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Posts posted by Jon&Margz

  1. Statement from Yves Attorney:  

    Yve's representative, Dominique Enchinton of Dominton Talent House, clarified that Yve was not formally arrested.


    "The domestic abuse allegations have been falsified by Mohammed," Enchinton said, adding that the alleged abuse was "false and just a ploy to keep him in the US."


    "Yve was not arrested on Aug. 15 or any other day," Enchinton added. "Yve has never been abusive toward Mohammed and just wants this chapter in her life to be done so she can move forward."

  2. 14 minutes ago, Eric-Pris said:

    he claims that he spent over $10,000 on HER since she arrived.  You can't act like Richie Rich one day (buying her the latest iphone and high end designer clothes), then cheap out on other stuff, it's confusing.  She is so beautiful though.  Wow.  


    It was infuriating to watch him disrespect Thais, treating her like a child.   

    She wants to decorate - NO! 

    She wants to know her fiance's financials - NO!   

    She wants to have a home with just him/her - NO! 


    Brother John is an odd-duck too.  Drops the steak on the floor -- wants to make them eat it?  If he has a job - why can't he get his own place to live?


    She needs to pack her bags and leave.  There are red flags everywhere.

  3. 15 hours ago, debbiedoo said:

    i liked the french lady. her boyfriend... not so much. at all. to put it mildly.


    i think i was one of the few who likes rachel and whatever his name is.


    both of them seem intelligent about the process, from what was shown. iirc.




    I was never a fan of Rachel and Jon.  She incessantly whined how "unfair" it was that her criminal husband wasn't getting approved for the K1 or Spousal Visa.   They're still separated by the Atlantic Ocean.   LESSON:  Choose wisely.   USCIS won't love your fiance' or be as forgiving of their past crimes - as you are.


    Another 90DF couple was on VJ was Benjamin  (Benjami and Akinyi).   I see on instagram - it appears she made it to the US  - which surprises me a little since they "married" in Africa (traditional ceremony) while filed for a K1. 


    The show has become a caricature of the real K1 process.  


    PS - Andrew (who dated Amira) lives a few miles from my work.  Never met or seen him ... but definitely an ODD-DUCK!   Amira was cute - hoping the best for her.



  4. On 10/5/2021 at 2:39 PM, Mary Lou said:

    I am not watching The Other Way. So this Steven, does he rank right up there with Pole? 

    Anyone who convinces you to hitch-hike in a foreign country where you don't speak the language .... RUN.   Drop him like a bad habit and RUN.  Pole was an overprotective idiot.   Steven is an under-protective idiot,  which is far worse in my book.

  5. 11 hours ago, laylalex said:

    That whole part with Amira was incredibly triggering for me, down to the people not believing her, and the whole "we need to hear from him too" part. Andrew was still in control, even when he wasn't there. By removing himself, by making it impossible to ask him for his side of the story, the only questions that can be asked are about Amira. What she said rang true for me, as the survivor of two deeply manipulative and emotionally abusive relationships. 



    Every time Andrew threatened to "go home" -- I was yelling at the TV:   "GO HOME YOU CHILD".    Clearly he has major control issues.   I was hoping Amira would show all the abusive texts from Andrew - telling her to go back to France ... giving her a count-down to ending the relationship, etc.   She seems like a genuinely nice person -- sometimes a bit fragile ... but I hope she finds a healthy partner. 

  6. We received an RFE in December - asking for more proof of marriage (UGH - we originally sent utility statements, bank statements, vehicle registration, mortgage statements --- all showing joint names).   So we sent MORE utility statements,  several months of bank statements, vehicle registrations, multiple months of mortgage statements, and vacation photos.  All this was sent in early Feb 2021.   We just received confirmation the application was approved (FINALLY).   Greencard is on the way!

  7. 26 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    Last night kept building up my expectations and then dashing them against the wall, when I wasn't wanting to throttle various Americans.


    Jovi and Yara

    I now think Jovi's mom is absolutely lovely. I like the connection she's making with Yara, and that Yara was actually happy to have her along for the wedding, not just caving in. I liked both the too sexy dress and the one Yara eventually chose. Yes, a small selection to choose from but there wasn't a ton of time. Yara seems to be settling a bit in NOLA now, which can only be good for her. And Jovi seemed to be actually listening to Yara. And then... ugh. The bachelor party. Look, I don't have a problem that they went to a strip club. I have been to strip clubs myself (a long, long time ago) so whatever. It wasn't the making it rain on the semi-naked bodies that I had a problem with, it was the "I promised my fiancee the night before our wedding we have to fly to I would be back by X time but hey, my best friend says we should stay out longer so I will." NO! You make that kind of promise, you keep to it. UGH!


