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Sandra G.

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Status Updates posted by Sandra G.

  1. How are you?


    Please let me know when you receive your receipt ok.99% of my clientes that I submitted the waiver that never took more than 20 days to receive the receipt, but I have 2 cases pending since April and one of them the person paid the fees.

    1. Cartdeb


      Okay I definitely will 

  2. Hi


    Your wife must attend the interview first and then she can file the waiver. The U.S consulate has to find her inadmissible first  before  she files the waiver, and it will take 12 months to be adjudicated.She has to write her affidavit and you have to write yours as well showing why you can't move to Peru.You must show hardship for you if you have to move to Peru, then show the differences between both Countries regarding, criminally, economic disvantange,  your family ties in the U.S, financial impact, separation from family members, loss of current employment, cultural adjustment  in Peru ,inferior economic  opportunities etc..A good waiver should have at least 10 pages and submit proof of everything you are mentioning.


    Good Luck (I am an attorney).





  3. File for annulment of your marriage.I seems your wife posted here on visa journey, because there is one story exactly like yours, but of course calling the spouse abusive,she said same thing married for 3 years, got in the U.S left the husband because he was abusive she got the 10 year green card, and she mentioned the husband told her that he will filer annulment.I am almost sure she is your spouse,if she is your spouse she is in Brazil now and freaking out because of the annulment, then it's your chance to file for annulment . Just put in the form the last address you know where she was living..



  4. Hi. I don't know if you read all threads.I am an attorney, and I answer questions on visa journey since 2005. I saw that you are looking for an attorney.Before finding the attorney you need to attend therapy at least 5 sessions and have a GREAT psychological evaluation done, once 60% of the Vawa case will depend of your evaluation.If you have a diagnose of PTSD and/OR DEPRESSION then you might have a VAWA case.



    1. FirstTimer




      Thank you so much for responding me here... I don't know any psychologist. But i will try to look one and discuss the matter with them. If you can suggest me one whom i can use.

      I am also working to get the Police Report. If that will help.  Also if you can update me how much it will cost me if you take care of my case.

  5. Hi


    Refile the I-751 asap.Don't wait to get the NTA (notice to appear in Court).But 90% of the time the USCIS submit the NTA after 30/days from the denial date, but It could take months to years until you have a hearing scheduled.


    If you get a  notice to appear in Court DO NOT MISS THE COURT DATE ,IF YOU FAILED TO APPEAR AN IMMEDIATE ORDER OF REMOVAL WILL BE ISSUED. Probably you will have your new I-751 waiver approved before the  hearing. In case you didn't attend the hearing yet and your new  I-751 WAIVER IS APPROVED  then you have to file a jointly petition with the USCIS counsel to terminate your removal considering that you new I-751 was approved.Good luck.


    I am an attorney.


    Sandra Sms





  6. Hi


    I am an attorney and a member of visa journey for 15 years giving daily  information about immigration for 15 years.I saw HUNDREDS of Philippine women scamming U.S Citizen,one of the main scam is the complain about the money, and then the guy starts sending gifts and money.


    Do you really want to know if she will try to scam you.Tell her that you though a lot about  how your life in the U.S is busy and you really  think that if the relationship progresses  you will live in the Phillipines.You could get a simple job to pay the bills etc...Don't say you will open a business there because you still will be a good "match" for her, say you will get a job there, if she vanishes you know her only intention was coming to the U.S. I didn't see 10,30,50 American's men scammed I saw over 1000 in the past 20 years .I told for many men on Visa Journey  to do the test and many women just stopped talking with the guys. Don't get me wrong there are amazing Phillipines women, 3 of my best friends are from the Phillipines, they are hard workers here.Good luck.



  7. how are you doing Dmytri.


    I am going to Poland (WARSAW and Krakow) in August. There is one store chain in Poland that we don't have here in the U.S,looks like Zara store, and the winter clothes are amazing. I go there in the summer and they will not have the winter clothes anymore.They do not deliver in the U.S. I just need someone who lives  in Krakow or Warsaw that I could use the address for the store to deliver there some  clothes that I want to buy, and I would  get the clothes when I got there in August. They will change their wins collection  soon in their website then I need to find someone who lives in Poland willing to give me her/his  address and keep the clothes there till august(may be 6/10 clothing pieces).If you could talk to one of your friend I really appreciated it.





