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Posts posted by ChristinaG

  1. 19 hours ago, fcorona85 said:

    well..... that sucks! 

    good thing that it is going to go to production now.... hopefuly you'll get them soon 



    We’ll see.... not even sure they’re being sent now - just a “service inquiry “ at this point..... **sigh** 


    we at at least have their passports stamped & the approval letters...... and enough to keep us busy instead of watching the mailbox daily (trying to, at least)! 😂😂

  2. Hey peeps!   Still lurking and virtually high-fiving the approvals as they come in, and cheering on those still waiting..... 

    So now

    Here's  screwy update for ya..... So I got the 10 year card for myself, and all three approval letters (daughters and myself) at the same time. No further word about the kids' cards......  I finally call USCIS (UGH) this morning. After spending 25 minutes going through the verification of details and being put on hold after every other question, the rep finally says she's going to open a ticket for each daughter because their cards were never sent to production!!!!! **banging head on wall***    So I'm right in between - celebrating the receipt of my card, but still in the waiting game for my daughters.......

  3. On 10/26/2018 at 12:05 PM, chiggins82 said:

    ..... but I got in trouble in Edmonton and Toronto for out of date info on my Nexus account. ONce was just the green card expiration and someone just deleted the expiration, but in Toronto they caught me for not having my current job and threatened to remove me from the program, and we extremely unpleasant about it (That's Pearson for yah!!)


    I was told when I called Nexus that when I get my 10 yr green card I have to go to a Nexus office to update it and that online wasn't enough. I don't know if that's true or not, but I'll be doing it because I don't want to get yelled at about violations again! 😨

    Oh wow!!   I had a Grumpy Gus when I did my Nexus 'interview' To be honest, I had not gone back and updated my Nexus info after that initial one!!   Not once in crossing the border frequently, or the flights from Detroit-Toronto-Halifax or the Detroit-Orlando (that we just came back from) said a single word about the info in my profile!!  I took some time to figure out how to log-in, and managed to update my mailing address & GC expiry date (with the 10 yr card date) and otherwise seemed fine..... My card is coming up for renewal 12/2019 so I'll update job, residence address then....

  4. Been a really busy week at work - I come back and **BAM** approvals falling all around!  




    and HANG IN THERE, my friends!!!   I was mentally prepared to be the last or second last July filer to be approved so this caught me by surprise! We will be cheering with you sooner rather than later <3 <3 <3 


    Any July Filers here not applying for N-400 anytime soon??   We're not..... we have some time to decide (want to make the decision to allow time for it to happen before kids age out) but I think we'll take some time away from the grind before going down that road... LOL

  5. Service Center: CSC
    First 5 Digits from WAC/EAC Receipt #:  WAC17283003XX
    NOA1 Date: July 11, 2017
    Filed N-400?: No
    Case Transferred?:  yes,

         If yes, provide to what service center? On what date?:  TSC 9/20/18

    Approved?:  Looks like it :) 

         If yes, what was the date of your approval?:   TSC 9/20/18

         If yes, did you have a RFE (Request for Evidence)? On what date?: No

         If yes, did you have an interview? On what date?: No

  6. 13 minutes ago, mrs thb said:

    And me 1727900 for me, and I'm July 7th.  The numbers seem a bit off?  Or am I missing something here?


    No I think we've got a good handle on the numbers... you're 17-279...three before her 17-282... and NOA date is three days prior as well... I'm 17-283 = 7/11/17


    Not that these really mean much - they would if TSC / CSC went in order.... but that may be some seriously wishful thinking! LOL!!

  7. On 9/5/2018 at 9:02 PM, Mrs_Lyds said:

    I’m in and out the country several times a week because I’m a flight attendant and trust me, some of the CBP officers have no idea what they suppose to do. 


    On 9/6/2018 at 12:31 AM, mrs thb said:

    I don't doubt it at all but why confuse them even more with all the null and void stuff. 


    The stamp in the passport is all you need.  If the CBP officer doesn't know what it is, let them look it up rather than confuse them even more with expired GC, extension letters, etc.  


    I will tell you that from my experiences....CBP do not like expired GC's.  This is a huge red flag to them even when accompanied by the extension letter.  In my travels they did prefer the stamp and were insistent  on getting the stamp.  From this one can only assume USCIS does not look to CBP for guidance on protocols.


    Now that I have the stamp, and will be using it soon, I will report back soon as to its success rate.