    Julia and Brandon

    After last week, I was getting okay with Betty. She gave Julia space during the dress shopping, and agreed with Julia that Brandon was too disengaged. Then she starts dictating all aspects of the big day itself. No! But what's even worse is that Brandon does. not. care. He made that clear. He's a wet blanket who is in no way ready to be a husband. He is not in it to be a team, he is clearly in it because he has a cute girl he likes to have sex with, and getting married means she can live here. So he can have sex with her. Look, I was very young in my first marriage too (25), and I made some BAD decisions getting married to my ex, but I never had a doubt we were in it as a team. Even when I was the one leading the team in everything domestic, we had jobs to do separately and together to make our lives better. JULIA RUN.


    Hazel and Tarik

    These people are boring for a couple who want to become a throuple. Hazel is right to lay down the law for Tarik -- you are either in this relationship with me as your wife and you respect the boundaries I place on who you can bang, or you're out. Hazel doesn't like Minty, fair enough. Personally I like Minty WAY more than Hazel and Tarik, I understand why you might not want to let her go but noooooooo. Also Hazel needs to just flat out admit she doesn't want Tarik to have any GF and that the only person who gets a GF is her.


    Mike and Natalie

    They got so, so close to coming back together in a meaningful way that acknowledged their love and their problems. Natalie's attitude was so much improved, especially how she accepted that COVID was messing up filing before the 90 days were up, and that this wasn't the end of the world even if it put her out of status. (I mean, what's the likelihood she would be near an ICE checkpoint during lockdown?) And then... kablooey. They both suck and they both don't deserve each other and totally deserve each other.


    Rebecca and Zied

    UGH! UGH AGAIN! Rebecca, your Zied is so pure and wonderful, and he is following what he believes are his religious obligations. Have the stupid courthouse wedding and then the big country hoedown or whatever you want for the reception. Like, uh, most K1 couples do? What is her problem? She is looking to mess up this marriage before it begins. I want to like her more (like me, she is also prone to tears at the drop of a hat) but I can't. I understood why she was accusing Zied of basically practicing "buffet Islam," where he picks and chooses what he want to observe, but come ON, girl. Like people of other faiths don't do that? If this is what he believes, she needs to respect it. I have ZERO doubt that man loves the stuffing out of her and there are no ulterior motives here. 


    Andrew and Amira

    If I have to hear either of them say the word "baby" again I will start throwing things. So I will make sure next Sunday I only have pillows around me. I hate them both and find little redeeming in either one. Andrew is overbearing and selfish, and I am pretty sure Amira is in it to get to America to further her actress/model/whatever aspirations. 


    Steph and... Harris

    I do not want to get stuck with a defamation claim so I will just say Steph looks like what I imagine a sex tourist high on anti-anxiety drugs must resemble after four pina coladas. She is by far the worst in my opinion. 

    JoVara:   Jovi enjoys the single life WAY too much.  Yara is too whiney and a bit controlling... initially not wanting his mom and dad to attend the wedding?? WHAT????


    JunDon:  She's adorable and funny.  Brandon's as crazy as his mother:  "Let's tell my parents you're sick BEFORE we take a 5-min pregnancy test"  WHAT THE HECK DUDE???


    Harik:  100% Agree... Tarik needs to dump Hazel and stick with Minty!    


    Mikalie:  Natalie should have returned to Ukraine a long time ago.   She was a non-fiance K1 visa holder for 80 days?   COME ON MIKE


    ReZed:  Just DO THE DAMN PAPERWORK and have the big wedding later.  No one needs to know and it solves the Ramadan problem.  COME ON BECCA


    Amandrew:   He is reaching WAY above his level.  She's cute, smart, and is WAY too forgiving.  She was in Mexico Detention while he enjoyed the resort.  She can do better.


    Steparris:  The Irish have a word:  Slapper   (that's all I'm going to say)

  8. 24 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    I would be a little butt hurt also if you refused to say you loved me and gave the ring back

    As a seasoned veteran watcher of 90DF ... I remember season 4:  Matt and Alla - she also was from Ukraine.  She was questioned by Matt's best friend (who thought Alla was a gold digger) "Do you even love Matt?"   Alla stammered and said she didn't know - which caused lots of drama.   What this seems to demonstrate --- in the Ukrainian culture women don't flippantly throw around "I love you" ... they view love as a result of much time and effort invested into a relationship - a destination to be reached,  not the shot of a starter's gun beginning the race.   So I don't put much weight into Natalie's uncertainty of "love".   Giving the ring back was her acting out ... very immature.   Agreed.