  8. Hi


    Add me in your WhatsApp and asked what is your question.I have. terrible headache and I am going to bed now but tomorrow you can send a text message or audio ok


    201. 923.8008

  9. There is no ratified agreement between the U.S and any other country in the world that requires the U.S to recognize a divorce decree issued abroad   but there is one ratified agreement  used here that recognizes the foreign divorce if both parties had notice of the divorce proceeding and the chance to be part of the divorce proceedings  to be heard in the divorce proceedings, clearly you were not heard then his divorce decree from abroad is not valid.There is the possibility  that he faked your signature then I  advise you to write immediately to the US.CONSULATE in Nigeria, if she didn't leave Nigeria the U.S Consulate might cancel her spousal visa, and inform IN WRITTING TO THE CBP(CONTROL BOARD PATROL) as well, in case she didn't enter  yet she will see the CBP officer. You can go further informing USCIS that you never signed any divorce paper and the Department of State website specified a foreign divorce is not valid if both parties didn't have the chance to be heard and you were never informed of any divorce proceedings what led you to think your ex husband used fake documents showing he is divorced in order to get married to a Nigerian Citizen.You can inform all these 3 places and submit a copy of your marriage certificate as well.


    Good luck


    P.S I am an attorney.


    Sandra SMS

  10. Hi Sabrina.


    I am an attoerney and a visa member giving information daily here about immigratin since 2005.If you need to hire an attrorney my team and I are availble or if can't afford an attorney I have a special "fee" for visa journey's members to review the affidavit and prepare the forms.


    Sandra SMS.

    1. Lovelyapplicant


      Please i am interested. Can you help review my affidavit and froms. Thanks

  11. Hi


    I sawthat you were looking for me. I am Sandranj, but my name is SANDRA, what's up?

  12. Hi


    My email is domesticviolenceadvocate@hotmail.com. Let me here through pn when you email me please.

  13. Hi


    I posted today on VJ (vawa thread) that I  decided to extend my work   to a wide variety of immigration  services, such as Immigrant Visas (CR1, IR1), Green Card Application, Naturalization, K1 visa,  CR1 visa, VAWA, Waiver and Removing Conditions for Conditional Permanent Residents (I-751) etc. I am not sure if it's against the VJ policy to advertise or not.


    I would like to know if I can open a thread about my services.I will not put my contact in the thread, the person can contact through pm.I will continue working with International Law then I  am not creating any website regarding immigration services now.


    I will continue here giving information about VAWA and helping VAWA petitioners who cannot afford an attorney, without any costs.But I will open a thread and advertise about my practice just if it's not against the VJ rules/policy.

  14. Hi


    Did you leave your husband?



  15. Hi


    Do not allow your daughter to go to visit her mother without you because your ex-wife might not allow the girl to return to the U.S just to have you paying child support, If you want that she sees her mother you should go together. Did you get full custody of your child?


    I think you said her 8 years old child couldn't be deported, the one that is not your couldn't be deported because her passport expired, is her mother applying for a passport for the child.


    I am an attorney and member of visa journey since 2005.I answer the questions regarding abuse in the VAWA thread.



  16. Send a  certified letter to USCIS withdrawing your I-485.

  17. I believe you were scammed big time.He is waiting to get the 10 years green card cause when someone is married over 2 years gets the green card for 10 years and once it completes 2 years he will enter in the U.S with a permanent green card and never more you will see him.I saw this happening many times.


    I am an attorney.


    divorce this scumbag and move on.


  18. HI

    Did you go to your home Country to visit your mom?

    1. gramercy


      Hi Sandra,

      No I can't!

      1- I sent my I-131 without a fee since I have a pending I-485 and after 30 days I received a rejection letter for not including the fee!!!

      I did not realize I should have included a new I-912, so I shall try again next week I-131 + I-912 waiver


      2- I do want AP to be available but also scared of taking this risk with the new administration.

  19. Hi


    I talked to the girl that you are are helping, but she is back in Pakistan.Her husband was arrested in November and she left to Pakistan.I will help her with her VAWA case. She speaks fluent English.


    Thank you for helping those without a voice in this Country.Speak out is the way to go and you did your part.



  20. Congrats.Vermont is damn late with all cases..You got lucky.

  21. I sent you a private message, check your inbox.

  22. Welcome on board and have a seat, lol

  23. How are you doing?

    It's me Sandra, the attorney from USA,lol. Any news.Keep me posted.

    take care


  24. I sent you a message, check it out.

  25. i sent you a message check it out.

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