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Posts posted by jameyj

  1. 21 hours ago, lelonis said:

    We haven't met in person. We've been trying all year, this trip was supposed to be that and then marriage after a month or so of living together in Costa Rica. But to get her to fly out we've been in hell since we learned about cfo and started dealing with them. It never ends the requirements and feels as they just want to destroy relationships but that's my opinion and doesn't help me. I have no clue what to do. Really don't want to wait for borders to open as that might be 1 to 2 years more with how ph is

    Not to be a downer, but if you havent met in person yet, it's going to be very difficult to get her out of the country unless she's had previous international travel experience. She tells Immigration sh'e's going to meet her fiance she has never met, red flags and sirens are going to go off there. So be super-prepared. 


    I wish you success though and hope for the best. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Chancy said:


    COVID vaccine will be required as part of visa medical at SLEC starting Oct 1, 2021.  Here's the official source -- https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/covid-19-technical-instructions.html


    Then I wonder if SLEC will provide? Many barangays have yet to roll out the vaccine to all citizens. My fiancé has signed up four times in different locations and has yet to get an appointment. 

  3. 40 minutes ago, Commish10 said:

    Routine visa services remain suspended because of the COVID-19 pandemic. ............................


    Maybe its just me but I don't read anything good here. More of the same stuff being spewed out of USEM as always..

  4. 4 hours ago, Adventine said:

    So it's my turn to plan a trip. Here's a checklist of everything I'm preparing. I'd appreciate feedback, especially from those who have recently travelled PH to US.


    Anything else I need to prepare?


    Target travel date: March 2020


    1. Flights
    PAL flights Manila-Los Angeles-Manila or Manila-San Francisco-Manila
    Domestic flight LA/SF to final destination and back


    2. PH exit requirements 
    Travel insurance covering COVID treatment and hospitalization

    Traze Contact Tracing App
    Copy of latest IATF Resolutions governing international travel
    Execution of a Bureau of Immigration Declaration, "Acknowledging the risks involved in travelling, including risk of delay in their return trip. Form to be provided at the check-in counters by the airlines" - is this still required? If yes, I'd rather get it done beforehand


    3. US entry requirements
    Pre-departure PCR test at PAL testing center
    B1/B2 visa (well duh, but including it here for the sake of completeness)


    4. Proof of financial capacity and strong ties to PH
    Personal bank and credit card statements to prove I'm paying for the trip
    Previous passports with visas (originals and copies)
    Letter of employment
    Approved leaves
    Approved contingency plan with my employer in case of last minute flight delays


    5. Proof of relationship to fiancé
    NOA 1 and copy of I-129F packet with our photos and other evidence of relationship
    Fiancé's contact info and US address
    Fiancé's letter of employment 

    Fiancé's signed attestation that I will live at his home for the duration of the entire trip


    6. Other nice to haves
    Good humor
    The ability to laugh when things don't go according to plan



    I think that covers the most important points but let me know if I missed anything.

    My fiance and I took a trip to Maldives in December...... she had pretty much everything you list there in advance. Immigration in Manila told her she needed a CFO sticker/authorization to travel which of course she did not have or would even seem to be required if one understands the CFO rules as written. My fiance talked her way out of that..... Just be prepared for that.


    LAX is okay but kind of barren these days. SFO is nicer. In my haste to leave the airplane in LAX after I returned from Maldives, I forgot to put my mask on. No one said anything to me until I finally got to baggage claim...... No one will be checking on your quarantine  

  5. 1 hour ago, Chancy said:


    With a degree in IT and admin work experience, she could also try for WFH jobs or freelance work.  I googled "remote jobs Philippines" recently and there seems to be lots of recent job listings, including for data entry specialists or virtual assistants which your fiancee could be qualified for.  Does she have an ok laptop/desktop and stable internet connection at home?


    She has a decent laptop. Internet is wireless of course and quality can vary, depending on day and times. I'm not sure her household is conducive to a good work environment but she might be able to go to friends place that is quieter and more reliable service. That would be almost list going to an office. 

  6. Lots of good point and comments here so I appreciate the opinions. 


    My fiance has a BS in IT but has only worked as a admin clerk in her home city of Zamboanga. Her job ended back in Feb 2020 dues to COVID and other circumstances. She has not worked since and I have been supporting her and family. She hasnt really tried getting a job either. She says she want to do office work. I don't think she'd like to be a domestic helper ( and I would Strongly discourage it) and would quickly realize like what a hard job that is even without experiencing unlawful abuses. I already send her more money monthly than she would make as some OFW. 


    Ultimately, after she is in the US with me, I can easily get her a job at my company in a number of different roles, where even $15-16/hour, she would make more than she ever has before, without the hardships she might endure as an OFW. Part of it is she needs more to occupy her idle time I think but no reason she can't get a job in the mall as a salesperson or even looking for a clerical job somewhere. I am not comfortable with the whole passport thing and life being controlled by a employer who may or may not allow time off for an embassy interview. 


