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    user19000 reacted to Sandra G. in Domestic violence (merged)   
    sds mental abuse is one of form of the abuse as well, but you have to prove bonafide marriage and it seems you don't have enough proof.
    Someone said "What happened to cause her to want to slap you? Did you do something to provoke her?", as an advocate for victim of domestic violence i ask you please to seek some information about domestic violence, there is no excuse for domestic violence EVER! This bs did you do something to provoke her is outrageous to say the least, nobody deserves to be abused, ever! yes slap is considered abuse.
  2. Like
    user19000 reacted to Artisan in Green card and future divorce   
    Not everyone is interviewed for their AoS. The interview is waived for the majority of applicants. If there is an interview the immigrant only needs to explain that they made a good faith attempt at marriage. Friends and family can easily provide testimony on their behalf if needed.
    As for the I-864 there are a few ways around that problem. We recently used the failure of the husband to sign an I-864 as grounds for economic abuse under VAWA. In the OP's case they had already filed the AoS and other related paperwork so his wife won't need to worry about it.
    Finally, any sort of email or electronic communication would need to come from an account or device to which the petitioner never had access. Any decent lawyer will have a field day when it is possible the evidence was planted for falsified by a bitter spouse or relative.
    I consult for a non-profit immigration advocacy service organization and part of what we do is to help immigrants, mostly women, remain in this country after their marriages have failed. I have seen nearly every trick you can imagine used to good effect. People are often bitter and hateful after a failed marriage and many want revenge by denying their former spouses and partners the benefits of immigration. They don't understand that usually their former loved ones gave up nearly everything to immigrate and they have nothing to return to back home. Organizations like the one I do work for make sure that these immigrants can remain here despite having had trouble with the people in their lives or the process itself. Are some of these cases fraud? Very likely, yes. However, in my opinion, it is best to catch those cases prior to the issuance of the visa. As long as an AoS has been filed deportation is unlikely. If there is an interview and if the interview goes poorly there are a host of advocates more than willing to help stop the deportation and look for viable alternatives.
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    user19000 got a reaction from AstaMarisa in Husband doesn't want to file papers   
    I am sincerely happy for you, Murysa. Congratulations!
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    user19000 reacted to Dau Que in how do i send my wife back to vietnam   
    Judging from your grammar and vocabularies, combined with your using profanity and anger expression today (I want to remind everyone here in his previous post about his marriage, he got into trouble with the police about gun issue. Search for that post. I'm too lazy to dig it up), I would say your wife is a perfect fit for you.
    Noi nao up vun nay (ask your wife. She'll translate that for you)
    And good luck finding another wife in Tra Vinh. Apparently, you have NOT learnt your lesson............yet.
    PS> In case you haven't figured out on your own yet, when you have to come to an online forum for consultation what to do with your marriage, may be you're not mature/ready to be married. You are a perfect example why certain people although are of legal age, yet should not be allowed to get married.
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    user19000 reacted to TomT2566 in how do i send my wife back to vietnam   
    You aren't working and you need financial help from "booses wife" for your divorce, yet, instead of looking for work, you are going to Vietnam to "relax." I don't suppose that "relax" is an euphemism for using prostitutes, is it?
  6. Like
    user19000 reacted to Teacher Mark in Happy Belated Birthday to Uncle Ho!   
    Kiss my white a$$! Freedom of speech doesn't mean whatever you do or don't approve of is allowed to be spoken. That's called censorship. Sound familiar?
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    user19000 reacted to Dave&Roza in We failed, so will divorce in the middle of ROC   
    I said to remain married long enough to complete the ROC. I never said what to do during or after that. My hope is that during the time spent doing the ROC she will change her mind and remain in the US WITH her husband and not get divorced. Please do not read too much into what someone posts. My wife and I almost never made it to our first wedding anniversary. The only difference was that she would return to Kazakhstan and not remain in the US. It took time for her to adjust and she is still adjusting and we are coming up on the three year mark. This journey is hard on both parties and if you throw in lack of job, changes in culture, family pressures, etc, it is even harder. One problem I see in today's society is that we are too quick to decide that if it is not working just quit. Why not give it some time to see if the issues can be worked out? So if the OP remains married, files for ROC and complete that before deciding what to do next, it will give them both time to see if their issues can be worked out. I understand her frustration and maybe, just maybe a little more time will save this marriage.
