is in quotes because it's a common myth. There's a plethora of threads about foreigners using USC to come in. One man was left at airport by his Ukrainian fiance who he saw get in another car and drive off with another man, all whilst she lied that she was being detained. The guy had rushed to the car park to grab papers to come show CBP. That's when he saw her leave. There's another one here with lost baggage at Chicago Airport and USC was called "by CBP" to ask if she had picked his luggage. We've not heard from her about this story since she last posted nearly a month ago. She said she was going to Nigeria on July 1st to talk to her lover. We've not heard anything.
  12. All of them want to come to US. I understand and have no issue. However, I'm sure there are great men amongst them but since there's a huge trend of many Filipinas marrying USC, most of the Filipinas are now parked at these busstops waiting for the bus to come and take them to a better land. Be careful. Don't be used. You're the bus. Busstops here just refers to waiting for USC, someone like you
  13. You have kids so they'll have to be added on I-864. She's a USC so, no need. However, I'd ask you to give a thought on what the above two have posted. If I were you, considering you've lost a lot in divorce, move to Philippines for 2 years and tell her you've relocated and nolonger returning to US. Tell her you have decided to spend the rest of your life there. Don't mention anything about US visa for her etc. If she's still there after 2 years, then proceed. I just don't want you to be heartbroken. People out here look at their interest first and I'm sure she is.
  14. I see no barricades. But you may be on hook for the I-864 in the first one. Is the first already a US Citizen? And were the children yours?
  15. There's a way to fix it by tweaking something on your browser. I did it years ago. I cannot remember. Just update tour browser, delete and re-download your browser or use a different browser all together
  16. I sent a case inquiry. I don't know who responded but I was specifically told 120 business days. I'll look into my USCIS account
  17. I said business days. According to Google, you're at 114. Yes, it's close but wait till end of next week. 174 is when you include holidays and weekends. I once raised and got hit by "it's not 120 business days yet"
  18. You need to wait 120 business days, then you can raise a request
  19. A call back from tier 2 will come after 2 weeks or may never come at all. I doubt if that will be helpful for you guys. I don't think FO will let you walk in nor will be helpful. Your wife leaves, she will have to start the process afresh from her home country, 1.5+ years from date of filing before she steps back in US. She cannot sneak back in US with any unexpired visa, be it B-2 etc Having said that, you have 2 choices: 1. Wait for her AP to be issued, which may be close depending on when you filed. This timeframe is shorter than (2) below. 2. Leave and start a fresh, whose timeline I've mentioned in a paragraph above. But since you said she's leaving tonight, I guess you are ready for the consequences.
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