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    Nagishkaw reacted to Fandango in Muslim worker demands to wear head scarf with costume   
    The fact of the matter is, it's Disney's right to set their costume dress code. If you want to all of a sudden practice your faith by wearing a scarf, even though previously for several years, she didn't, well...you can't expect mountains moved overnight. Who knows why it took so long? Maybe the costume makers are busy, I dunno. The bottom line is, she wanted it for Ramadan all of a sudden, and now she's wearing it in interviews...it's all for lawsuit's sake imo.
  2. Like
    Nagishkaw got a reaction from dr.death in Roomfulll of hearts ... Part IV   
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    Nagishkaw reacted to Obama 2012 in Intolerant People Who Call People "Bigots"   
    I'm not personally offended, I just find it astounding how the crowd that is screaming 'tolerance' is showing complete intolerance in the views of others.
    There are a few individuals on here who have been spending the past couple of days running into threads and saying "you're just a bigot" because they show any type of difference to what those individuals think.
    As I said, the sweet irony to it all, is these people cannot call others bigots without being bigots themselves.
  4. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to ready4ONE in Muslim worker demands to wear head scarf with costume   
    Quite with the bigot BS! I would care less if I was renting a car and the gal at the counter was wearing a head scarf. I would care if I went to Disneyland and Mini Mouse was wearing one. As you yourself have said context matters. These two scenarios are distinct. Now if the rental car agency had a specific uniform theme and a head scarf would clash with it I would say the company had a right to demand adherence to the dress code as well. I had to wear a pink shirt for years working at a bakery. Didn't once think it was a violation of my rights it was a condition of my work place uniform dress code.
  5. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Heracles in The Ground Zero mosque must be built   
    I cannot believe this discussion is still going on here. The location of the Mosque is of poor taste - end of story.
  6. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to evli1966 in Obama Job Approval Continues to Deteriorate   
    It is easy to blame anyone and there is enough to go all around. lets stick to who we are speaking of.
    There is enough fear mongering coming from the Dems as well "Oh Nos they might ask for ID and possibly violate civil rights" OH NO if we do not spend more money then unemployment might go up...wait oops it did.
    Yes economy will affect a presidents ratings.
    But specifically Obama's attack on the AZ bill that 70% of americans supported, his open bullying of immigration enforcement "I want a comprehensive immigration reform bill before I secure the borders"(ring a bell)
    Not allowing the quick and efficient cleanup of the BP incident in the Gulf need more?
    BTW I am not a conservative by far but I sure am afraid of Obman and his plan.
    I agree
    No everything he has done has ticked the majority off or made them afraid there isn't much he has done to help which would influence his supporters.
    That is why he is unpopular.
    Name one thing Obama or the democratic congress did that made people like or agree with them in the majority.
    I am not saying that rep would have been better but what Obama has done has scared the bejesus out of me and I didnt have to listen to any RW news broadcasts.
  7. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Pooky in Sad Story   
    That's when you realise that 99% of the bullsh!t that goes on in here is meaningless, and that life is all round bigger, with more happiness and sadness in one second than this place could ever hope to encompass.
    Jim Duguay, the kind of hero we can all associate with but hope we never have to be ourselves.
  8. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to William33 in Captain Ewok - what in the world is going on?   
    What are you on about? If you understood the selection process, you would understand that there is no bias whatsoever. How about contributing to this forum, instead of complaining about it mox? If anyone searches your last 100 posts, they will see mostly complaints. Why is that? State your purpose here...
  9. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Pooky in Captain Ewok - what in the world is going on?   
    Armchair quarterbacking is much better, eh?
    If moderators were elected under a democratic election process, would that suit you? How about random selection? Or, how about post count? Which method would you prefer to see employed to select a moderator?
    What people need to fully appreciate this is that this site is not a democracy, or anything close to it. It's a privately owned and run website and all this bitching and moaning about the moderation serves little purpose other than to vent at someone. Because in the end, if you don't like how the site is run, you always have the ultimate recourse.
