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Posts posted by Deleteme123

  1. 6 minutes ago, Lucy123123 said:

    Oh no so what are you going to do now?? 

    Either 90DR which will allow us to be together for 90+ days and then asking for an AOS which should take a couple months. Still, we'll be together through the process. Or, file for CR-1, re-up my lease and have her come live here for 6months while we wait. Or, file for a Canadian version of the k1 and have her stay here while we wait (the wait is much shorter especially for US spouses).

  2. After seeing some November applicants get non-expedited forms approved, my fiance and I reflected on perhaps not cancelling our k1 earlier.
    This morning we sent out our withdrawal and have updated our timeline. 

    I want to thank you all for everything and I'll continue to hang out here and be a cheerleader for all of you who are brave enough to stick it out. I owe many of you a great deal for all of the support, kindness and work you've done to make this awful process more hospitable. 

    Wish you all the best!


  3. Just now, Naes said:

    It doesn't really scare anyone don't worry about that.


    but there is a reason for those cases waiting, it may not be the country specifically. However 200 is not that realistic to give up and change course if you ask me. 220 is btw. After 220 sounds a little normal to ask what happened to my case. 


    But not while there are this many waiting at the same date.


    however again if you think that will be faster and beneficial for you. If I were you I would have done it already :) 

    Our case couldn't be more easy for them to complete and when we began the process we were told it would take a few months, but we may still be a few months away from hearing about being a couple months away.


    We probably should've pulled out earlier, and you're also right 220+ is the new norm. But for us, that's the nature of the problem.


    You guys are all awesome and I can't express enough how much you've helped. I'm proud of all of you.

  4. Just now, Christy&J said:

    wow dude, I'd wait and suck it up ! I mean seriously you are from CA which is not high fraud country. you literally just right there around the corner. what if your NOA 2 came 1 day after you withdraw your application ?


    however if you think it's the best for you and love one :) 


    Good luck !!! :) :) 

    It makes little difference to them where you're from tbh you see all kinds of nation's approved at varying rates.


    Ultimately we're feeling like we need to make a call. Movement is slow, many are left behind and information is scarce.


    I don't mean that to scare anyone and we're probably not doing the "right thing" but for our circumstances it's beneficial.


    Thanks for the good luck and I hope we don't have to !

  5. Just now, Naes said:

    After 200 days?? You know most cases don't go over 20 days and before your withdrawal or any other application reaches them it will probably be 200 days?


    i mean obviously if you want to wait, that's good but don't you think it is a little too late in the game for that?

    IMM 5525 or 90DR would act much quicker and would allow us to be together. 

    Don't want to end up like some folk from May who are still left in the dark, and from there have NVC+ to go. Not trying to discourage, but we're ready to be together and don't want to wait.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Jaquelly said:

    I feel you, and I'm sorry if I agitated you.


    I had a real rough go of it last week. I cried at my desk at work a few times and felt like things were going to fall apart if we didn't hear anything back soon. Andy didn't adjust to being back in the UK very well, so almost the entire month of January was very much me feeling like I couldn't help him, and just generally being heartbroken while everyone else was getting their approvals.


    And they kept going right past us. Every day he'd ask me if we were approved, if I had any mail, if I had gotten the text. Nothing. People at the end of July were complaining/cheering about how they hadn't been approved yet, but here I was, a July 6 NOA1 that felt like they'd forgotten about me. I still do. I feel like I screwed us over by calling USCIS and asking for a supervisor. 


    I still feel horrible about everything, but I'm lucky. He'll be here in 9 days. Maybe we'll get to open the envelope together, if a miracle doesn't happen before then.


    I guess, at the end of it all, my point is that you're definitely not alone in your misery. My stupid optimism exists if only as a defense mechanism. If I am focusing on how happy I am, I can't POSSIBLY focus on how effed over I feel right now.

    I hear ya. I've always been the strong one of us two but it's just getting harder and harder. And as happy as I am to see everyone else get moving, it can also make things slightly discouraging when you feel left behind. Obviously there are those far worse than me, but doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to feel like a plastic bag in the wind haha.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Jaquelly said:

    Hey. I was trying to ease the situation and offer a hand - which is what I've always done.


    In the same respect, you don't know my situation or what I've been dealing with since I last saw my SO. There's a lot going on for everyone. Time will pass, the approval will come. Please don't snap at me because you're having a bad day. :)

    Totally, but that's just why I didn't mention/quote you in my initial post. Just came in to say I was having a hard day is all :)

  8. 13 minutes ago, Jaquelly said:

    Your NOA1 was 18 days after mine. If I'm not freaking out yet, you're not freaking out yet. Start getting your paperwork together, have it ready. Distract yourself. It's going to happen.

    Not sure that's how things work.  We all have different realities/stresses/things to deal with that can make this situation unique to each person. I wouldn't project my insecurities on you, please don't project your standards of coping upon me.


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