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Posts posted by sercontigo

  1. I don't doubt your maturity and strong feelings for your girl, but please just wait and let her grow up some. Please, I know from EXPERIENCE that the odds of this marriage working are well, just listen, please:

    A certain man was stricken with a very physically debilitating and painful illness. He felt pain from head to toe constantly and the Doctors were not able to find a cure or ease the constant pain. The man grew so depressed and felt defeated by the pain, that he put a gun to his head one day and pulled the trigger.

    Well, he didn't die in this suicide attempt. Instead, miraculously the bullet entered the part of his brain that triggered the painful disease he had. So miraculously he was cured of the pain and only left with a few physical scars from the operation to remove the bullet.

    So, does this mean that others who suffer from conditions like this should try a bullet to the brain suicide to see if they get "lucky" and hit just the right spot to cure their pain? No, of course not. The odds of what happened to this man are ridiculously slim...one in one trillion!

    What I am trying to say is that the odds of a 16 and 19 year old committing to a lifelong marriage in 2006 are just as ridiculously slim...one in one HUNDRED trillion!

    Wait and gain some experience in life. Travel, fulfill some goals, enjoy YOUR life first before inviting in a lifelong partner. OK...please listen to me.

  2. I too used to be very worried about the face to face interview. I think we all have to remember a few things:

    1. This is done on a case by case basis when these visas are issued. One case may have more photos, one may have more emails or phone records etc. I think that one should present what you have...all that you have and have, of course, carefully reviewed with your Fiance. David & I only have 35 or so pics also, but we have about $2,200 in phone bills, over 200 emails, letters we posted to each other etc...Even some of my family and friends have written David, so he has their cards/letters too.

    2. Then you have to remember that the CO is a human being. It could be that the CO's cat died, his mother is ill, she is feeling tired, he has a bowel disorder...the point is...you NEVER know with humans...unpredictable! :no:

    3. Remember to have faith in your SO. He or she will just do the best they can with all the evidence that you two have. PRAY and be sincere. I would suggest eye contact and gentleness show.

    That's all you can do...YOUR VERY BEST! So I try not to worry, but BOY, do David and I prepare ALOT! :yes:

    I wish Taye and your SO the BEST of WISHES on your interview. :star: Please stop by and let us know how it goes!

  3. I don't think your man should be bringing up what other women do for other men out of stupidity, desperation or foolishness. I really look down on women who buy men with material things and the men who take from these women...just using them.

    Your man should view it as shameful and not even mention it to you because its a disgrace. He doesn't need anything beyond the necessities and maybe a few sentimental gestures. He should be grateful to be in the situation he's in...having a loving fiance.

  4. I am pretty much a newbie. Never experienced any drama...I try not to offer any political or religious views so as not to upset or offend anyone. I am thankful for VJ and the advice I have gotten from each and everyone of you. I appreciate the time people take to let others know what they are going through too...its a big help to me. I just hope no one holds back any valuable info/advice because myself and others could really use the help. I can truly understand the ones who after reuniting with their SO's may drift away; that's natural. Anyway, thank you VJers all over the world! Sercontigo sure appreciates ya! :D

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