  10. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Ban Hammer in Er... I Spy... no violation?   
    if anyone interpreted my posting of that link to be that maven was a "ho" that was not the intent, nor did i say that about her. it was only to show an inconsistency in what is and isn't accepted based on who posted it.
    if i, for example, has posted that poem that maven had posted, how many would have been screaming for my head? i'd be willing to bet it would include quite a few of those defending her posting it.
  11. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Obama 2012 in Chrysler's Gun-Toting Pickup Truck   
    oh yes, because some snarky comments are so bad right here... You of all people know this 'sense of humor' very well.
  12. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Obama 2012 in My cousin thinks Muslim Extremists Make up a LARGE percentage of the 1.7 billion muslims in the world!!!   
    or it could be that some people are way too easily offended and are a bunch of panty wastes themselves.
  13. Like
    Nagishkaw got a reaction from one...two...tree in Happy 75th Birthday, Social Security   
    Happy Birthday and thanks for the cheque.
  14. Like
    Nagishkaw got a reaction from LaL in Happy 75th Birthday, Social Security   
    Happy Birthday and thanks for the cheque.
  15. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Gary and Alla in Responsibility of Alcohol users   
    I searched my soul and found no morals in there...whatsoever. I dont drink because it tastes terrible and I don't need to poison myself more than balancing act I already have between Simvastatin and cholesterol. I try not to OD on either.
    However, the person drinking is responsible for their actions just as they are at any other time. If you cannot drink AND be responsible, then you shouldn't choose to drink.
  16. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Hilarious Clinton in Man arrested at Atlanta airport in stabbings spree   
    Because he's Israeli he's out to kill Muslims? And I'm called a bigot for being anti-terrorist?
  17. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to mawilson in Israel bulldozes Muslim graveyard   
    I don't think that's true - Muslims will be happy to build lots and lots of new graveyards for the Jews.
  18. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to peejay in Slumdog star says Hollywood is racist   
    Because Hollywood isn't in Asia or Britain, nor is it required to create the type of movies to put this whiner to work. Perhaps he should go to Bollywood to make Asian films instead of whining that the USA should produce more Asian themed films to cast him in.
  19. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Kathryn41 in Popularity rises for pet health insurance   
    I've worked out the figures for pet insurance for multiple pets vs the anticipated 'normal' costs and it is not economically feasible if you have more than one pet. I would like to have some sort of catastrophic insurance for pets that would be reasonable but with 5 cats the cost of the most basic insurance premiums is about equal to what I probably pay for annual veterinary care without insurance, and even in a catastrophic situation, unless you are paying high premiums - which add significantly to the monthly amount - the coverage may still leave too high a cost to afford the treatment so you end up still having the expenses, the insurance premiums and possibly not being able to afford the high end treatment. As far as I see it, most pet insurance - just like most health insurance in the US - is just another middle man trying to make a profit on the backs of someone else's difficulties.
  20. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Obama 2012 in U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers   
    Oh it's not stupidity. The ruling class knows exactly what they are doing. They are making more and more money for themselves and their cohorts. Lobbyists control this country as well as special interests. Not the votes of the people anymore.
  21. Like
    Nagishkaw got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in Obama Spends His Birthday With His Favorite Person -- Himself   
  22. Like
    Nagishkaw got a reaction from Obama 2012 in Kagan Becomes the High Court's Fourth Female Justice   
    Why am I not surprised.
  23. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Peikko in If He Could, Bin Laden Would Bomb the Cordoba Initiative   
    For someone who professes not to care what I do, you are spending a lot of time trying to get me to behave in a way you deem appropriate.
    For your information, wanker is not redacted so I can only assume it is considered appropriate language - even if you find it way too unseemly to use.
  24. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to justashooter in I now have power of attorney over my mom.   
    i would suggest finding a mentor who is a retired doctor so that you always have someone to go to when you need a better quality medical opinion. nursing education is not as complete as the education of an internist, or a GP. not even an NP can compare in terms of knowledge base. the end of life decision you have to make should be made with as much information as possible. the wider your base, the more stable your foundation.
  25. Like
    Nagishkaw reacted to Fandango in Choking the Chicken   
    I was responding to her first two lines of text in this thread. As far as anything else concerning the subject of masturbation as it relates to me, personally, I believe that my post implies how I feel about discussing it with the world.
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