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Posts posted by OlayemiLoray

  1. 18 hours ago, Joloms said:

    It was altered at all, just that the small letter t was highlighted to big letter T on my fathers name and it was even done at the registry, why would I want to change a letter on my fathers name, if not to correct a misspelling and it was the registrar that made the correction 

    Whether it was done at the registry or by you, it was still altered. Just get another one and let them know it can not be altered.

  2. We had our combo interview on 11/07 and was approved for I-751 as well as the N-400. It was immediately updated on the USCIS Website that we were approved and should receive notice in the mail which we received yesterday. However the noticed stated he won't receive a 10 year green card since he will be having his oath ceremony for naturalization. I can guarantee your I-751 was approved because you wouldn't be having an oath ceremony. BTW, congratulations!


    Sidenote: Be sure to update your timeline.

  3. On 11/19/2021 at 3:15 PM, Richybrainy said:

    Do you know if photo is necessary because my wife is photo shy most times? 

    Nope, photos are not required..The N400 is fairly easy and I found it much easier to file online..No pics required, but the last 3 years of tax transcripts, marriage certificate, and lease agreement or mortgage showing you two still lived together under the same roof are what is required..You will submit all that evidence online and if you have additional evidence to send such as a joint savings or checking account, life insurance and auto insurance showing you both on there to boost your case..

  4. 4 minutes ago, Iris & Adewale said:

    I've been answering questions. I guess the trigger word is 'fraud' and how everyone believes when it comes from Nigeria, it has to be fraud. My wife will answer all questions from immigration in all honesty on the scheduled date. We have nothing to hide. Because it's rare was why I wanted more insight thinking people would help. Thank you so much for your response

    I totally agree with you..This is why I really don't comment much here, but browse to seek the answers that I am looking for. We know Nigeria is not the only fraudulent country because there are plenty, but I would have to agree that fraud definitely runs rampant there. Don't let that be an issue for you...Just get the answers you need and focus on the journey at hand..Many blessings to you and your wife..

  5. 6 minutes ago, Iris & Adewale said:

    Yes the RFE was taken care of. They only wanted additional evidence and it was submitted

    Honestly for them to want to interview the U.S. citizen is rare..I don't want to assume, but there has to be more..I know you don't like all the questions, but in this group you have to be truthful and straightforward to get the answers you are looking for..What needs or should happen is that your significant other should make an account with VJ and ask the questions so that way it is more clear for the both of you. As the one gentleman stated, may need to get a lawyer involve.

  6. 1 minute ago, Crazy Cat said:

    Please explain why I have seen a large age gap listed as a factor on denial letters.   It, alone, may not cause a denial, but to say it isn't a factor is is naïve.  

    Naive to you, but as I said, I know of women who are 20 years plus older than their spouse and got approve..I am 10 years older than my spouse..I don't think it's the age that's an issue, I think it's something else for them to want to interview the wife who happens to be the U.S. citizen..They're not bringing her in for the age difference...

  7. 4 hours ago, ra0010 said:

    Red flag #1


    Tax returns? 

    Not so because I've sent money to my husband plenty of times, I am 10 years older than him, married on my second visit to Nigeria and we submitted all of docs for spousal visa (no RFE's), had interview on a Monday, was approved and received his visa and passport on that Friday..There could be more to the OP story..I know of other women who are 20 years plus older than their spouses and they got approved so I wouldn't say age is a factor...Yes, Nigeria is very much high fraud country as it is keep being repeated, but as I said it has to be more to this story, but don't really want to assume anything...


    Edit: I quoted the wrong comment but this was in response to sending money...

  8. 5 hours ago, Iris & Adewale said:

    We married on her second visit and we've spent quality time together. We're both Christian

    I married on my second visit to Nigeria and I am 10 years older than my spouse, so that shouldn't be an issue..However, there maybe something on yours or her background is what is delaying an interview..You stated you did receive an RFE, was that taken care of? 

