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Posts posted by sercontigo

  1. That was one of the most ignorant columns that I have ever read. I feel stupider now that I have actually taken such bunk into my mind. It's as if no American Men abuse American Women...hello??? Battered women are all over America, I know because I worked for the Dept of Human Services for 4 years.

    For the record, not one of my clients was here on a Fiance Visa. True, the problem of abuse exists, but don't try to make it like its an immigration issue. Please! I live in an apartment and I have heard my upstairs neighbor, who is a very American man argue with and wrestle with is very American girlfriend. Like someone said it just feeds the frenzy of supposed immigration issues in this country. I have to force myself to turn away from this ####### and try not to react. I try to focus on my situation & get my fiance here...I have said enough.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING THE INTERVIEW DATE! I will not attend David's interview because the flights are so expensive right now and I am thinking *(and hoping) he will have December date also. The flight pricess may even go up from there. Also we are saving to finish paying for our reception!

    Much success at the interview.


  3. Bosco & Mybackpages:

    The two of you are very patient, helpful, intelligent people. I was TOTALLY unable to comprehend the post due tot he obvious language barrier, grew very impatient and clicked off without replying. Your replies taught me that I need to try to be more understanding and patient next time I face a situation like that.

    You really set a good example for humandkind today. I was really impressed. :yes:

  4. That's right Lads and Lasses I GOT THE EMAIL! I arrived home late today and sat down at my computer about 9:40 and and logged onto my email. I got two emails at 9:31 pm saying we were approved!!!!

    I am sooooo happy! :dance::dance::dance:

    My fiance rises for the day at midnite my time which is 5am his time &

    I can't WAIT to call him and tell him the excellent newwwwws!

    I had to share with you all because I was starting to worry. I am OK now. :luv:

  5. I also suggest love letters, any postal mail sent or received *(including the envelope)*, any wedding arrangements/announcements or events that you may have planned when you arrive in USA such as a receipt for a hall you may have booked. A few of my friends are going to post greeting cards to my fiance congratulating him on his approval. Which we just got today! :yes:

  6. CONGRATZ LOUISA! I TOO AM IN THE SAME STATE OF BLISS BECAUSE I GOT THE SAME EMAIL! I also got home late today. I sat down at about 9:40 and and logged onto my email. I got two emails at 9:31 pm saying we were approved!!!! I am sooooo happy! :dance::dance::dance:

    My fiance wakes up at midnite my time which is 5am his time & I can't WAIT to call him and tell him the newwwwws! :lol::luv::lol:

  7. Four Movies I watch over and over:

    1. The Usual Suspect

    2. The Long Kiss Goodnight

    3. Willy Wonka (orig w/Gene Wilder)

    4. Please Don't Eat The Daisies

    Four places I have lived:

    1. Cleveland, OH

    2. Orlando, FL

    3. Smyrna, GA

    4. Mentor, OH

    Four TV shows I love to watch:

    1. Law & Order (all of them)

    2. CSI Miami

    3. King of Queens re-runs

    4. Everybody loves Raymond re-runs

    Four places I have been on vacation:

    1. Umuahia, Nigeria

    2. Columbus, OH

    3. Orlando, FL

    4. soon to be Grand Turk (honeymoon)

    Four of my favorite foods:

    1. Brazilian

    2. African

    3. Mexican

    4. sushi

    Four places I'd rather be right now:

    1. On honeymoon with David

    2. In my bed with David

    3. In David's arms

    4. ANYWHERE with David!!!

  8. The letter is very funny on the surface, but what's really going on is not. If you do things illegally it seems you get over so much more. All the benefits go to the liars, thieves & cheaters. I really hate it! Folks like us who try to go about things the right way suffer through endless waiting, paperwork and demands. Its unfair. I know this government will never be able to support its citizens in a just manner, NEVER.

  9. 1. Initials:


    2. Name someone with the same birthday as you:

    Madame Marie Curie

    3. Last thing you ate?

    a bowl of Trix cereal (it has TONS of sugar, but I used skim milk to cancel the sugar out) :P

    4. For or against same sex marriage:


    5. I say Shotgun! You say?

    Tennessee, Kentucky, Wal Mart etc...

    6. Last person you hugged?

    my daughter

    7. Are you single.

    Not anymore!

    8. How many U.S states have you been to?

    Just a few...maybe 10

    9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in:


    10. Ever lived outside of the US:


    11. Name something you like physically about yourself:

    My eyes, lips, skin, teeth, legs

    13. Who is your best friend?

    Actually, my fiance is...but my life is filled with many runners up!

    14. Why are you still up?

    Couldn't fall back asleep after being awoken

    15. Who made you angry today?

    It didn't get to that level today...thanks to God.