    I still drive across the Windsor/Detroit border every other week on Friday to drop kids off, and again Sunday to pick them up..... Life has been a lot more pleasant since getting the passport stamps!! The Detroit office let s keep the cards and letters (stamp obtained 7-13-2018). BUT  just this past Sunday, we had a real Grumpy Gus who chewed me out for handing over our passports, with original Visa and updated valid stamp and said we should ONLY be presenting our (EXPIRED) GC  as "we can see your current status in the system..."  The IO at the USCIS office had told us we didn't need to even carry our GC anymore - so I just quietly rolled my eyes, smiled and did the whole "yes sir, thank you sir"  and a very silent "eff you sir" after I drove away...... 


    In all of our very regular border crossings, we had a ton of hassle with the original 12 mth letter because it was only in my name (daughters were submitted as dependents on my app)...... the 12 mth letter expired on 8/11/2018 and I got the stupid 2 page 18 month letter (processed 8/18/2018) then my girls finally got their own I-797 letters ((but they have YSC receipt numbers!!!)) and those re dated 8/24/2018 {{{{UGH}}}}


    Anywho..... I called USCIS this past week after getting the girls' letters with their YSC codes.... Officer I spoke with was able to confirm that our cases are still together, and that a new administrative policy was that dependents would now get their own receipt numbers as well.....(would have been nice all this last year when I was regularly educating the CPB officers as to why only I had a letter....)


    So, here we are --- still waiting along with all of you........ Sending out all the Speedy & Accurate Processing Vibes that one can :D 

  8. My daughters and I got our one-year extension stamp today in Detroit..... and SUPER EASY!!!! 


    Easy to get to; all the staff and security were pleasant; our appointment was for 1:45 and we were about an hour early (coming from west side of State, I wanted to leave plenty of buffer in case of accidents/construction) so the only "negative" was that we couldn't officially check in until 1:30 (45 min wait)... but then only had to wait about 5 minutes for our number to be called.


    Told the Officer we were looking to get the stamp because kids would be camping with my parents over the summer - no issues..... I did a photo and a fingerprint; and off we went. She let us keep the expiring GC & original 12 month letter.... and that was that.... 



  9. On 7/7/2018 at 12:53 PM, mrs thb said:

    You're welcome!


    Me too.  Mine is Friday. And, likewise, I'll post my results as well.



    After a few week of trying, I have an Infopass appointment Friday as well! My daughters will be camping with my parents later this summer, so figured it'd be easier for us each to get stamped.... 


    My Filing-versary is coming up on Wednesday (yay....ugh) 


    ......12 down, 6-8 months to go ;) 

  10. I managed to get a Tier 2 agent today.... she said they do see my biometrics marked complete from last August, and she's not sure why I got the 2nd letter. She advised I go anyways and speak to an officer on site (UGH) - we could open a ticket for a 'service review' but that could take 2-3 weeks at best, and by then the appointment date would already be missed. She wouldn't advise that on the chance my case comes up for review and they don't have the current biometrics or whatever it is they're looking for and causing further delays! **sigh**  Luckily, my boss is ok with me making up time at work.... we've already discussed how I will need to take a day off every 30 days to drive to the state's office to get the extension stamp (and at best, will need to do so about 6-8 times.... effing CSC)


    So just more hoops and BS..... 

  11. My daughters (now 12 & 9) have been crossing back and forth at a minimum of every other weekend - and sometimes more often during the holidays. We make the 2-3 hour round trip to drop them off Friday with their father in Canada and again on Sunday to pick them up... yes it's a lot of driving, but it works for our family...... 


    Our GC expired in August - we filed within the 90 day window, completed our biometrics, and settled in to wait....


    Just in the last week though we have been getting more flack at the border - only my name is on the extension letter because this is the only stage where they were listed as dependents rather than having their own individual applications (like we did for the CR1/CR2). Christmas Eve we get pulled over in to secondary after they guard is a jerk to us, and luckily we'r there maybe 10-15 minutes. They confirmed our status and let us go on our way... two days later, we had been celebrating Boxing Day at my dad's (Ontario) and coming home late, again the guard is giving us a really hard time. I found it rather challenging to not throw back snarky responses to his BS questions like "So I'm just supposed to take your word for it that they [daughters] have extensions like you...?!" I didn't say anything at first, hoping it was more of a rhetorical questions....  But my goodness, I'm sure they keep track of how often people are crossing and can see that we are very frequently doing this trip. We also have Nexus cards and often use that lane when it's open...... Once in awhile they would ask about why only my name was on the letter, but accepted my response ("They were listed as dependents under my application rather than their own individual apps at this stage of the process") they'd nod, ask their standard border questions, and send us on our way - never with an attitude or any of the BS!! 


    So what changed around the holidays or do they just have sticks up their ####### for having to work the holiday?!?!   


    The last guy told me to "get my travel documents in order" (eff you they are-jerk) -- but what else can we do?! 

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