  9. On 10/17/2021 at 7:34 PM, BrittIgbinovia said:

    Wow! That’s interesting! The officers didn’t ask for his phone but they definitely throughly went through all Of his drawers, closets and other rooms. It has also been 9 months for us on AP at this point. They have yet to call him as promised by the consulates inspectors that came by. We are hoping for an approval soon. Fingers crossed!! 🤞🏾 

    Im glad it worked out in your favor and tour in-laws got some awesome new furniture! 


    It will happen sis..Your husband will be here..Yes, Nigeria is a high fraud country, but not every Nigerian man or woman are into scamming..I am married to a Nigerian and have been 5 years and not to say all is peaches and cream because no marriage is perfect, but he is a damn good husband..Honestly, I had the same fears other women had with Nigerian men in reference to the scamming when we first started out, but glad I followed my heart..We just celebrated our 5th year anniversary last week and he went above and beyond..Yes, a high fraud country, but as I stated not all Nigerians are like that..The bad ones just make it bad for the genuine ones..Hopefully you will hear something soon..

  10. When I submitted ROC, I did include pics with a bit of info on each pic explaining where we were and whom we were with..Also sent in our bank statements showing we were co-mingling our finances, and bills with both of our names on it amongst other evidence..However, the mistake I made was not making copies of our whole ROC package because I read somewhere that you may have to bring it to your interview..Please be sure to make your copies and don't make the mistake that I've done..Hopefully they won't ask for it..Good luck on the rest of your journey!

  11. On 4/15/2020 at 2:07 AM, Fidel said:

    She requested for it in March and today make it 6wewks and she hasn't gotten it in her mail.... She can't get it online because of name discrepancy 

    It taken 3 tries to get our last 3 years of transcripts for the ROC the beginning of this year..After several phone calls to an IRS agent and me trying to order online, we still had not received at that time..I finally got an IRS agent (this was earlier part of February before this pandemic got out of hand) that saw I requested 3 times and put in another request and we finally got them...As of now, the IRS are not any accepting phone calls due to handling of these stimulus checks..You may have to wait until it die down (Who knows when that will be) to put in another request...Good luck to you!

  12. On 8/22/2019 at 2:10 PM, JeanneAdil said:

    first of all 

    1   create a timeline here to help the VJ community answer any and all questions

    2.  next ,  be prepared to marry if the K1 is denied 

    3.  need much patience to go thru this process

    4.  read the portal for Nigeria and the embassy reviews as that is your best source reguarding your embassy

    5.  many here wait years (ours was total of 6 ) to get a visa

    6.  this is not easy 

         this is not fast

         this is not cheap

    7.  get to know your USC fiancee and be prepared for everything in the USA /  there are many posts on here from others who are discouraged as with K1 you can not work immediately and many get homesick and lonely /some can not adapt to foods /  some to our weather/  and many are surprised to find out how hard Americans have to work..   Imagine a person living in the country and suddenly in a big city or visa versa.   or you coming from hot weather to a place where there is snow 6 months of the year.     Just prepare yourself for all these changes 


    and good luck

    Well said on all of this..My husband (CR1) has been here over a year and the only thing he is not adjusting to is American foods...Thank God I love Nigerian cuisines and that we have many Nigerian/African restaurants here..When he first got here April 2018, he was without work until January 2019, but that's because at that time we weren't really looking and my income alone helped us along the way...I thank God he is not homesick, but does miss close family and friends...Other than that, the food seems to be the only issue for him..Everything has to be hot...Lol! I will say to anyone coming to a foreign land is research and learn that country you will be living in...

  13. 20 hours ago, geowrian said:

    Nothing in this post covered the topic of coming to the US with intent to adjust status. It covered other aspects of the case.

    The coming to the US as a tourist to file the I-130 + I-485 is the fraudulent part, not the relationship.