    16. Favorite type of Food?:

    dishes that are Brazilian, Mexican, African...they are all very close in cuisine (you'd be surprised)

    17. Favorite holiday:

    None...way too much commercialism

    18. Do you download music:

    Not so much

    19. Do you think Tupac is still alive?:

    I really don't have time to speculate and this really doesn't rank in the top 1,000 things I care about.

    20. Have you ever seen that one movie on Disney Channel that is about the Jamican's bobsledding?:

    No, but the concept sounds funny

    21. Would you date the person the posted this?


    22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?

    Yes, my closest male friend who happens to be giving me away at my wedding is a great singer.

    23. Do you love anyone?

    I do, I love God, my fiance, my children, my family & even some people who I have only known a short time. It took alot for me to learn to love but I am getting better at relinquishing control and going with the feeling.

    24. Do you like Bush?

    Not particularly, no

    25. Have you ever bungee jumped:

    Never have, never would

    26. Have you ever went white-water rafting:


    27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?

    Yes...I get that alot...dirtly old men with polyester pants, dentures & a Medicare card...ewwww

    28. How much money ya got?:

    Ever since I visited, Africa & started planning this wedding...not too much :help:

    29. Have you met a real redneck?

    YES, One of the most colorful characters I ever did meet! :D

    30. How is the weather right now:

    55 degrees, rainy...I love rain, just wish my David was here to cuddle with :(

    31.What are you listening to right now:

    Yahoo Jukebox (Breathe / 2am by some girl) Cool song ...

    32. What is your current favorite song?

    Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers :dance:

    33. What was the last movie you watched?

    Click...Adam Sandler

    34. Do you wear contacts:


    35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?

    Work, grocery store

    36. What are you afraid of?:

    being burned or tortured to death

    37. How many piercings and tattoo's do you have:

    2 holes in each ear...no tattoos at all

    38. How many pets do you have:


    39. What's one thing you've learned:

    Self control is MANDATORY and a PROTECTION.

    41. What do you usually order from Starbucks?:

    Grande Non-fat, Sugar Free Vanilla Latte

    42. Have you ever fired a gun:


    43. Are you missing someone?

    YES, so very much!!

    44. Fav. TV show?

    Law & Order (ALL of them) and CSI Miami

    45. Do you have an ipod?:

    No, I wish I did. I keep getting emails offering me a "free" one.

    46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?

    Yes...I get that alot.

    47. Do you like ponytails on men?:

    Long hair on a man is in my top 3 turn-offs. Ranks behind (2) long fingernails & (1) effeminite mannerisms :angry:

    48. Who would you like to see right now?


    49. Favorite movie of all time?

    The Usual Suspect

    50. Do you find yourself loved?:

    Oh, definitely!! :luv:

    51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?

    Goodness, yes....

    52. Favorite flower:

    magnolia...not really I just picked that one because I live in Georgia USA famous for the magnolias

    53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?

    salted and buttered

    54. What Magazines are you reading:

    Cooking Light, Modern Bride, Latina & Shape

    55. Have you ever ridden in a limo:


    56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?

    Yes.. :(

    57. Do you love David Hasselhoff?:

    Even though I am not German, I love him. ;)

    58. What's something that really bugs you?:

    Bratty, whining kids misbehaving in markets & stores and their parents who refuse to take control and show them that life has boundaries and limits. Drives me nutz! :blink:

    59. Who really brought sexy back?:

    Almost hate to admit this, but I think Anna Nicole really was sexy in those Guess Ads in the 90s. I think that is when I first started feeling sexy about myself. As crazed as she is, she's beautiful...well she was then.

    60. Do you like Michael Jackson?

    I can't allow myself to accept Michael, his lifestyle. I can't support his choices.

    61. Whats your favorite smell?:

    RAIN...gosh I love it! :D

    62. Favorite basketball team:

    Any with tall black guys as players! :no:

    63. Favorite cereal:

    Cookie Crisp, very dangerous!!! Don't try it at home!

    64. Do you drive:


    65. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?

    A couple days...it's a mental & emotional struggle. I don't advise it...we need sleep.

    66. Last time you went bowling?:

    About 3 months ago with a group of friends.

    67. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?

    Nowhere really weird...

    68. Who was your last phone call?:

    a customer at work

    69. Last time you were at work?:

    This afternoon

    70. Whats your favorite state to be in:

    security...I feel it with David

  10. I will be quite honest...I don't want to live in Nigeria. The economy is below standard & there aren't many opportunities to survive at the level that I am living here in the US. I also wouldn't uproot my daughter and force her into such foreign surrounds. Besides, I love America...just happen to be in love with a foreigner.

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