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    Maw reacted to diggeranu in January 2015 Interviews   
    I guess your interview might also have been scheduled.. did called them?
  2. Like
    Maw reacted to nebolskymark in Will I own my husband's House / Vehicle / pension after his death ?   
    OMG, this is such an example of a gold digger..... I hope you really understand how negative you look just asking questions like this... I hope your fiancee hears about your questions...
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    Maw reacted to NerdyGirl in Will I own my husband's House / Vehicle / pension after his death ?   
    First of all, you are joking, right?
    Second, if you ARE serious, you might want to consider telling us you're still joking.
    Your topic annoys me. See, because of people like you, who want to get marry for such selfish, immoral reasons, we, who genuinely love our partners, have to go through this long, sometimes frustrating process!
    So, thanks a lot, "Erika", and good luck, not to you, but to your fiancé!
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    Maw reacted to Harpa Timsah in Divorce after citizenship   
    Getting citizenship based on the 3-year rule while planning to get divorced afterward is by definition, immigration fraud.
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    Maw reacted to Ian H. in Divorce after citizenship   
    I'm sorry, but this all sounds too convenient. You came here by marrying a USC, you want to divorce after getting your GC, remarry your first husband and then petition for him to come here, it sounds much like immigration fraud.
    It doesn't matter that the marriage to your first husband was legit. They will look at why you married him the second time. Even if you genuinely got back together, you will still be heavily scrutinized.
    Now, I'm not accusing you of fraud, but that is what it sounds like and that is what USCIS and the CO will see. I don't know you and I don't know your situation, but here is what would happen:
    If you do decide to divorce your current husband because you want to marry your ex, you will have to prove with a very great deal of evidence, facts, and I don't know what else, that:
    One: You didn't divorce your ex to marry a USC. (Sham divorces are also a very big deal for USCIS)
    Two: That you didn't marry your current husband for immigration purposes.
    Three: That you didn't marry your ex again for immigration purposes.
    There are people that are married, divorce, marry other people, divorce, then marry their ex's. But when immigration is involved, the suspicion of fraud is going to be very very high.
    If your plan is to get married for the purposes of bringing your children's dad and not because you genuinely want to get back with him, then don't, just don't. Let one of them petition for him when they are 21 and is a USC.
    If you and your current husband aren't working out, then that is another story and something that the two of you would have to deal with.
  6. Like
    Maw reacted to AnnaMaria in Divorce after citizenship   
    Well, like Hypnos said, you're going to encounter some incredible challenges if you attempt to do this.
    1st - Unless you plan on moving back to the Philippines and marrying your ex, you can't apply for a spousal visa because guess what, you are married right now to a U.S. Citizen. So for the spousal visa, you have to LEGALLY marry your ex again, either in the Philippines or here if he can get a visa, but again, if he goes through a Fiance visa, you have the interview where they'll see you were divorced and all the red flags will start popping up.
    2nd - At your adjustment of status interview, if your husband doesn't know about this and you LIE to gain citizenship to go through with this, you're going to be hit with fraud. You need to talk to your husband about this, because if at your interview someone sees two completely different people, one happy and the other miserable, they are going to do some hardcore interrogating.
    3rd - I know this website is about visa advice, but i'd like to think the people who ask for help have good morals. Reading your post, it seems like he loves your kids and you didn't mention any marital problems with the U.S. citizen himself, just that you want your ex back. I'm assuming at this point you have not told your husband, otherwise you wouldn't have stated that you wanted to divorce him after you got your citizenship. Think about the hurt and pain you may cause this person and the time and emotion he put into helping you come with him here and bringing your children, and loving them as you said. Again, this isn't a judgement, I just hope you considered how this is going to affect another human being who seems to love you and your children as his own.
    You really need to consider the situation you're facing. If you want to go through with this, you need to be honest to your U.S. husband so that if you do proceed with the citizenship procedures, everyone is on the same page with what is going on. To be honest, it does sound like you tried to evade immigration as Hypnos said, therefore i'm not sure how much constructive advice you may get as people do not want to assist someone in fraudulent activity.
    But, good luck to you, and I hope the best for your U.S husband, no one deserves this.
  7. Like
    Maw reacted to Hypnos in Divorce after citizenship   
    Expect problems, because on the surface it looks like you married an American in order to evade immigration law and facilitate your children's father's entrance into the US.
    Does your current husband know you are planning to divorce him? In order to naturalise under the three year rule you must be living together with your US citizen spouse in a true marital union.
  8. Like
    Maw reacted to usc85 in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    Your approval is giving me hope!
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    Maw got a reaction from TheBigO in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    Anyone got approved today?
    I hope TSC is doing something so we could get our approval and we can move on. My husband called few days ago and now we're waiting for "within 60 days" result.
    I miss my husband every single day.
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    Maw reacted to usc85 in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    Yes. I'm on the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Avyw59HrFr8VdHFlTFNKU3FMSHo1OW9OUnNTZVZreUE&usp=sharing#gid=4
    Let's hope all us remaining TSC people get approved in the next week or two!
