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    Azsara got a reaction from Abby&Colin in CEAC STATUS SAYS "READY"   
    Mine has been saying Ready ever since they received my application from NVC
  2. Like
    Azsara reacted to Lemonslice in Knightsbridge now denies on past Depression/Self-harm   
    Is your husband currently functional? You have described things in the last months that were a bit "out there"; inability to find a printer, a pen, etc. I have no idea if he will be approved or not, but no matter what, maybe some help would help him feel better... we all are worth it.
  3. Like
    Azsara reacted to Nich-Nick in Knightsbridge now denies on past Depression/Self-harm   
    Knightsbridge can NOT deny a visa. They are contracted to perform a medical exam and report the results to the embassy. Knightsbridge is not the American government. They have no jurisdiction over visa decisions.
    If something in the medical report indicates a medical condition that makes a person inadmissable, then the officer at the embassy will make the decision on approval or denial of the visa.
    You have no idea unless you were present at the exam what you fiancé said or how he acted. You don't have the REAL story, only what your fiancé chooses to tell you. He could have acted in a manner that made the doctor think he was unstable. They are evaluating his demeanor, reponses, and actions from the minute he walks in the door; all the time making it sound like thay are chatting about the weather or something. When coupled with his scars, and a report from another doctor, it could have made the doctor wary of giving him a clean bill of health. You also said months ago he had no doctor that treated him for his condition or a regular doctor that knew him well. You said there was no way he could get a doctor report. If that was true, then anything he took in from another GP was maybe not convincing.
    This thread and your post are irresponsible given you have no facts.
  4. Like
    Azsara reacted to Nich-Nick in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    To all you kind supporters:
    Wow! Who knew anybody would miss me? I don't seek attention, controversy, or to be one of the popular kids. I just give from my heart to those I see struggling to be with their loved ones. For my entire life, if there is something I can do or share to help somebody, then I do it out of kindness.
    I give hours daily to VJ because there is always just one more person who seems so sincere and needy that I hate to leave them hanging. So when I opened my iPad one evening to check on my people, I see I have been suspended for 24 hours. There is no reason why. I can't see anything...no threads, no mailbox, no profile, no click here. I was very deeply hurt by what felt like a kick in the teeth when I didn't do anything intentionally wrong. So I decided to move on. I don't fight back, and I don't play time-out games. I'm a volunteer. If it is hurtful, then walk away.
    After maybe nine days away, I opened VJ again to check on progress of a couple of people I cared about. I had a PM from someone I was aware of as a regular that I don't normally interact with. It was about tax form 8938. So I replied that I was no longer posting on VJ, but if he still needed help I would be happy to discuss it by email. I guess he informed the UK posse. I didn't mean to cause a VJ bashing riot.
    I want you to know that I have had very kind messages from the the Big Kahunas. They are caring people and provide an amazing service. As for me, this long period of not reading posts keeps my heart from being tugged. It's like going into Petco. If I don't go over to the cages of kitties up for adoption, then I am not tempted to bring one home. I just had a quick read of the UK forum, and there are many posts with incorrect info or uncertain replies that I could fine tune. You are correct that somebody with a six year history of a particular area has seen it all and can offer more than the blind leading the blind. But those people will work it out and get their visas, even it it takes a little longer, they make mistakes, or they stress a little more.
    Meanwhile I have a long list of things to do for myself like finish clearing my desk so I can remember what color the wood is. Work is never as much fun for me as bringing comfort to a person in need, but I am going to give it a whirl and see how long I can stick to it.
    Thank you all so much.
  5. Like
    Azsara reacted to luckytxn in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    Should have deleted and a verbal warning given. Nich deserves consideration. Ryan is a bad mod.
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    Azsara reacted to Vanitas in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    More long-winded, "We're never at fault" tripe from the Lead Mod.
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    Azsara reacted to Vanitas in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    So I've just had a chat with another member of the forums and found out that someone I consider a good friend has decided to leave the forum because of a moderator decision by Ryan H. Specifically, the member leaving is Nich-Nick, a longtime helper on this site and essentially the "mother" of the UK Regional Forum.
    Can someone tell me why the hell she was suspended? Because this is getting ridiculous - do you actually want people helping on this site, or not? Because your moderator just caused one of the best helpers on this site to leave, and frankly it is an absolute disgrace.
