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Posts posted by njs051914

  1. I am really interested since I see the reaction by many members to PTSD in this case and it's completely different from the reaction to similar situations where the cause is other mental illnesses such as bipolar or BPD. Many more "kick them to the curb and get out of there" comments in those cases, but here there is much more sympathy to OP's wife's situation.

  2. I also thought when you send in a letter to cancel an application you needed the case number and A number?

    Since that other poster doesn't seem to inclined to answer you (wonder why..) Yes, that is generally what I see people tell users who want to cancel petitions.

    Hope there are no issues!

    What can they do with a case number or A number? Nothing with that alone.

    Cancel the petition? Get info?

    If it happens to be someone that knows the user and has their basic info like birthdates, full names, etc. then a lot more.

  3. Really no need for the sarcasm, she wasn't aware that EAD was free and I am pretty sure she doesn't need to explain why her husband isn't working or their financial situation to you or anyone else. She asked a simple question and you jumped all over her.

    I never thought I would see the day that you of all posters would look down on someone for jumping all over someone for asking a question. That's like your whole thing.

  4. It is a little harsh that she wants to leave her husband because of homesick "feelings"

    and pursue other priorities. That is what's harsh about it.

    My stance is put on your big girl panties and look what you would be doing to him in exchange for the old life car, job, friend

    and family. I don't coddle such thinking. If your spouse thought like that you wouldn't like it either.

    What is a car, job and friends in comparison to a husband you profess to love !

    If she can get through, that's great. But if things don't get better and she is honestly not happy where she is you suggest she just suck it up and accept an unhappy life/marriage? That's not even fair to her husband, let alone herself.

    It seems like you lack the understanding and empathy to grasp that.

  5. Turns out ours didn't get delivered because my finances name wasn't on the mailbox. I went to the post office and they made a note to let the delivery guy know my address can accept mail for stuff in his name. I'm not super confident the deliverer will notice or remember, but it's about all I can do at this point it seems.

    This was apparently our problem too. D'oh :oops:

  6. This will most likely be moved since I'm not exactly sure where to post it. (Not quite part of the K-1, bot not quite AOS either)

    Anyway, I was wondering what the average wait others had to go through for their Social Security card?

    We stopped into the office back in early June, around the 5th or 6th I believe, and they told us we would receive the card in 2 weeks.

    We have yet to receive our card and for now are just being patient, but as time drags on I am wondering if this is ordinary?

  7. Why does the OP appear to be on trial here for daring to ask questions? Shouldn't the decision on their case situation be up to the IO and not VJ members?

    Do you not think it's possible that the IO would question it?

    As for the trial mentality, I'm shocked you have over 18,000 posts here and still seem to be surprised. I havent been on for a while, but such was a weekly occurance when I was here last.

    Why don't the people who "suddenly" married their online boyfriend a week after coming in on a WVP get trolled like this?! Man. I feel sick.

    They do.

  8. First of all, we don't have the same life and problems. Yeah, you see your husband for a week a time that's sad. I'm with my boyfriend since more than a year, went 10 days in August and 9 in September last year that's it. That's how I know we won't hate each other. I've met his sister, his parents and the rest of the family. They all were really nice to me. Then, several short visits are great when you have plenty of money to spend on plane tickets. I don't. And I'm not crazy or stupid : I've asked before bying plane tickets. Thanks.

    I could just be reading it wrong, but this sounds pretty rude and inflammatory, not to mention childish. Interesting that you would refer to couple not being able to see each other as often as they would like to as a "problem" here on a site where 90% of members have to deal with the exact same thing.

    What people are telling you is correct. What you are trying to use the VWP for is not its intended use, and it's very likely you will receive scrutiny for such long visits. You never answered the question, but since you are able to stay away from your home country for so long I am going to assume that you do not. Without a job or anything to prove that you have a reason to return to France your case is weak, at best. I can't see any diligent CBP allowing it, but you could get lucky. Only thing you risk is that your VWP privileges could be revoked for good and your chances of getting a visitor Visa in the future will also become virtually non-existent.

    Personally, I hope you rethink what you are doing. Not for your own sake, but for everyone who uses the VWP as it is intended for. These people could possible end up getting screwed over by people who dance around the rules like you are doing.

  9. To be fair I have come across similar people win the US who know very week how to work the system. I made the mistake years ago of offering employment to someone who allegedly was ADD and had somehow been on benefits for years.

    How he worked it I have no idea, nothing wrong with him apart from extreme laziness and a massive sense of entitlement.

    I know of at least one other locally who is not lazy, does work, all cash in hand so as not to impact his benefits.

    This thread makes me appreciate my fiance so much. She has ADD, severe depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder and lupus. Works full time and is going to class for her master's degree and I can't remember the last time she took a sick day.

    Ironically the person she works for is a politician who is pretty big on giving out disability benefits.

    But eh, I guess if they are truely going to people who need it I can't be too upset. She would be horrified by OP though.

  10. You are openly abusing the VWP by spending exorbitant amounts of time in living in the US and you are funding these escapades using taxpayer money that is suppose to be going to help cover the necessary living expenses of people who otherwise cannot make a living through work due to disabilities.

    How do you not understand why people find this despicable?

    And sorry, your vague and most likely fabricated/exaggerated illness does not give you a free pass from criticism when you so wantonly skirt around immigration guidelines and don't seem to have any concern for anything but yourself.

    I'm not getting involved in this situation again. But good luck. I really don't think you want to actually move to the US though, since if you expect to be able to continue your lifestyle here, it's not going to end well for you.

    Technically she isn't skirting around immigration guidelines as she isn't immigrating. Well not technically at least but her intent and actions seem like she pretty obviously is effectively trying to do so through the VWP.

    But other then that, bravo you hit the nail on the head!

    By the way concernedesta, I want to congradulate you for somehow being the exact reason there are people out there who hate both people who accept disability payments from the government and foreigners who want to come to the US. Really, it's impressive.

    Also don't even try to blame your lack of education on your disabiity. You can clearly use a computer and have plenty of free time and dispoable "income" so online classes are an option.

  11. So in all this time you've never created an account to help others and contribute. But create one today to whine about this thread?

    Not exactly, I created this account today because we should be receiving our NOA-2 any day now. So far my fiance has been handling stuff on her end as the petitioner but now I need to pick up the ball and start doing more.

    I had previously piggy backed onto her account and had seen this thread floating around for a few days now and wanted to say something since I had an opinion on it. I wasn't going to use her account to voice my opinion and open her up to backlash, sorry.

    I will be here asking questions and offering advice to people from today on. If you want to follow me around to make sure I do just this then feel free I suppose. You seem rather invested in my personal intentions on this forum..

  12. I guess I am just a little confused about what the necessity of this thread is and why certain users are continuing to bump it.

    Are you hoping that someone who is thinking about asking a question (legitimate or otherwise) sees it and second guesses whether they should ask for help?

    If so, it's clearly not working as people are still complaining that "stupid" questions are being asked years after it was originally posted.

    So if not that, then why exactly are people feeling the need to keep this alive? It's not really helping anyone and even if the original intent was not to be rude, there are still a lot of rude seeming and elitist posts throughout.

    Many community members have been super helpful to my fiance when she asks questions here but there is also quite a bit of hostility that I see towards people who are confused about "simple" topics.

    I really just don't see the need for the negativity. If you see a question you find stupid just simply don't address it? No one is forcing you to. It takes a lot more time an effort to sit here complaining than it does to just move on and accept that some people need a little bit more guidance than others.

    If the guides were really as perfect and all-knowing as some of you seem to think they are, we would be putting immigration lawyers out of business.

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