  11. Like
    Maw reacted to I AM NOT THAT GUY in Anyone here that already got married and wanna share the story?? pls only if you met online   
    If you are insecure, don't do it. Being cautious, that is wise. We met online, and had long conversations for six months before meeting in person. Because of my own insecurities, after meeting some ladies from her country, hosted by a lifelong friend of mine that already married a female from that country, I tried to break the romantic part off. However, after feeling guilty, I did go to visit in her country as we had planned. We had a wonderful time together, and once I returned to the US, I started the K-1 paperwork.
    We will have been married seven years in October. Like any relationship, there are struggles, but she is so devoted to this relationship, that she more than anything has kept us together. Things were hard at first, she got homesick, and had a hard time adjusting, as well as taking many things seriously that I had concerns about. She is not all that I expected, however, she has surprised me in many ways. We are still together, and still in love.
    Would I marry someone again from her country? Probably not. Would I do this whole visa journey thing again? Definitely not. Do I have some regrets and would I have done some things differently. Sure, The pitfalls are more obvious once you have discovered them. However, the adventure continues, and we look forward to every moment we spend together. She is my best friend.
  12. Like
    Maw reacted to TheBigO in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    For those still waiting for approval, when you check the status of your case on the USCIS website does it say "Initial Review"? If so, when was the last time that information was updated? Mine says it was last updated on 23 October.
    I ask this because from what I can figure my application has not been touched at all since it was submitted, is there a way of knowing if it has been assigned to an officer or is "moving"?
  13. Like
    Maw reacted to AustinCanada in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    Any approvals from NSC this morning?
    Yes, it seems like NSC sends out the approval emails twice a day now - early morning and mid afternoon.
    Come on NSC! Drink a lot of coffee and Red Bull to process applications ASAP! The employees shouldn't be allowed to go home until they have finished processing all Oct applications!
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    Maw reacted to Ketsuban in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    We got our approval today but it says April 7th on it. So I guess that is our approval date. Yay!
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    Maw reacted to nirshd47 in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    Congratulations to all the approvals! And the rest of u, hang on in there, NOA2 is on its way ....
  16. Like
    Maw reacted to Thartieanne in visa on hand! but USC husband doesnt want us to leave!   
    We don't really knew the other side of the story but this is my assessment.
    SOmetimes, when we are very eager to come to the US it will give our spouse a doubt of what truly your intention is. As you said, he think that it is better to live in the Philippines because of the cheaper cost. Maybe you were right about him testing you but not the way you think it is. He was testing you on how far you will go just to come here in the US and you failed. It's very sad and I'm sorry for that. The best thing you can do is to lay low. Stop bugging him about buying you ticket already because as you know, he knows better what to do. And as I have observed, your eagerness of living in the US is more obvious than your excuse of just wanted to meet his parents and them meeting their grandson. I'm not being mean with my comment. I just wanted you to see where you went wrong...But whatever journey you were taking though, God be with you..Just remember that living in the US is not as what you thought it is. And looking for Job here to support for the both of you were not easy either.

  17. Like
    Maw reacted to nightingalejules in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    No kidding! I think there'd be a lot of takers on an option to pay for faster/better service. New employees or a new computer system. I'm still completely dumbfounded that obviously they're still actually processing the paper files. EP at NVC is a great improvement, but wouldn't it be amazing if there were an EP option for USCIS (or even that we still send in paper, but then that paper is immediately all scanned in and doesn't need to be moved around in paper form. The existing staff would be able to be much more efficient if they could just hit "enter" after processing one file and the next one would just pop up on their screen. It would also presumably get them a lot closer to actually processing in order (FIFO) (... of course right now, that would mean that none of us October filers would have been approved yet.
    If you can't move into the 21st century, USCIS, at least maybe move into the '90s?
  18. Like
    Maw reacted to waiting4i130 in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
    Congratulations to all the approvals!!
    C'mon TSC and NSC! You can do it!!
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    Maw reacted to nirshd47 in October 2013 I-130 Filers   
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    Maw reacted to Hotter Otter in Scam victims get what they deserve   
    I've seen a lot of nasty, over generalising posts on this forum in the past year but yours really takes the gold medal. The affairs of fellow VJ members and those who are scammed really is none of your business . Yes people sometimes almost seem to ask for it by jumping into a marriage without knowing the beneficiary but what has it got to do with you? Calling all middle aged men who marry younger spouses losers is unfair and wrong. Why do you not criticise middle aged women who marry 20 year old north Africans too if you are going all out to be offensive. I really think posts of this nature do not belong on this website at all and you should keep personal opinions to yourself and not use them to attack others.
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    Maw reacted to HollyGolightly in Scam victims get what they deserve   
    That is an unfair generalization. You can't make a sweeping conclusion like that without knowing each person's story.
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    Maw reacted to dwheels76 in K1 Visa, married, but now separated. (False Domestic Violence)   
    Tomorrow Call USCIS since you are petitioner you can get the receipt numbers.
    Oh also verify your address if she is being coached or whatever you want to make sure she never ever gets that green card.
    Make sure you also verify with your postal service that you and only you can change your address forward, hold all that. Protect yourself please.
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