  9. On 1/28/2021 at 6:31 PM, laylalex said:

    Mike should NOT marry Natalie -- he's fairly normal and that woman is... intense. That's a nice word for it. All of her "low class" malarkey and trying to force him to be something he's not. Awful.



    Natalie is "intense" ... but Mike is worse.   All of us who've been through the K1 visa process knows that Mike had to attest to USCIS that Natalie was his FIANCE, to marry in 90 days.   Since she arrived -- he refuses to have any serious conversation about wedding plans.  Clearly he is still upset about her giving the ring back so He's toying with her - which naturally creates insecurity.    Who wouldn't be upset if their supposed fiance shut-down every time a wedding conversation is brought up?


    Mike is a man-child and shouldn't have gone through with the K1.   If he had doubts about marrying Natalie - they should have worked out the issues before she came to the US.  

  10. On 11/19/2019 at 9:48 AM, yoh said:


    new to this thread.

    We sent off our package to TX last November 15. USPS tracking said it was already picked up. Now waiting for the text/mail confirmation. How long have you guys waited for this confirmation, is it like a week or so?

    Our confirmation took 2 weeks ... sent forms beginning of Nov ... received Letter from USCIS on 11/15.

  11. 1 hour ago, Scandi said:

    .... And don't forget the tax return transcripts.

    IRS transcripts aren't a "required" document.   It is listed as one example of documents you *could* use but it's not required.   From the I-751 Instructions Notice:


    "Evidence of the Relationship Submit copies of documents indicating that the marriage upon which you were granted conditional status was entered in “good faith” and was not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws. Submit copies of as many documents as you can to establish this fact, to demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of the marriage to the present date, and to demonstrate any circumstances surrounding the end of the relationship, if it has ended. The documents should include, but are not limited to, the following examples:"  


    "3. Financial records showing joint ownership of assets and joint responsibility for liabilities, such as joint savings and checking accounts with transaction history, complete joint Federal and State tax returns, insurance policies that show the other spouse as the beneficiary, joint utility bills, or joint installment or other loans. If applicable, submit copies of military Leave and Earnings Statements showing receipt of Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) with family members and/or Form DD-1172 for military family member identification cards;"


    These are all examples of what can be sent.  Never does it say "The documents MUST be included.."     Just clarifying so someone reading your suggestion doesn't get the impression it's a required document.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ansbekk said:

    For real?  I left "other used names" and "interpreter" blank.  We did not fill in those in my AOS application and it was not returned!  I hope  they do not ship mine back, ugh!

    I suspect USCIS official who spoke to my wife was being extra cautious about marking all the blanks N/A.   I read other posts here (visajourney) where others said the same thing.  And I imagine it gets down to the person @ immigration who reviews the application (strict vs lenient).   You're probably ok.   We just didn't want the application returned again so made sure there were no blanks.. fingers crossed.

  13. 6 hours ago, ShibaYuri2428 said:

    Thanks for the info.  Can I ask what identity document you provided to get the Driving Permit? 







    We brought to DMV:  

    1. Passport showing K1 Visa

    2. Marriage Certificate

    3. Social Security Card


    I would advise your being with her at the DMV.   They required to see my ID card as well  (I can't remember why but it had something to do with verifying the Marriage Certificate or one of the "necessary" items on their DMV checklist)

  14. 58 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    Avery didn't think about the travel ban????

    rebecaca is divorced 3 times and already had a moroccn K1 that failed???

    "Avery didn't think.."  sums up Avery perfectly.


    Rebecca is a nutjob.  She "found out" that you can't apply for a K1 Visa - UNTIL YOU'RE ACTUALLY DIVORCED.   Wow, who would have known that, eh Rebcecca??  (rolling my eyes)

  15. 31 minutes ago, ShibaYuri2428 said:

    If your wife didn't get her driver's license, how long did it take to get from landing the US (via K-1) until receiving her drivers license?   That must have taken ages - 8 months?  For us, it be super painful and inconvenient for her if she has to wait more than 2-3 months, given our location. 


    You didn't try any other DMW offices to get them to accept your EAD?  Seems other people were able to get the license after receiving the EAD, haven't heard of that being denied before.   