    I applaud the OP in that he does not want to kick her to the curb or send her back home. Too many times here on VJ we hear about someone's marriage not working out and the USC wants to have the immigrant spouse sent back home like they are a piece of meat.
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    user19000 reacted to AnotherLostSoul in We failed, so will divorce in the middle of ROC   
    Why you would pay a revenge immediately? Sometimes, two people just simply realize that their life together is not a cake with whipped cream on top. It doesn't always end up bad because one is cheating over the other. And hence, he is being normal, and humane to work things out for her to remain here. Hate is not the answer....
  9. Like
    user19000 reacted to Hypnos in Can you leave the country while your I-751 is being processed? Also citizenship question   
    You can apply for citizenship two years and nine months after your "Resident Since" date on your (conditional) green card. Factor in ~3 - 5 months for the processing of your N-400, so say around six months from application to oath ceremony, and you should have citizenship by around February 2015. Trying to game the system by moving to another country but trying to keep your green card is not a good idea, and if caught your green card can be permanently revoked.
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    user19000 reacted to Done--Really in I would ask Visa Journey to include this in their Samples   
    Hey holy #######
    The guide clearly points out that you need to send information that covers the duration of the marriage...many of the RFE's in the last several months are due that reason alone...no big deal...just follow all the instructions whether you like them or not, and I do like turkey sandwiches !!
  11. Like
    user19000 reacted to Cheezees in Request for 'more' evidence that we don't have. Help!   
    I am not going to touch the "illegals" argument because it has NOTHING to do with your case. The truth is that you were poorly prepared for the ROC through your own fault. People make mistakes and unfortunately, yours is a terrible one. I don't think anyone here is being particularly harsh on you. And USCIS is surely not making you jump through any hoops. Honestly, it looks like they gave you 1 hoop and you said "No thanks, I prefer tennis". They have specific requirements which, for whatever reason, you chose to ignore. The sheer number of forms you had to fill out and documents you had to secure for the initial AOS should have at least prompted you and especially your foreign spouse to at least quickly review the I-751 form and its requirements much earlier that you apparently did.
    Just take responsibility for your mistake and try your best to move forward, gathering as much evidence as you can. In terms of the bank statements, you should show months of withdrawals and deposits (some people only printed a cover sheet with both names which is NO EVIDENCE of use of mixed funds at all). I really would like to see your case progress positively.
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    user19000 reacted to Asia in Request for 'more' evidence that we don't have. Help!   
    Then ask your wife and ask yourself if you're ready to trade places with those illegals, who have no rights in your country, who can be deported any day...
    Sorry if that's too harsh.
  13. Like
    user19000 reacted to AstaMarisa in Husband doesn't want to file papers   
    Hi, all!
    I do have good news.
    I just heard from my immigration attorney, my VAWA petition was approved!!!!
    What to say, it's nearly the happiest day in my life! I'm just so excited to start new life feeling myself like a person, not a prisoner locked up in bad circumstances.
    As for my child support case they just started enforcing the money, but for some reason I'm getting only child support or spousal support each month and never both, they say it will take time to get it work properly, this process depends on his employer and other factors. However, I'm happy to know that soon I can get a work permit. I'm not quite sure whether I have to stop going to school (I'm taking ESL classes now) and find a job immediately or not.
    But I am in a big need of car. I really need to get a driver's license. Because the transportation system here is very bad, and my son's school is not on a way to anything, it takes me about 6 hours a day to get around (to his school - to my school - to animal shelter where I volunteer - to his school again - home). And he keeps getting sick from all those germs. This is probably the biggest challenge for me right now. But at least one of the banks finally let me to open an account. It's just a debit card but it helps me pay some of the bills so I don't have to physically go places to do it. With this card my life became so much easier, that's for sure!
    So life is getting better and better and I'm glad that one day I decided to make a difference and many of you supported. Thank you.
    It's interesting that from the time they received it and to the time they approved has been only 10 months. Just a miracle! Or maybe it's not only luck but a result of constant work and not giving up. I'm grateful for that chance to have same rights as every other person and I hope many of those who suffered in a past can get hope and opportunity to move on and just be free.
