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Posts posted by jdks

  1. 6 minutes ago, GP1977 said:

    Congrats on getting to the interview stage. 


    I saw you got an rfe in February and got noa2 in June? When did you respond to the rfe and did you find out why it took them 4 months to get you noa2. It’s usually under 30 days and the longest I have seen until yours was 50 days for uscis response to rfe. Congrats again and best of luck on the interview!

    We responded within a couple of weeks. No idea why it took so long. Hopefully everything else goes smooth from here on in. It's been a long time in coming

  2. 1 hour ago, pajobra said:

    Well change of plans. :D We are gonna get married today the judge has an opening at Noon! He said it will be his bright spot in his morning after all the hearings he has today. So no witnesses. They are not needed in Colorado. lol So we are gonna go pick up our rings when the store opens and go out for lunch before heading back to the courthouse. The judge we picked is soooo nice. Has a great sense of humour. OMG I am getting married today!!!!!

    Congrats!! So excited for  you!! 

  3. 7 minutes ago, pajobra said:

    Oh not being able to work is driving me crazy. Hi all I was a March filer. I have been in the US with my fiance for a month now. We get married on the 9th of December. I told my fiance I feel like I am not contributing to the household. He said hun but you are you cook delicious meals for us. I said I suppose. He said I know I know you are bored. lol He makes enough no problem for us to both live on but still I hate not having my own money. I put in volunteer apps a few places and hope to hear back soon. Really would like to volunteer with the library system here since I was a librarian back home cause that would help especially if I apply for a job with them once I can work. :)


    Hang in there you guys will get your NOA2's soon and then everything moves so fast. I got my NOA2 August 9th and interviewed October 11th and moved to the states October 28th.

    I have been following and your story, being that your are a Manitoba girl and I am going through what you are, almost verbatuim! 

    Everything seems to take so long, but at the same time, it's moving along fast! 

  4. 4 hours ago, marinapoli said:

    Sooooo Day 126 here.  I don't know how to go that sticker, but I loved it!

    From what I read in the June and July thread, July filers can expect to have a response within 160 days, I hope that's correct, fingers crossed ppl, one more month to go!! 

    Just got back from a holiday with the fiance... can't wait to have our own house and stop this madness of travelling all the time and always being poor due to all the flight tickets. 


    Meanwhile would appreciate tips on what to do (without spending any money or very little) in the months we'll be waiting for our employment authorization. I'll be in NYC but I guess there are general tips like where can we sign up for flights and train discounts? Wouldn't mind travelling on day trips while my fiance is at work. Thanks everyone! 


    This is what worries me about the whole process. The not being able to work and no money coming in for myself. I'm planning on day trips around the state and hiking ( my passion). I will probably do some volunteer work also for networking opportunities for future employment. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, trames87 said:

    A copy/paste form @Naes post from May. It wouldn't let me share  the link for some reason...


    "Some people couldn't see the graphs because - including my iphone- couldn't open them;

    So I am reposting... as we cannot edit here....


    Here are the total numbers uptil september (sorry because I'm september I just put it together)



    * (Received,RFE sent&received, name&date updates)


    Here's how much they are approving weekly starting from September...(Includes the cases of April-June)




    Here are the links to files of May-September












    Please correct me if I am wrong, but am I reading that 8 people from July have received an NOA2?? 

  6. On 14/08/2017 at 0:06 PM, Caleb & Angelica said:

    During this long stretch of silence, I thought it would be neat to share our stories! It's nice to hear about other couples who are in this process with us.

    • How did you two meet?
    • How long have you been together?
    • What was it like meeting in person for the first time?

    Looking forward to hearing some awesome stories! :)


    We've known each other for over half my life. We met Way Back in 88 when he was up in North Ontario for a fishing trip, and I was working a summer job at a fly in fishing camp.   We've always kept in contact and we were supposed to be married 18 years ago. But life and other things got in the way and we didn't finish the K-1 application, and we ended things a day before the NOA2 came in.  Really hoping that that does not hurt us this time around

  7. On 7/21/2017 at 6:56 PM, janet3 said:

    One more thing....a lot of people have started signing up for the "informed delivery" through the Postal service....it may be something you want to look into closer to your projected NOA2 date....

    Forgot about it earlier :)

    I am having problems finding information on the "informed delivery" and what it is. Where can I find more out about this? 

    Anyone know? 


  8. 10 minutes ago, JFH said:

    Whilst this is unusual, it shouldn't be a problem per se. The only problem I could see is if the beneficiary has been recently divorced. It might be thought that this is just a "green card shuffle" (beneficiary divorces spouse from home country, quickly files K-1 with a new American partner, approved, moves to the USA, marries, adjusts, divorces and re-marries the original spouse and petitions for him/her). Is the beneficiary Canadian? If so, it shouldn't be a huge problem. 

    I am the beneficiary and Canadian. Never been married or divorce, and not a green card shuffle. We have known each other for the last 30 years and we had been through the first part before, but backed out before the NOA2 


  9. 15 minutes ago, Coco8 said:

    Why does it say you filed for an F-1 in your profile? 


    If your fiance is from Canada, that is a low fraud country, so there will probably be questions at the interview stage but I doubt it will be denied. Prepare the show a lot of evidence at the interview. Maybe you should have got married and done a spousal visa instead because, first, you cannot get cold feet again, second, it is less likely to be denied; but if your fiance is Canadian I doubt this will be a problem.

    Did not realize it said F-1. Fixed that, thanks! 

    I am the beneficiary and Canadian, and will not be getting cold feet this time. Things were complicated 18 years ago, and all that is behind us now 

  10. 12 hours ago, pajobra said:

    Hello fellow Canadians. I am a March Filer and I live in Manitoba. I am planning on staying in Montreal a week and staying in an airbnb because lots of canadians going through this have used them and had great reviews of places. Tons of AirBnBs around both the medical place and the embassy. :D Good luck to you guys in the future. I am still waiting for my NOA2 125 days and counting.

    Im from Manitoba also.  Are you planning on doing the medical and interview all at the same time or splitting it up? The really need an authorized Dr in the prairie provinces. 

    How long was it from the time you mailed your K-1 to the time you received your NOA1? 

  11. My fiance and I have known each other for almost 30 years now. 18 years ago we were to be married and we started the K-1 visa process. I backed out and we did not follow through.  Fast forward to present time, 18 years later where we have now reconnected and we are now engaged again and have started the K-1 Visa process. We filed on July 12th. Will the fact that we filed this 18 years ago raise any red flags? Should we prepare for a longer wait? For anyone that has filed a K-1 more then once for the same person ran into problems where it was denied? Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated! 

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