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Posts posted by batallion9

  1. Find out which consulate or embassy your interview will be at. Then look up that locations web page. There you will find out your requirements. You may not need translation at embassy for your documents, but in the USA that may not be the case. Depends on where you live. Nobody in our local government will be able to read birth certificate in Spanish. I live in mountains of east Tennessee, so very few latin imigrants here.

  2. To save time, type it out yourself. be sure to put " I am legally able to marry XXXXXXXX. I understand that on K1 visa I must marry XXXXXX in 90 days of my arrival in the USA and plan to do so." (you can see example under "forms" k!visa . ) After typing, save as PDF and send them an email with letter attached. Don't forget to date letter. It MUST be original signature - not photocopy, nor forgery! Have them mail letter back to you. Save envelope when it comes to you - additional prof you know each other.

  3. We had same problem. My fiancé had to go somewhere in Poltava to get official name change corrected. Then we had to get name change translated. But there was no picture evidence. It took 2 months to get change of name. Luckily she did this before we filed I-129f. Call CSC and ask for supervisor. so you will know exactly what to do.

  4. Lets quit the bickering. Most important, this site " VJ " is owned by someone and they alone make the rules of usage for this site. It is not up to the users. The owner has every right to block or censor any and all posts here.. Now as far as gathering information. USCIS information pertaining to an individual using USCIS services is private information between the two said identities. so lets say a person petitions for K1 visa. They send application and fee to USCIS. USCIS accepts money and then assigns a case number to case. This case number is sent to applicant by private email and USPS. This case number is property of USCIS. Unless you have signed consent by the petitioner for whom the case number was assigned, then you have no right to look up anything pertaining to said case. Making up numbers to gain access is fraud, plain and simple. People can make any claim they want, as " USCIS site is public". Well it actually owned by the government. By typing in some ones WAC or EAC number into USCIS, it is no different than typing in a persons SS# into IRS to gain confidential information , which is illegal!

  5. Post partum depression can present many ways. Symptoms can be worse for persons with pre-existing mental disorder. If things turn violent - get baby out of house and call police. She can only be helped if she will accept the help!! You can NOT force a person to seek or accept treatment. Courts will not commit a person unless they are a danger to them selves or another person. Even then it takes 2 psychological reports from Psychiatrists recommending commital before courts can act! If you have custody of child, she gets nothing!

  6. I went through nasty divorce 8 years ago, where are my suggestions. 1- hire a good attorney, preferably a female attorney. Courts don't like male attorneys attacking unstable females. 2- tape record her violent outbreaks, ie hidden tape recorder or video tape. You MUST have evidence to prove her unfit! 3- hide all evidence you have!- leave at work or with friend and never tell her you have evidence. During outbreaks, make sure you KEEP your calm and let recording show that she is the problem. 4- watch out, dont put yourself in compromising situations. She will make accusations about you! As for the child, she cannot leave country with child without your permission. . Keep a cool head, and get an attorney!

  7. do a time line of yourself. This will give you an idea of where you are at in the process. Then you can click on "immigration timeline" header and look at " igors list" where you can filter by service center and look at what is going on with other petitions filed around the time you filed. Not accurate, but will give you idea of where you are at.

  8. Well I agree with both. VJ users should read more on their own. If you are to be successful, you must do your research! Some things are cut and dried, others are open to interpretation. I am somewhat educated, but still had questions on how to fill some things out. Vj users were a great help. We are all here for the same reason. I am sure there would be less rejections if people would use the guides here and on UCSIS web site.

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