  14. Like
    user19000 reacted to Protocol417 in Minutes After Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA, Immigration Judge Stops Deportation Of Married Gay Man   
    Considering only 10% of the population at the highest estimate are homosexual, do you think the influx will really be that large?
    I cannot imagine the level of selfishness it would take to be upset because you have a slight longer wait caused by people who've been waiting for ages finally being allowed to apply... and I'm a pretty selfish person.
  15. Like
    user19000 reacted to RGinWA in Minutes After Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA, Immigration Judge Stops Deportation Of Married Gay Man   
    That's great for them and others heads will probably explode knowing love is allowed to be free among people.
    How anyone could be upset is bizarre.
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    user19000 reacted to belinda63 in green card deny   
    Maybe she has PTSD and just wants to put this all behind her as quickly as possible. My first spouse who was abusive is still fighting me in court and we divorced in 1998. I would give anything to get rid of him.
  18. Like
    user19000 reacted to belinda63 in green card deny   
    I am trying to help. There is a lot more to VAWA than sending the I-360 and proof of good moral character. You have to prove you were abused. You have to prove you entered the marriage in good faith. What proof do you have of either abuse or good faith marriage? FYI I am a native Texan, not an immigrant.
  19. Like
    user19000 reacted to belinda63 in green card deny   
    It would be a long, hard road to invalidate the pre-nup, not saying it's impossible just long and hard. Everyone seems to be forgetting SHE MOVED OUT. She moved out months prior to her USCIS interview. She never contacted the police. She has no proof of abuse. She obtained a restraining order against her husband months after she left him and only when she began hearing about VAWA. Her whole abuse story started only after she heard about VAWA. If she was so afraid of him and her friends were so afraid of him why didn't anyone do anything prior to her failed AOS interview. If she wants to fight him in court she will need PROOF, not just her word since she has already lied.How can anyone who (according to her) fled from her husband in fear of her life and hid at a friend's house, said friend also being in fear for her life, and then misunderstand at the interview "are you and your husband currently living together?" Since she willingly moved out why would she be entitled to support?
    She really needs to obtain assistance with the VAWA filing. I don't know who this "immigration judge" she keeps talking about is, it is probably just a customer service rep at the local USCIS office or a rep on the phone. She needs guidance as to what to do, what proof to obtain, etc.
  20. Like
    user19000 reacted to anajnic in green card deny   
    This is too much, Im lost.. Wish you well
  21. Like
    user19000 reacted to VanessaTony in green card deny   
    A deity is a God. It doesn't discriminate against which God you're praying to or what religion you're a part of, whereas the term God does. it's not an insult to use the term deity. There is nothing wrong with someone having faith, but blind faith is of course a problem. Have you never heard the saying "God helps those who help themselves"? You need to actually put in effort. People pray and hope for stuff to happen, sit around waiting for it, and then when it doesn't happen, say "well it wasn't God's will"... instead of thinking that God would have directed them down a path, or to a person, or to find a way... People actually need to do the work themselves and believe, if they believe, that God will work THROUGH them and help them. God can't open a door if you don't reach out and turn the handle, but he can help you.
  22. Like
    user19000 reacted to Cathi in green card deny   
    this thread gives me a headache, 7 pages of someone attempting VAWA only after she lied to USCIS, and not one single comma or period in any of her posts...7 pages of nonsensical run on sentences. Now she says a deity will help her...My dear, God does not give out green cards, USCIS does
  23. Like
    user19000 reacted to Jessy_L in green card deny   
    Brian from Ukraine,
    the system when one person have so much power over the another is evil. It attracts all kind of control freaks who wants to mistreat the person, and whenever person can say anything, the abuser pull the stick over nose, saying either do as I say, or you will leave. No wonder one of the extreme cruelty signs is using the deportation threats.
    Saying that all the people who were mistreated are fraud is just very blind sighted and not very smart of you.
  24. Like
    user19000 reacted to erynaught in green card deny   
    The OP admittedly lied to USCIS, presumably to secure an immigration benefit.
    Why would USCIS believe her to be telling the truth with VAWA?
  25. Like
    user19000 reacted to Sandra G. in Husband kicked me out before ROC (split)   
    Abuse has no nationality!!!!! I don't give a damn if the individual is from Philippine,China,Brazil,Japan, Africa etc
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