  8. Like
    Azsara reacted to elmcitymaven in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    Nich was probably the most selfless VJ member I have seen in the past 7 years. Her dedication and commitment to giving the right information and keeping it up to date has always impressed me. She didn't have to do any of this -- she did it because she genuinely cared about people. Her suspension is completely bogus in the context of her overall spotless record.
    Ewok, if you're reading, I think you need a come to Jesus chat with your moderator.
  9. Like
    Azsara reacted to markonline1 in Today is my 1 year anniversary   
    I must admit, I'm more of a lurker now than a poster, but as today marks the 1 year anniversary of my arriving at San Francisco with that large brown envelop in my hands, thought I'd write a little post.
    It's weird reading about people going for medicals and interviews. The time has flown by, yet seems so long ago. I remember heading to the medical with my white coat syndrome in overdrive. There was of course nothing to be worried about, as the process is straight forward. My white coat syndrome ensured my BP was sky high though, so that caused a bit of a problem, sorted by buying a home pressure tester, logging the readings for a week and getting my Dr to send them to the medical place to send on to the embassy.
    The day at the embassy was also totally painless. I was at the interview no more than 2 hours. No trick or tricky questions. The morning spent at the embassy was actually a breeze.
    Then time to sell all the stuff in my flat and say my goodbyes. I was in a little bit of a daze when I flew out. I worked at Heathrow, so I got to see all my work mates before boarding the plane, they did me a little guard of honour as we taxied past and got air traffic to pass on a message to the captain to announce. That was a weird feeling leaving UK Tarmac.
    The first couple of months are definitely tough. Not being able to work and only being able to drive in CA for the first 10 days means there's a lot of down time. Amazingly, I only remember having a couple of bad days.
    Job wise, I was lucky. I secured the first job I applied for. Pay was less, but I like the place I work, although don't see it as long term.
    A year on, gotta say, I love my new life here. Yes, some things here are completely bizarre. And yes, there's far less time off from work. That just means I make far more of my time off though. Life here is different, but here on the west coast of CA, it isn't as drastically different as say places in the mid west. Maybe that's why I've settled in. At this time, I really don't see me going back to live in the UK (that could of course change), although I'm going back to visit next month.
    A year on, looking at the whole process, although it didn't quite feel it at the time, it struck me just how fairly straightforward going through the K1 visa process was. Anyone just starting out on the journey, it seems like a mountain to climb. In reality it's not much more than a large mound for most.
  10. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from JadeyHexed in Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!   
    YAY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Like
    Azsara reacted to JadeyHexed in Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!   
    Because we're happy!!! London approval today!!! Flight is booked, wedding date set and now it's just a month and a half until we're together again at last! So excited to spend the rest of my life with my soul mate. <3
    Good luck and Godspeed to everyone on this incredible journey. =)
  12. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from Luthien in K1 visa, not married within 90 days, overstay?   
    Come on now, the poster never said that they filed the k1 to buy time to get to know her. You are just putting words into his mouth. I know you must be upset that they are at the end of their journey and they are expressing doubt but it cant be great for them either. They have been through all the waiting we have, finally got to the crunch and they cant decide if they are doing the right thing. Imagine the disappointment for their family and friends.
    Im willing to guess they dont want your "empathy/patience" they just want impartial advice. YOU dont know the details of what has happened or what they are going through. Its better they have their doubts now then after the wedding.
    Good luck to you guys whatever your choice
  13. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from JonathanC13 in can i request a second drug test?   
    If they asked for a drug test at Knightsbridge you must have admitted smoking it in the past. So admitting previous drug use AND THEN testing positive for it does not bode well for you.
    You need to either stop smoking it or if you are being truthful with us you need to find new friends
  14. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from sarah86 in K1 visa, not married within 90 days, overstay?   
    Come on now, the poster never said that they filed the k1 to buy time to get to know her. You are just putting words into his mouth. I know you must be upset that they are at the end of their journey and they are expressing doubt but it cant be great for them either. They have been through all the waiting we have, finally got to the crunch and they cant decide if they are doing the right thing. Imagine the disappointment for their family and friends.
    Im willing to guess they dont want your "empathy/patience" they just want impartial advice. YOU dont know the details of what has happened or what they are going through. Its better they have their doubts now then after the wedding.
    Good luck to you guys whatever your choice
  15. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from Vanitas in A week today since London received my new passport and birth certificate....   
    As most of you know we were issued with the 221g Refusal form at the interview on the 24th September due to my passport and birth certificate not being up to standard.
    I really cant express how stressful the last 2 weeks and 2 days since my interview have been for us, and all of our family and friends.