    My wife arrived in February 2017.   She had a Driving "Permit" (not the actual license) in March ... but the expiration date on the permit was May 2017 (the same as her K1 visa).    She was not able to drive until we received her green card (8-9 months).   We did speak with 2 different DMV offices - both gave us the same answer.  My wife's drivers license now has the same expiration date of her green card.   For those people who received a license using an EAD - what expiration date is listed on the license?     People who say DMV accepted the EAD:  1) could be in another state - not CA,   2)  we could have spoken with "less informed" workers - it's possible.   I was not able to find any details online at CA DMV to discuss legal immigrants and issuing licenses .. so we're forced to accept the word of a DMV employee each time.


    We were fortunate to live near shopping and a business district.   My wife found employment with a Senior Living Center (She's an RN) close by where she could walk to work (1/2 mile away).   She did often complain about being home - so we often went out for meals,  shopping, weekend excursions.   

  16. 25 minutes ago, Jrock7 said:

    So since she has a Philippines passport, it is okay to leave the HK airport. She just needs to be careful with protests going on. She will just return to the airport for her connecting flight and leave. Does she need to check out to leave the airport and check back in to board the flight?

    Those are questions she can ask Customer Support in the airport.  They Customer Support counters in the airport staffed to help travelers with questions.  When going from the Phils flight - connecting to the US flight ... our large bags (checked in at Manilla) were automatically transferred to the new flight.  We had to walk from one gate ... go through security again to have our carry-on bags checked and go through a metal detector to get to our new departing gate.   I don't think she would need to worry about any large bags already checked-in ... but she will go through security screening when entering the airport a 2nd time.    Again - with it being China - I personally would verify everything with a local C/S Representative before leaving the premises.  

  17. My wife is from the Philippines.  We flew through China on our way back to the US after she received her K1 visa.   Just so you know - the "Visa" is a document inserted into the foreign passport.  Your wife will still be using her Philippines passport while she travels.  On arrival in the US - the K1 Visa will be recognized by US immigration.   Outside the US - your wife is a filipino citizen, so I don't see any problem with her wandering around (although with protests happening in HK .. not sure I would wander too far).   

  18. We live in California so TX laws may be different.  My wife had to first obtain her drivers permit,  complete 40+ hours of driver training, and then pass a driving test.  Have you received your green card?  I only ask because CA issued my wife a drivers permit - which expired when her K1 visa expired (90 days after arriving).   We asked when the license could be reinstated - they told us when the green card was received.   I've heard from others who said if you have a work permit (EAD) it's an acceptable document.  My wife now has a CA license - and the expiration date matches the expiration date of her green card.  


    My advice would be to go to the DMV office to meet in person for answers.   It's a hassle ...but you'll get reliable answers. 

  19. 19 hours ago, ShibaYuri2428 said:

    She has a valid Chinese drivers license.  So if she was just visiting, she could drive using that, but apparently after applying for AOS, she won't be considered "visiting the USA" and so then that wouldn't be valid anymore either.  




    For my situation (In CA) - DMV did not accept my wife's EAD (work permit) to issue a drivers license #.   They required her to present the green card and her driver's license issue/expiration date mirrors the dates of her green card.  We are at the point of filing to "remove conditions".  A  new green card isn't issued - rather an extension letter will be sent to us.  My understanding - DMV will accept the extension and continue her license. 


    With respect to driving with an International License -  I don't know the State Laws which govern the legality or not (my wife didn't have an intl license). I suspect States vary on how they view an Intl License.  You indicated once you file the AOS she's not "visiting".. HOWEVER she's not a citizen and can be denied a green card.. so this is a gray area.   What I can tell you (I'm an insurance agent) - If she is going to drive - you will need to acquire auto insurance for you and her.  Not every auto insurance company will accept a driver with an Intl License - but there are some that do.   Making sure you have the financial protection (in case she were involved in an accident) with a company who approves the intl license is really important.  You don't want to be in a situation where your insurance company denies an accident claim and you're fully responsible for all damages.  

  20. 17 hours ago, Jorgedig said:

    Poor, stupid Benjamin has "married" Akinyi, refers to her as his wife, and yet still wants to try for a K-1.....

    There is a saying:  "If you think getting an Education is expensive - try ignorance".   Benjamin will prove ignorance of US Immigration law will cost him both time and money.   His k1 will be denied.  The fees are non-refundable.  He'll have to start all over with the CR1 visa - pay fees - and wait a year --   All the while paying Father Bikini a monthly bride price payment.   I doubt Benjamin will be making too many trips to Kenya with all that on his plate.

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