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Posts posted by Rc123rc

  1. That requires your divorce lawyer. Any taxes owed normally is joint responsibility of both parties unless your Marital Separation Agreement says differently.The IRS can go after both of if you don't pay your taxes. My question would be why aren't you required to file quarterly estimated taxes with the IRS? I would think you would do this anyway just to avoid owing taxes at year end. 



    Proof That You Suffered Abuse

    It is crucial that you provide as much evidence as possible showing that you have suffered abuse. Some of the best evidence of this would be police reports or restraining orders against the abuser. If the abuser was arrested or convicted of physically abusing you, you can submit court records discussing this. If you saw a doctor because of abuse, submit copies of your medical records. Similarly, if you have seen a counselor or have gone to a domestic violence shelter, you can submit evidence of that as well.

    Remember, you do not have to show physical abuse in order to qualify under VAWA. Emotional or psychological abuse may be enough. If you have seen a psychologist or have been prescribed medication by a doctor due to the abuse, submit evidence of this as well.

    As always, if you have difficulty obtaining this type of evidence, you can submit declarations from family members and friends who have witnessed the abuse you suffered, or to whom you have spoken about the abuse.

    Preparing a compelling, well-organized set of evidence to support your VAWA application can be time-consuming and challenging. Hiring an attorney to help with this task can be well worth your while.

  3. I'm sorry about your situation. It sucks on many levels. First of all, you're not stupid. You were lied to and deceived from the very beginning until she was no longer able to hide the lies. Definitely lesson learned. If she was willing to lie to you on such an important thing and for so long then chances are your long term prospects with this woman are not good. Personally, I would never trust her again. If I couldn't trust her then what's the point of continuing the relationship. Trust is a key element of any relationship. Many people have talked about how difficult and expensive it would be to fix this if it is even possible. Give yourself a 48 hour break from her and the forum and really think hard about what is ahead for you. Make your decision with a calm head. No one can make the decision for you but they can certainly point out what the future may hold for you on multiple paths. Good Luck.

  4. As a reminder, please remember that unless the source is an "official" written released verifiable communication then it's just speculation. I'm sorry to hear about your situation Harold... this could very well become true at some point. However, I suspect a ton of lawyers are sharpening their teeth and pencils to file cases to try and reverse some of these executive orders or get things back on track.  

  5. 4 hours ago, kashaa said:

    He asked the other friend what is it. and he told that its the medical report. he saw written there do not open it but he ripped it off and start reading.

    That person needs to be banned from your room/apt/home... permanently. I would have been totally pissed and dragged that idiot with me to the medical office and let him explain why he opened someone else's sealed confidential medical file. 

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