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Posts posted by batallion9

  1. You can fill them out now. Go over them several times to make sure they are correct. You can look at examples here to check them with. If you are going over, print them out now, but also save a copy on flash drive to take with you. I filled ours out and will email to my fiancee once we get NOA2. She will print them for embassy interview and we will go over them on skype.

  2. All I can say, is that every state has their own rules. Go to the school admissions and ask. Be careful of private schools and independent schools. They are usually over priced, and some "so called Universities" are not actually Universities and the credits do NOT count at an ACCREDITED University!. State supported junior colleges are a great place to start! They usually have lower fees and usually have smaller class sizes. Credits from state junior colleges do transfer to Universities. Research the schools, and talk to students that go there. Make wise decisions, concerning student loans. Be careful not to run up a lot of money for useless degree or certificate. Pick a degree where there are jobs awaiting graduates. There will always be jobs in health care, accounting, computer programming, etc ( or at least those are in high demand in my area)

  3. First, be prepared for the lawyer to be pissed. They will send you a bill. Before they contact you, send them a registered letter stating you are dissatisfied with their service and you are no longer in need of their assistance. If they harress you, contact your state BAR association with a complaint! This will get their attention. Now as far as filling out forms - this is not difficult. If you download forms from USCIS, they will also have guides on how to fill out forms. These are step by step and help with how to answer the questions. Look on here at guides and form examples. Reed the forums, especially on denials or REFs, as these are mistakes that you do not want to repeat ( ie like not putting in intent to marry letter the statement that you plan to marry within 90 days!) There is much information on VJ. READ, read, and then READ some more.

  4. I downloaded my forms from uscis site. when you open form it has save icon. I clicked it and it was saved in my documents. From there I could work on it and save data. When finished I just sent an email and attached the form from my documents. If having trouble saving, right click while document is up and save from there. I am tech illerate, but it worked for me.

  5. Thanks guys! I was just worried I screwed up. I sent 11 photographs and put our name ,date and location on back of all of them. I also sent copies of airline tickets from both trips, Ukraine customs form -where my luggage was lost ( has my name and luggage number and description and customs officer name), copies of all receipts ( but only in Ukrainian), copy of passport pages, Skype logs, letters, emails, receipt from letter I sent registered by US postal service (official government agency). Would have sent kitchen sink, but I was afraid they would not think it was funny.

  6. I have read conflicting stories about photographs used for proof of meeting. Some people report that their photographs were rejected because they did not have a time stamp on front of picture. Others report no problems. I used my camera to take our photographs, but it is a professional level camera ( Nikon D90) the date and time are imposed on the SD card, but can not be placed on front of photograph like simple point and shoots. I don't think anyone at USCIS will know how to pull the information off the SD card, and USCIS does not accept electronic media. Any suggestions? Would a notarized statement affirming that the photographs were taken of us while I was in the Ukraine work????????

  7. I agree, look at posts from your specific embassy. I have read from other forums where pictures were on paper and others on photo stock. It appears from most posts, that embassy people only look at a few pictures anyway. On the side, make sure you buy a small hard drive to back up your photos. You can get one cheep at Walmart or Bestbuy. I am professional photographer, and you not believe how many times i get called to reshoot someones wedding because their computer crashed and all pictures were lost. Pictures of special occasions only happen once in life.

  8. hi there.. my fiance also serves in the military and will get deploy soon. can you give me advice? we got no idea what to do, thanks.

    Get letter on official letterhead, stamped signed - every thing you can to make it official. make copies and send request for expedite service to your congressman and Senator. Use every option you have. I have seen some expidited in as little as 2 weeks.

  9. Hi all,

    We just got our NOA1 and when we check the online status and at the bottom of the USCIS page we can check process times for Cali and VT. It states Cali is 7.5 months 'That's us' and VT is at 5.0 months. This seems to contradict what others are saying? Should we rely more on VJ stats or USCIS?

    Thanks so much!


    USCIS has not updated its info on I-129f's since January. Igor's list is not perfect, but it will give you an idea where you are at in the scheme of things. Just remember, VJ is only a sampling of all the visas applied for. Most people ( applicants) don't know this site exists.

  10. When was the last time you were there? I went though last June. Nothing really all that unusual. I'll be there again as soon as 1 monthfrom now. How did you make out on Airfare, where are you flying out of? Any secerts on low cost tickets?

    was there in January. They confiscated all the Vodka that was sent home with me. Said no alchlohol allowed on plane, then told me I could go to store in treminal and buy more which would be permissable.( had to be the airports vodka i recon) Went through my carry on. Only thing that I got to bring home was small can of caviar. Going over, I went through amsterdam, there they took my peanutbutter, shaving cream, colognue ( damn bastards, it was Jiffy crunchy). Flew from Atlanta to Amsterdam , then back through atlanta. Atlanta much better airport than JFK, not all the mess with security.I flew for $900 round trip by going through atlanta on delta. Got my tickets on Expedia out 3 months in advance.

  11. Hi, I am new here. Where do you look how many NOA2's are being approved at each center?

    Go to Imigration timelines at top of page and click. On next page, look at top right and you will see something called IGORS LIST. click on it. That will show you pages of approvals. There you can filter through Visa centers, and dates of filing by month.

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