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Posts posted by sercontigo

  1. Joone, I am happy for you. I was in the same boat...waiting for the IMBRA RFE. Finally on 9/14/06 I received an email stating they needed more info. I still haven't received it by mail yet! I am in Georgia and they are in Cali. I don't know why the mail should take that long. So even though I have the RFE, I don't HAVE the RFE in hand! :angry:

    Does anyone else experience longer than normal wait times with the mail?

  2. My fiance David has been working & saving his money, attending Christian meetings and studying for the interview questions. He and I have been exchanging emails with factoids about me & my family & my past. I also sent him the Georgia State Driver's Instruction Manual, so he studies that too just so that passing the written part of the driver test will be easier for him. He prays alot too! Don't we all! :)

  3. I think tomorrow you will still wake up, eat breakfast, breathe, love your significant other, wash your body, breathe...eat...in other words, what she says has and shouldn't have any impact to your life and existance. The Dept of Homeland Security trumps her anyway, they are OK with you being here and for the record, I am glad you are here too.

    Pity her. She is probably being victimized at home in some way because all her energy is wrappped up in the political affairs of the world instead of bettering herself or having human respect for the rights and opinions of others.

    She might have even been suffering from really bad gas & you caught her at a bad time. :D

  4. [That is how I feel too, like we are actually suffering and waiting so long and are under so much scrutiny because of people like this. I am angry at the US Citizens... :angry: as if a few thousand bucks is worth the jail time! And no one should know better than a US Citizen what marriage actually means as far as the law is concerned. Why would you marry someone you don't know? You marry their problems, their debt and their headaches! No amount of money will make me even consider being a part of some illegal's issues. Anyone that desperate to get here, don't belong here IMHO!

    Truth is, I get even more livid when I constantly have to defend my love for my fiance because so many other West Africans have committed so much fraud. I will be the first to admit, I work for a bank and have actually been assigned to fraudulent issues coming straight out of West Africa! NOBODY IS AN ANGEL...EVERY RACE, CREED, COUNTRY HAS ITS GREEDY, SELFISH, IDIOTS!

    So, what did I do? I pray really hard and I used my brain. I did extra research when coming to know him, his family and his background. That's all you can do is be honest and careful.

    That's my 42 cents.

  5. You said a mouthful blah...marriage is taken so lightly by some

    also their motivation for greed and material things outweighs their need to be decent to each other

    Those US citizens deserve the jailtime they may get because that level of greed and stupidity deserves some type of punishment. It angers me because I have struggled to convince my family & friends that I am doing the right thing and that I really and truly love my fiance and he loves me.

    When I tell my fiance stuff like this, he hates to hear it. He feels like since our intentions are so good that this type of thing brings such negative attention to us & makes people doubt that a marriage long distance & across boarders can last. His heart is so pure and so is mine.

    Though we have not conventionally "dated" and spent every weekend together, I respect him, I laugh with him, I want to be his wife. I want to die with this man. (L)

  6. MY FIANCE THOUGHT he was going to need his police report early, so he went and got one. It was N3500 or about $28. Per the embassy info section on the VJ site, the medical is N15500 or about $125. The fee for the visa is N14000 or $100. To be safe I'd send her $350.

    Here's some other helpful info about payment of the visa fee...

    The formal execution of the visa fee collection agreement between the U.S. Mission to Nigeria and United Bank for Africa Plc took place today, Thursday June 29, 2006 at the U.S. Consulate General in Lagos. The event featured a signing of the document by the Consul General, Mr. Brian Browne and UBA Chief Executive Officer and Group Managing Director, Mr. Tony Elumelu.

    The agreement will enable UBA to deliver fee collection and retail banking services to the U.S. Mission and its clients. It will bring simplicity, speed and convenience to the payment process for non-immigrant visa applicants and other clients of the U.S. Mission.

    Starting today, UBA will begin collecting the N14,000 non-immigrant visa fee from visa applicants at their designated branches. After paying the fee, applicants will be given a receipt that will serve as evidence of payment when the applicants come for their interviews. Although the U.S. Mission encourages applicants to make their non-immigrant visa fee payment at any of the designated UBA branches, cash payments will continue to be acceptable the remainder of this week.

    Beginning Monday, July 3, 2006 all non-immigrant visa applicants will be required to visit one of the designated branches of UBA Plc to make their payment before their interview. The U.S. Mission and UBA are committed to making this change as easy as possible for all applicants. The new payment procedure will simplify the visa process and promises to further improve the quality of service provided.

    In recent years, the U.S. Mission has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in renovations and other improvements designed to support more comfortable and efficient processing of visa applicants.



  7. You all have been so very helpful on the other topics for me. Maybe you can help with this...My fiance lives about 8 hours from Lagos & he knows he will have to pick up the Packets in person (he prefers this). He's trying not to be in Lagos too long and at the same time we can't afford for him to be traveling back & forth too much. My questions are as follows:

    1 What is packet 3 & 4 and what's in these packets?

    2 How much time lapses between picking up the packet and actually getting a Dr's appointment?

    3 How much time lapses between picking up packet and the face to face interview.

    Just please tell me your experiences and what you have seen. It doesn't have to be exact.

    I appreciate your help so much and so does David.


  8. I just have to say that I live in Atlanta, GA and its SWIMMING IN AFRICANS (*LATINOS TOO FOR THE RECORD*).

    I bank with Bank of America and not only is my branch managed by a woman from Ghana, but about 30% of the employees are foreign including Africans! My area is extremely diverse and there are some seriously intellingent black people of all nations out there. :yes:

    Devil'sAdvocate :unsure:

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