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Posts posted by Kajikit

  1. The HPV virus is very common, which is why they started vaccinating teenage girls against it to try to cut the infection rate down. It's nothing to panic about in itself. Regular pap smears will make sure that any abnormal growths are removed before they can turn into anything serious.

    But your husband's attitude towards you (and not 'letting' you access health care) is VERY concerning. Keeping you happy, healthy, and looked after should be his number one priority. Instead you say yourself he's keeping you penniless, friendless, and totally helpless. That is ABUSE. YOU DESERVE BETTER.

  2. People's sexuality is a complicated thing. The fact that the two of them have a daughter together suggests that their marriage was genuine, not deliberate fraud. Things happen and marriages often don't work out. People struggle with their sexuality for years before they figure out what they really want. I'm sorry it didn't work out for them, but there's no point in trying to punish him for not being what she wanted him to be.

  3. It sounds like she very quickly found out that life in the US was not the bed of roses she expected it to be, so she hightailed it back home... she may have intended it just to be a short trip, but one thing leads to another... I'm sorry it didn't work out, but I don't think she intended to defraud you - most people who do that string you along until they get their greencard and she didn't even wait to adjust status. You obviously love her, so have you ever been down there to see her in person and try to talk things out? It may be America that didn't work out - or maybe real married life wasn't the fantasy she was hoping for.

  4. You have two options since neither of you is American - you can get a work visa, which requires somebody to give you a job and sponsor you into the country... or you can get a student visa, which requires you to be enrolled in a school and to be studying. You can't just say 'I'm going to come live in the US' - if you come in as a tourist you get a 90 day visit and that's it.

  5. The reason you're not allowed to 'work' before you have a work permit is you're theoretically taking a job away from an American citizen... selling your own personal property is not 'work', so you don't need to worry about it. Starting an Ebay business and selling everyone else's stuff on commission would be 'work' - an American could be doing it if you weren't. But they're not going to be selling YOUR stuff in your home country. What you do with your own posessions is your own business unless you sell them for enough to make Uncle Sam want his kick in taxes...

  6. Tell him to grow up and get real! Four bridesmaids is a ridiculous requirement if you don't have four close friends/relatives to fill the spots. He can cut his groomsmen back, or you can have an odd number. There's no law that says that you have to have anybody at all. You can have anybody you like in your wedding, or nobody at all. Sure, a 'bridesmaid' is usually a younger woman/girl but nowadays people have ATTENDANTS who can be anyone at all who you feel close to.

  7. I don't know about the Immigration people... but if somebody has been divorced more than twice it puts a big red warning sign on them, and the more times they've been divorced the brighter the warning gets. Anybody can have ONE bad marriage, and it's not uncommon to go from one bad marriage to another that you think will be perfect only it's not any better... but you're supposed to LEARN from your life experiences. Six divorces? FERGET IT! There's got to be a reason for so many marriages, and it's not going to be a good one. Either they have totally unrealistic expectations about what a marriage should be (you burned the toast, I want a divorce!), or they have confused lust with love. Either way, the word 'commitment' isn't likely to be in their vocabulary.

    And I'd be VERY concerned that all the failed marriages were to Americans... they didn't work so he's looking overseas and he's found you - but what does he really expect from you in the marriage? Does he think a foreigner will be more obedient and biddable, or a better housekeeper, or what? Marrying for all the wrong reasons is a disaster even if you don't go halfway around the world to do it.

  8. CONCEALED infertility is one of the reasons for annullment in the Catholic church... not because of the infertility directly, but because you didn't know about it before marriage and your partner did and he hid it from you (eg. if the guy is talking about the 10 kids you're going to have together, when all along he KNEW he'd had a vasectomy so it was all smoke and mirrors). You could argue that your marriage was based on deception and you want out because having children was vital to you and if you'd known you never would have married him. But since you say here that it's not a big deal to you, you've already ruled that out.

  9. If you have a good grasp of English and reasonable comprehension, you can wait till they give you an interview date... it's really not hard to learn the answers using the CD they gave you when you had your biometrics done. The only ones you had to write down seperately were the 'name' questions for your state - I made a sheet of paper with all of those on it and learned them seperately... but the rest was easy. Play the CD through and recite the answer... then when you've got it down fairly well, randomise the play order and do it some more. It'll only take a couple of weeks.

  10. Citizenship and Residency are not the same. You can have as many citizenships as you qualify for... but you can't have two RESIDENCIES at the same time. You have to pick one - and the US greencard they just gave you assumes that the United States is your place of residency - and Canada is just a place that you go visit, even if frequently. If they give you the greencard and you go around saying you LIVE in Canada, they'll assume you didn't really want it and take it away from you.

  11. I didn't like the oath... but I took it anyway. I can get a US passport, and I don't have to worry about some horrible bureaucratic accident screwing up my residency and taking me away from my husband. But Australia didn't make me have to choose one or the other, so there wasn't any real downside to citizenship. I could see it being very hard to have to deliberately turn your back forever on your country of origin.

  12. Americans as a whole barely know where Australia IS. 90% of the time they assume I'm English. 5% ask me when I moved down from New York, and the other 5% can pick my accent. When I laugh and tell them I'm from the other end of the world, maybe one out of ten recognises Melbourne. There is NO Australian programming on TV - Netflix has a few offerings. When I hear an Aussie accent on TV I get majorly homesick because it's such a rare event. A lot of people don't understand my accent, especially on the phone, because they have no exposure to it aside from the Crocodile Man.(and yes, they want to know if I've seen koalas, kangaroos etc...) My friends at church have less trouble than most because there's another Aussie ex-pat there already. It felt like SUCH a relief to find him and to have at least one person in my life who I don't have to explain EVERYTHING to - there are very few Australians in Florida, and not many in the US as a whole. I think we need a compelling reason to get up and leave our own country and come here. I had one - my husband! Before I met him I had NEVER considered leaving Australia, especially to go to America. But I've been here eight years and I like it just fine.

    BTW, from this and other threads, anybody who's proud of the US for being a 'melting pot' has never been to Australia or the UK, or Canada for that matter. The US does not have a monopoly on multiculturalism. Compared to Australia, you're rank beginners...

  13. So you need to send them as much proof as you can find that you were living together under the same roof and having a shared life... plus proof of your wife's death, and so on. They're not asking for any one document that will prove everything - the more evidence you can find to give them the better. If you had an obituary did it say 'beloved wife of...' and so on.

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