    I was just about to say the same..I read nothing in their response to OP to have spouse come to America to adjust status once he is here in America... 

  14. 14 hours ago, LolaOkhuofu said:

    I will correct this then...thanks

    When I filed my taxes, I could not add my husband because he was in Nigeria and did not have a social, so the tax rep told me I had to file single and not MFS and I also couldn't file HOH..It bothered me because I knew this was going to cause us an issue, but apparently the Lagos Consulate was aware of this happening and people still got approved and me being one..However, as soon as my husband got here, we had our 2016 and 2017 taxes ammended..I am not suggesting to you to do this, but if need be, apply for an ITIN for your spouse so that way you will be at ease..

  15. On 7/28/2019 at 12:24 PM, LilyJ said:

    I would get a new passport with the new name anyways, at least before the next time you take an out of country trip, because when you travel your passport will need to match your legal name

    This is true..When I was going to visit my hubby in Nigeria, my drivers license and my flight itinerary had my maiden and married name, but my passport only had my maiden name. However, the ticket agent did informed me that I would need to get a new passport with my married name added because the next time I will not be so lucky..She had to go to her supervisor to get the go ahead for me to check in my luggage and get on my flight...As soon as made it back to America, I taken care of that...

  16. This woman just doesn't know how good of husband she has or had..You sound a lot like my husband who happens to be the foreigner and he doesn't believe in having debt or owing anyone...My husband have seen all the debt I've acquired before him and he is willing to pay it off and even if it means years to pay it off...I don't understand some of the mindsets of some women or men when they have a good spouse  they are willing throw it all away behind nonsense..First and foremost, her mother shouldn't be all up in your business as if she's the one taken care of your home..You deserve better than this..If she can't or won't get her act together, let it go and move on..

  17. On 4/30/2019 at 7:55 AM, Tidy said:

    Hello friends. Apologies if this question is in the wrong place.  My K1 interview is scheduled for June at the Lagos embassy, Nigeria. I’m aware that I’m required to bring both copies and the original of some documents, inclusive of my birth certificate. However, I’ve misplaced my original birth certificate, though I have photocopies of it available. When I lost my birth certificate, I since made an attestation of birth and I have that available. I have two questions

    1. Is the ‘attestation of birth’ sufficient as an evidence of birth at the interview stage?

    2. Is the ‘attestation of birth’ sufficient for the green card interview? Since I heard they’re a bit more stringent there? How have people handled scenarios in the past?


    Yes it is...My husband had that an a signed affidavit from a close member of his family who was aware of his birth..No wahala!

  18. On 5/1/2019 at 2:02 AM, Styno said:

    Thanks very much, so happy to hear this

    As stated, age difference is not an issue..I am 10 years older than my husband..The first time we finally met (March 2016) in Nigeria was a week visit...Met siblings, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and close friends..Went a second time for 2 1/2 weeks (October 2016) is when we got married, went a third time (August 2017) while our petition was still in process at the USCIS stage, and went a 4th time (April 2018) to collect my husband to come home to America...We started out December 2014, gone for 3 visits, 10 years age gap, neither one of us has ever been married (a first marriage for both), neither one of us have kids, no RFE's during the USCIS stage, no checklist during the NVC stage, and he is now here since April 2018..I will say each case is different, but Lagos Embassy is not as difficult as it once was before..I will say get plenty of face time in and frontload your petition heavily to prove a bonafide relationship...Other than that, you should be fine...

  19. @Ariesown go visit, get married, go visit, go visit and go visit as much as you can..I am 10 years older than my husband, but we knew what needed to be done if we wanted to be together and that was plenty of facetime and other quality evidence to prove a bonafide relationship being that Nigeria is a high fraud country..We went with the CR1 which I would advise anyone to do who has a spouse in Nigeria or any other high fraud country for that matter..However, we didn't get married until my second visit, but to each it's own..Wishing you the best on your journey!

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