    We were told that it may take 15 working days for our visa to be Issued, which means we would have missed our wedding.
    Today we logged into CEAC and found London have Approved and Issued our visa in 4 working days!! Really I cant fault them on their efficiency and speed in which they processed our case its really unbelievable.
    Most of all THANK YOU to my VJ friends (you know who you are) who have been messaging me for the past 2 weeks with their prayers, crossed fingers, well wishes, whatever. Really what I would have done without this support network I dont know.
    Of course I wont relax until its in my hand, and im through immigration with no problems lol, but for now, this will do just fine
  16. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from Nich-Nick in Received letter from local embassy to say they got the approved petition. Now what?   
    Only thing I would add to this is u only need another letter of intent if ur noa2 has expired
    Otherwise dont bother xx
  17. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from Danno in Broken Hearted at the last possible moment   
    If she didnt want peoples' thoughts on her situation she wouldnt be posting it on a public forum.
    It'd be different if people were being distasteful in replying saying "you're this or that if you have an abortion" or "you're selfish if you decide to keep the baby", as long as the replies are constructive and her wellbeing is considered in peoples' answers then no one is stepping out of line.
  18. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from Danno in Broken Hearted at the last possible moment   
    Actually the OP specifically asked us whether she should get an abortion or not
    Single parenthood was never something I wanted, but do I end a life needlessly?
  19. Like
    Azsara reacted to Nich-Nick in Something new to obsess about   
    Maybe after your head explodes from all this stress, you can go take another photo of your then smaller head...provided you don't lose any of the pieces.
  20. Like
    Azsara reacted to RGinWA in Is there any way to stop unhealthy VJ-mob scapegoating?   
    Humans will first find a group to blame for their angst in life. If no group is available, they'll settle for a religious reason.
    It's human nature to band together when faced with adversity.
    I can only assume it's because misery loves company?
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    Azsara reacted to Harpa Timsah in Is there any way to stop unhealthy VJ-mob scapegoating?   
    It seems every year another group of frustrated new filers does some "secret research" and finds some group to hate en masse.
    A couple years ago, everyone was mad at the Haitians. Haitian TPS because of the earthquake was ruining everything and making everyone's case slow! Damn their death and pestilence! Outrage!
    Then some time later it was DACA! Everyone hated on DACA and blamed that for making their files slow! Damn illegals! Outrage!
    Now I have seen everyone is hating on spouses of LPRs. F2A is going too fast and needs to be slower! Damn those foreigners! Outrage!
    There is a hive mind of thing going on, and without any proof, these groups, and I am sure others before these, get chosen to be the object of hate.
    It seems like a horrible mob mentality based on rumor and "secret analysis" of USCIS's website. I know it is hard to wait, and that the difficulty makes people vulnerable and liable to believe whatever they hear, but it doesn't seem right, to me.
    Is there anything to say that would stop this or is it going to happen no matter what? Any thoughts?
  22. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from k.dlg in Just on my way back from interview   
    Well update is
    I now have in the palm of my hand one brand spanking new passport and one very original looking birth certificate! (I just hope they are happy with th ebirth cert its not the same yellowish my old original was and it says "Certified copy". Any ideas?
    Also now i have a new passport does anyone know if i need to reapply for my ESTA like i would usually do with a new passport or will i not need an esta because i have a visa?

    Okay just reread the previous posts and i have the same type of birth cert that Jola has so that should be fine
  23. Like
    Azsara reacted to nobbie in Just on my way back from interview   
    Certified copy is what it says if it's not the original and is fine, thats what I had.
    You wont need an esta as you will be entering as a K1.
    Esta is for visa waiver and you have a visa, or will soon anyhow.
  24. Like
    Azsara reacted to Tracey&Greg in Just on my way back from interview   
    Hey dear, I am so sorry about your news. I read your review at work and my heart sunk. Your being so strong during this. Its just a hiccup and you'll be here in no time
  25. Like
    Azsara got a reaction from emyardy in Just on my way back from interview   
    Well update is
    I now have in the palm of my hand one brand spanking new passport and one very original looking birth certificate! (I just hope they are happy with th ebirth cert its not the same yellowish my old original was and it says "Certified copy". Any ideas?
    Also now i have a new passport does anyone know if i need to reapply for my ESTA like i would usually do with a new passport or will i not need an esta because i have a visa?

    Okay just reread the previous posts and i have the same type of birth cert that Jola has so that should be fine
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