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    JMH reacted to Ron-Tanya in Why does it has to be so difficult??   
    Hi Jason, the address is Swietokrzyska 31/33 it is the main post office building you enter and go thru the door on the right and on the right is an office. Just show them your printed reciept and they know what to do, you will need the complete name and issue and expiration date of passport. Then they give it back and you must go back out to the lobby and enter the door on the left which is the post office where you pay. They give you back the receipt and you go back to the little office and the man will hand write a number on it. This number will be needed the next day making an appointment (not what the embassy site says) In the morning (one minute afternoon) call and you will be asked for this # and be given an appointment. You will be sent an email conformation that MUST be printed out WITH the bar code, to be shown at interview for entry. I carried my laptop and had the lady at the embassy wait until I recieved it before I let her hang up. Then went to a internet cafe and printed it out. If you are not staying in a hotel (apartments are the way to go) you will need to take an unblocked cell phone with you that uses a sim card. I did not have one so I bought a cheap one for around $30 and the sim card cost (player brand) cost $9. and I got a lot of talk time out of it.
    Anymore questions just ask and I'll try to help. Warsaw is a great place for a few days and a lot to see cheap prices on food and clothes we stayed 9 days and had a great time.
    Hope this helps, Ron
  2. Like
    JMH reacted to del-2-5-2014 in Positive from TB skin test...   
    The selfishness of your posts continues to be alarming.
    All you seem to care about is passing the USA visa requirement. I on the other hand am focusing on the OPs personal health. A medical Doctor prescribed the OP a TB regiment = FACT. They just don't place folks on TB regiments until after an XRay indicates otherwise. You're making the Philipines to be a backwards country, it's not, it's a progressive oucntry with seasoned Physicians. OP stopped taking her meds on her own accord = FACT. Gowon recommends, prudently I may add, that OP goes back to her Primary Care Provider and discuss her stoppage of prescribed medications = FACT. You argue otherwise and wants her to just keep on going and potentially spreading the germs = FACT.
    " it is crucial that you finish the full course of therapy and take the medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Stopping treatment too soon or skipping doses can allow the bacteria that are still alive to become resistant to those drugs, leading to TB that is much more dangerous and difficult to treat" <<<<------- from a medical source
    You are a resoundingly selfish human being
  3. Like
    JMH reacted to belinda63 in My cousin's very complicated process..we need your advice...   
    Highly unlikely she will ever obtain a non-immigrant visa as she has shown she has immigrant intent and will lie to obtain a green card.
    Step one is to obtain the annulment and from my understanding this is not easily or quickly done in the Philippines. After she has the annulment completed then she can begin to think about finding someone to find to marry her. Appealing to USCIS is useless since she was never legally married to the U.S. citizen, therefore no grounds to appeal or reconsider.
  4. Like
    JMH reacted to Gary and Alla in Do they always check father's DNA?   
    in some countires it is perfectly acceptable to not list a father and then father's permission is not required and no laws are broken. what happens if she lists no father? CAN she list no father? CAN she list "father unknown"?
    Why not seek some LEGAL ways to do this?
    I WILL tell you this. Lying about the father and therefore lying about the person that can give permission is a MATERIAL MISREPRESENTATION and if it is discovered at ANY time in the future, this child and your future wife could be stripped of all benefits they ever received as a result of that misrepresentation, even including citizenship.
    I don't know about you but I sleep very well at night knowing I did everything legally and no one is going to take away anything from my family. They are YOUR FAMILY, they are worth whatever nuisance you need to deal with.
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    JMH reacted to Anh map in Do they always check father's DNA?   
    You cannot accidentally put your name on the birth certificate of the child that you have spoken about in other posts. You and the child's mother both know the correct answer. There is nothing good that can come of this. A DNA test being negative will call your relationship into even more question at the embassy.
    Deal with the reality straight on and don't try to game the system. The consular officers are very experienced with folks trying to hide information. Why do it the hard way?
  6. Like
    JMH reacted to Penny Lane in Do they always check father's DNA?   
    I've read your posts.
    First, you want your fiancee to have an abortion though she's 6 months pregnant. You ask if this is possible, since you want nothing to do with the child.
    Then you want the child.
    Now you want to put incorrect information on a birth certificate and claim it's an accident.
    I know enough to know you're not going about this the proper way.
  7. Like
    JMH reacted to Penny Lane in Do they always check father's DNA?   
    I have no idea why you keep making posts about doing illegal things or lying. In Off Topic, you mention you want to write your name on the baby's birth certificate even though you aren't the father.
    Now you're wondering what would happen if the wrong name got written "by accident"?
    VJ is not the place to go for advice on how to lie to the government.
  8. Like
    JMH reacted to aaron2020 in Do they always check father's DNA?   
    This is the gist.
    You are not the father. Done.
    If you fraudulently list yourself as the father and submit a birth certifizate that you know contains false information, then you are committing immigration fraud.
  9. Like
    JMH reacted to Lalo & Susana in Issue with late-stage abortion...   
    First an abortion at 6 months is not allowed based on the reasons ur discussing. 6 months is 26 weeks but I am assuming ur rounding the time out and if ur fiance is in her 28 weeks she is in her 3rd trimester. An abortion is normally performed in the first 14 weeks usually anything after that is only performed up to 24 weeks and that is only for medical health problems and is very uncommon. And if Colombia is anything like Chile which I am assuming it is from ur posts abortions are illegal so what u r considering is illegal since the baby is almost fully developed. Abortions at the stage you are taking about usually require the woman to actually give birth to the baby which will probably very traumatic to ur fiancé. If ur fiancé doesn't want the baby she should give it up for adoption. Everyone tells u to bring it to the USA an give it up for adoption but it very common in South American countries that the mother cannot take the child out of the country without written consent from the father and since that isn't an option since he hates u then u should look into giving the baby up for adoption in Colombia.