    I think the best solution is for her to find something locally or even in Manila, get some work experience and keep herself busy. She'll still be close to family/friends, safer and around what she knows........


    Now with that, what's the best way to get my sweet finance to use common sense? 🙄

  7. 13 minutes ago, Allovertheworld said:

    Bad Plan in my opinion.  I do think your timeline is realistic.


    Depending on her job they usually confiscate their passport so they can't leave, they will tell them they will hold it for safe keeping.  You can google how many domestic workers get beat or killed over there in the Middle East.


    Have her get a job in the Philippines, they are conditioned to think there is no work there, but I have dated a few girls who worked in Manila and they told me it was pretty easy to find a good job. It's just there Philipines Mentality they are conditioned to think there are no good jobs in Philippines.  


    If I had a dime every time I heard someone from the Philippines say they are going abroad to work I would be rich


    Her focus should be waiting on your interview date.




    Agree her emphasis should be on me and waiting it out but I can't make her think that. I think the attraction to Qatar is her sister and aunt too there. Manila is just not as attractive. I would tell her ,in no uncertain terms, is she to give her passport to anyone. 


    Those other negative possibilities are pretty bad and I don't want her anywhere near such things...... sometimes people want to try things out for the adventure, no matter what.

  8. 53 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    Just a thought

    never stop someone from doing something they want to do

    they will always wonder "what if"

    my neice is working (from Morocco ) in UAE / she's been there about 2 years

    i know only they pay foreign workers less than citizens

    but it's work she would not have back in Morocco as jobs are scare

    yeah, I don't want to be controlling. I don't want doubt. Go try and see what's better.........

  9. My fiance now wants to work overseas somewhere like Dubai or Qatar (she has a sister there).  I have been against the idea because as I hear, such arrangements are normally for two years which throws several monkey wrenches into our plans to be together potentially. 

    With our NOA2 was Nov. 13. however, and given the backlog at embassies, like Manila where they appear to be 9-10 months behind (and growing) (probably won't see nay real processing util vaccines are widespread and COVID cases are down, it seems unlikely we would get an interview date until 2022.

    If so, a two year OFW commitment could probably be completed without too much disruption to the marital plans. Also, I'm starting to feel like she could really learn some things from such an experience that she needs to, both good and bad. 


    Relevant thoughts, opinions, experiences are welcome.

  10. On 12/11/2020 at 5:06 AM, Allovertheworld said:

    Why would a PI citizen need to get this?


    I never did anything silly like that when I purchase motorbike?


    Had a friend have to get clearance from both before they were able to buy a motorbike, I have never heard of such silliness before.  What is the reason?

    As its been said before, because its more Ph(f)un in the Philippines. 


    No reason of course except a new way for someone to charge money. I will relate shortly what my fiance had to go through to get Travel Authority to leave her city, Zamboanga. 

  11. On 10/31/2020 at 8:43 AM, top_secret said:


    My attitude towards the Philippine exit immigration is they are mostly actually trying to protect their citizens from dangers they may face overseas.  Although they do mess it up bigtime in the implementation sometimes, and I know two women who had trips unjustly destroyed by Philippine exit immigration, their intentions are mostly good and they are mostly trying to do what is right.  So prepare to prepare to  work through it with them rather than taking an adversarial attitude with Philippine exit immigration.




    My fiance is pretty nervous about the exit immigration  too, more than anything else. She's been out of PH once before with me but I escorted her myself. This time, as we plan on going to Costa Rica, I won't be able too. 


    My plan is to gather all the documents I need, including returning tickets and submit them via email to PH Immigration in advance and hopefully get some feedback that says "all looks good" or whatever more they need.  Obviously, it will ultimately be up to the immigration officers on the ground but if I have supporting documentation and authorization, I hope to have a better chance going in. The fact my fiance and I have already gone to HK and returned gives some precedence to this trip. I asked the immigration officers at the time of the "outbound shakedown" if my fiance would have to go through this every time. They said no. At the end of the interrogation, all I had to do was sign some piece of paper that said she wasn't going to Hong Kong to work..... have no idea how that's supposed to be enforceable on me. ... anyways we're just trying to go to CR for vacation and catching up time. It's been a lot of months since we last saw each other. 

  12. It occurs to be that although "officially" outbound non-essential travel is now allowed, are there not local laws requiring travel passes? Right now, none of the travel passes I know of although for leisure travel. So it seems to me there is still local hurdles to overcome. 


    It may be that local laws have not caught up to the latest directive, which would seem to me forgo the need of any travel pases, but again, its the Philippines.  May have to take a wait-and-see approach unfortunately.




  13. 1 hour ago, Cody&Razely said:

    Already contacted them by phone and email last week and already confirmed Filipino's will be allowed entry as of Nov. 1st as they stated in the email all countries allowed, and they directed me to their website stating the same 

    Great news. Could you share that website? I've looked at some and the most I've seen is "Asian countries" where they list some but not the PH. 


    Maybe we'll all have a party in Costa Rica ?




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