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Posts posted by Arazia

  1. In general, if you have emails that run in a string... a sent mail -> respnose -> their response, that probably works best as evidence than single emails.

    While I have no clue personally what the embassy would want or need, I'd suggest avoiding the following:

    - E-mails that get too 'personal', I don't think the officers want to know -that- much about your love life.

    - E-mails that mention or allude to any arguments or fights or disagreements

    - E-mails that mention, in general, anything you wouldn't want the general public to know about you and your relationship.

    Other than that, I don't know what to suggest. I'm sure there's some folks who have been around longer who can say better than I.

  2. Just a little insight which could be totally wrong but...

    I work for a government funded agency (public railroad) and we have a lot of 'timed' processes that get run after people go home in the evening because it takes up a lot of processor time in our computers/mainframe. It's possible that the system that runs the updates and sends out the e-mails is processed like this. Essentially, jobs that run updates get set into a timer system to run at a specific time each day after all daily processing has completed.

    Of course, that's just my educated guess as a mainframe programmer. :innocent:

  3. As far as I'm aware, there are not any religions or cultures that deny a couple from meeting before marriage. Of course, someone could always come out of the blue with one and proove me wrong.

    As for medical hardship... you would have to prove that -both- were unable to meet each other for medical reasons, and then you have to ask yourself... if you couldn't meet because of that, how do you really expect to get married? This one confuses me.

    As for financial hardship... again if you couldn't pay for airfare to meet each other, how do you expect to pay for it after approval and then support the person once married?

    I don't know, it just seems like a lot of it doesn't make sense.

  4. Personally, I wouldn't bother hiring a lawyer to do the entire process. That could be particularly costly and as some people on the forums have noted... not always more efficient. There have been a number of people on this forum alone that have had to fire lawyers who have screwed up their processing. This, of course, doesn't mean it will happen all the time.

    I would only suggest using a lawyer if you have a particularly complex case (multiple divorces, children involved, or something else that might require extra paperwork), or if you are having a lot of trouble understanding the guides. If not, you're probably okay with a Do-It-Yourself sort of setup.

    It may make you feel more at ease to have your packet looked over by a lawyer once you are ready to send, and this can help reduce the number of mistakes, and will cost a lot less than having the lawyer do it completely. Once they verify everything, then you can send things in yourself.

    -- Of course, this is just my opinion. We did ours completely ourselves.

  5. *hugs*

    First thing, let me say that you are not alone. This is something most long distance couples deal with. Some aren't good at talking on the telephone, others just don't know what to say. I know that I have trouble sleeping if I don't get to hear Harry's voice, and that's just because we've pretty much talked every night since we got together save for a rare few. Have you tried telling her that it doesn't matter if you have a lot to talk about... that you just want to hear her voice? Perhaps tell her that her voice is beautiful, that you love to hear it, tell her how it makes you feel just to hear her breathe. Seriously, it sounds sappy but it might be the encouragement she needs to talk even if there isn't much to say.

    It's also perfectly okay to be afraid. You have such an amazing thing in your life and you worry it will go away. I've been there, I am there, so I know exactly what you're going through. I've invested so much time into my relationship that I'm worried it would break me if he were to ever go away. Sometimes, I just ask very quietly, 'Stay with me forever?'. He usually just says 'Of course' or 'always', but it does help me feel better. Take courage in the fact that this is someone who is willing to go this distance to be with you, and you're willing to go that distance to be with her. That is an amazing thing that very, very few people can understand.

    I also know all too well about the financial side of things. I wanted so badly to save up money to help us get on our feet once my beloved is here, but I seem to get sidetracked all the time. Don't be afraid to treat yourself once in a while though. Let yourself have that dollar hamburger or whatever and make it a reward for being so good at keeping things together this past week.

    If nothing else... know that you're loved by someone amazing in this world.

    I hope that knowledge can offer some comfort.

    If you ever need to talk, let me know.


  6. To all the powers that may be...

    Threads of life bind all things and bring us together across borders and oceans. Draw to one another our hearts and souls and make one soul, one promise, and one future. Bless those waiting with a speedy journey to along the path set before them. Give them courage not to waver and faith to persevere even if the road be long.

  7. There are four pages to the G-325A. Both you and your USC Fiance(e) have to fill out the same four page form. You each will put down your own data on your form. So your Fiance(e) will have information about his/her family, address info, etc on their form, and you will have your information on your form.

    You can't have him sign for you. Really it isn't worth the risk if someone discovers that he forged your signature. You're better off filling out the form, signing all four pages of it, and then mailing it to your fiance(e).

  8. i am from the area where the incident happen..it is in a college town.. and if it happen in the southern part of the state...there would have been no jail time

    Yes there would have been. He was going to jail for parole violation.

    well, that is debateable..i worked for the parole board..and that is not a given with the over crowding of prisons

    Read the article please...

    "A judge ordered Thornton's sentence to run concurrently to a prison term related to a parole violation on a 2005 aggravated battery conviction."

    He was already going to jail for the parole violation.

    In any case, I'm going to drop out of this discussion.

    I'm an animal lover. Simple as that, and thinking about this grosses me out.

  9. 1. There is emotional attachment to animals that we have as pets. You can't just 'go out and get another one'. That doesn't solve the problem. If your best friend dies, can you just forget about them and go out and get another friend? No.

    2. The guy did NOT get this sentence alone. He was given this one concurrent with parole violation. Which means that he was going to jail anyways, so they tacked this on to the time he already had. He was going away for 2 years either way. Now he's just going away for two years for parole violation AND killing a kitten.

  10. Okay, the story about the seagull incident is going a bit too far. It's clear that he wasn't trying to hurt the animal, just swat it away. You can't file animal cruelty charges for all the accidental animal deaths in the world.

    But this is different. This was intentional murder of an animal in order to harm someone else. Not to mention that it was done in a very cruel way. You can laugh and say 'too many Disney movies', but there is something seriously wrong with someone who would do that. I agree that the people in the incidents mentioned (the kitten and the dog) need councelling, but I think the jail sentence is appropriote to the crime as well.

    As for if we hold animals higher than people... no. If this were a person he killed, he would get a lot worse of a sentence for it. So simple as that, we obviously do not hold animals more important than human life. But this fellow clearly had no reguard for LIFE at all if he thought the best way to get back at his girlfriend was to tear the head off of her pet kitten.

    That is ridiculus.

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