  10. Like
    JMH reacted to Penny Lane in Issue with late-stage abortion...   
    I am absolutely pro-choice, but 6 months is too late. If she wanted an abortion, she should have done it months and months ago. Time to deal with the consequences.
    What kind of adult takes out their hatred for another man on a child?
    You have issues. The visa sounds like the least of them.
  11. Like
    JMH reacted to Thomas&Cleofe in Issue with late-stage abortion...   
    You say the child would have a horrible life....
    You are not thinking about the child....you are only thinking about the easiest way out for you.
    Have you thought about what a "horrible death" it would be???
    This child is nearly old enough now to live on it's own, but you would consider stopping this child's beating heart....
    my mind is spinning thinking about how inhumane this is...
  12. Like
    JMH reacted to Andrea&Henry in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    Actually Im a she but thanks for saying that about my english, im still learning but is not easy:)
  13. Like
    JMH got a reaction from TatTot in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    You can be sure that you've stopped contributing and lost the debate when you stoop to the level of spell checking comments. The great irony is that his English is actually much better than yours. Anyway, I really do hope you can become a happier person who is capable of more kindness and understanding than you've shown today.
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    JMH reacted to aamirpearl in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    I agree with you, this is a community to help each other and vermont people who is waiting for their NOA2 i really feel sad for them and hope they get it soon , but there is no need to make a new account and open up drama (this person must be a regular vj member to scare to show his true self so made a new account)
  15. Like
    JMH reacted to Andrea&Henry in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    You call us BAD ACTORS for try support others, that basically calling all of us hipocrit. Dont play the victim here. Read your on post and see what you write not only about me but all of us in our SOAP OPERA. Keep with your nasty attitude, that will make your noa 2 come faster. God bess u
  16. Like
    JMH reacted to Andrea&Henry in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    The fact Im not "miserable" as you right now doesnt mean Im hipocrit cause "im not in your shoes" , if I cheer or pray for someone in pain or in a bad situation is because i a human with feeling who had their bad moment of her own. Well basically WE ALL are bad actors cause that's what we do here, SUPPORT people.we are not immigrant lawyers, we are people who try to help others we are own experience, we help with immigrant info but if we cant help at least we cheer somebody with kind words. If you think like that you better try to find another website, with no BAD actors, hipocrits etc. and if you want somebody's sympathy, you are doing wrong
  17. Like
    JMH got a reaction from cdneh in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    Update your timeline in silence? Really? There must be many more bitter people than I thought. If only there was some place people could go to talk and share their stories. . .like some sort of immigration forum. . . oh wait.
  18. Like
    JMH reacted to Penny Lane in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    People should not have to update their timelines is silence.
    I can't believe how rude some people are being.
    Yes, it sucks when someone else gets approved very quickly and you've been sitting here for months and months. Nobody likes that feeling. But that unfairness is all on USCIS, there's no need for VJ to take out their frustration on the member themselves. Remember there are actual people behind these screen names with actual lives and actual relationships. They want to be with their loved ones just as much as you do.
    To make them feel BAD about their progress is not the purpose of VJ. We're all here to support each other through this, not to shun the people who happened to get their approval faster than you did.
    If it bothers you, stay out of the progress reports. If it makes you bitter, that's your problem, not the person posting the threads.
  19. Like
    JMH reacted to Operator in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    Why do you have to hide behind your sockpuppet? If you want people to "have some respect" who do you wish them to respect?
  20. Like
    JMH reacted to Andrea&Henry in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    I cant believe some of the post I'm reading here! Is really unfair! If somebody is approved after 300 days they DO have the right to post and celebrate ??? But if someone was approved in 40 days then he/she DOESN'T has the right to do it? EVERYBODY in here HAVE THE RIGHT TO CELEBRATE THEIR APPROVALS!!! That's why this site was created it for TO HELP and SUPPORT people in the bad times but also in the GOOD ones also! I know that the waiting is awful but that doesn't mean you should act like a bunch of haters, cause if one of u were approved in 40 days you weren't be that mad, uh? So after saying this, CONGRATULATIONS sweetheart hoping your journey will be this smooth and quick....
  21. Like
    JMH reacted to Operator in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    So what you are suggesting is that within this immigration community people who get approved in less than 249 days should just keep there excitement to themselves? Maybe we should also require that people who have been waiting a long time keep their complaints to themselves?
  22. Like
    JMH reacted to Andrea&Henry in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    I cant believe some of the post I'm reading here! Is really unfair! If somebody is approved after 300 days they DO have the right to post and celebrate ??? But if someone was approved in 40 days then he/she DOESN'T has the right to do it? EVERYBODY in here HAVE THE RIGHT TO CELEBRATE THEIR APPROVALS!!! That's why this site was created it for TO HELP and SUPPORT people in the bad times but also in the GOOD ones also! I know that the waiting is awful but that doesn't mean you should act like a bunch of haters, cause if one of u were approved in 40 days you weren't be that mad, uh? So after saying this, CONGRATULATIONS sweetheart hoping your journey will be this smooth and quick....
  23. Like
    JMH reacted to Andrea&Henry in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    You couldn't say it better!!! Totally agree with u
  24. Like
    JMH reacted to Penny Lane in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    You are in the progress report forum. This is where people, you know, post their progress. Simply ignore it if you don't like it, but everyone has the right to celebrate when they get their petition approved or have their visa granted. Everyone here is after the same goal.
  25. Like
    JMH got a reaction from Operator in OMG!! After Long wait! Approved after 40 days!   
    Update your timeline in silence? Really? There must be many more bitter people than I thought. If only there was some place people could go to talk and share their stories. . .like some sort of immigration forum. . . oh wait.
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