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    akihon got a reaction from MADDEN in Filed ROC PAckage - USPS Tracking Makes No Sense - Please Advise!   
    Then I don't know why you bothered asking. You sound like you've already made up your mind. So just go with it.
  2. Like
    akihon got a reaction from AlmostMex in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    I'm concerned about AlmostMex. S/he was only a week behind but we haven't heard anything yet?
  3. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Cheezees in N-400 May 2016 filers   
    It means the date your application was received, the date you officially notified USCIS of your immigration benefit intent.
  4. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Dustin C in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    isn't it funny how if our USC spouses hadn't married us foreign spouses, that they would never have even known about all this immigration BS? My in-laws are always in awe of how much we've been through and HAD TO PAY FOR.
  5. Like
    akihon got a reaction from jordan85 in Three year rule - Required Evidence?   
    I did option C, and submitted my 2015 transcript at the interview
  6. Like
    akihon got a reaction from B_J in Prenup Stating if he Divorces me he has to Pay Back Expenses   
    Cost of living in the Philippines is different to cost of living in the US. You can't compare a teacher's salary here in USD to what he earns in PHP converted to USD, and call it peanuts. If he's comfortable and happy in the Philippines making what he makes, who are you say otherwise?
  7. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Ontarkie in Prenup Stating if he Divorces me he has to Pay Back Expenses   
    Cost of living in the Philippines is different to cost of living in the US. You can't compare a teacher's salary here in USD to what he earns in PHP converted to USD, and call it peanuts. If he's comfortable and happy in the Philippines making what he makes, who are you say otherwise?
  8. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Caryh in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    I don't know if it's the same at all Field Offices, but before my oath ceremony even began, the Supervisor IO made a few announcements to everyone taking the oath that day. One of them was "Please make sure that all information on your naturalization certificate is correct, because if we have made a mistake, you can ask for us to correct the mistake at no charge for today only. If you come back tomorrow, the change will cost $600".
    Do you think FL would be able to do something like that for your wife?
    Either way, I highly recommend you call the Field Office asap. It's a good place to start anyway.
  9. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Cheezees in Some questions- confused   
    Please do your own work properly. Saying you're confused doesn't make sense because I'm not sure how the guides would have confused you. I answered your questions, but all of those can be searched and found on the website and through the guides.
  10. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Tim & Cai in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    PASSED! I'm on my way to work now, will update later!
  11. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Tim & Cai in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    Chicago Field Office Interview Experience
    My interview was scheduled for 8:45am. I went through security, checked in at 8:12am, and was given a number. Sat quietly by myself, looking up every time the door opened. There was an Indian lady that I overheard failed the speaking test. Finally, an officer came out and called my number. I grabbed my folder and purse and followed him in, greeting him good morning.
    He showed me into his office, where he had my file open, and a small clear ziploc with my photos in it was sitting on the table. He put me under oath, and asked me for the appointment letter, my passport, LPR card and driver's license. My folder was still open, so he told me to put it away for now. He spent some time inputting information into the computer, before he turned to me and we started off with the civics test. In no particular order:
    1. What is an amendment?
    2. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
    3. What is the supreme law of the land?
    4. Who vetoes bills?
    5. Who did the United States fight in World War II?
    6. What is the capital of your state?
    Then he told me to read number 1 out of 3 sentences ("Where is the White House?") and to write "The White House is in Washington DC". After that, we started reading through my application, where he just asked me what was on the form and I responded as I had written in February. He checked my list of travel dates against my passport, while asking if I had traveled recently. I said yes, and he updated my list with the one business trip I had at the end of March. I also had to provide my previous passport as well for some of the trips. He flipped through the pages so much, I thought the trips weren't on there, so I asked if they were (I had my third previous passport with me). He said "They are". He also asked whether some trips were business, and I said that the ones to China were on business, while everything else was on vacation. "Was your husband with you?" "For all the vacation trips, yes".
    When we got to the arrests/citations part, I hesitated slightly before I said No (I have not been cited). He looked up at me from the form, noticing my hesitation. I apologized, saying that I hesitated because I do have a traffic citation that I forgot to mention on my initial submission.
    "Was it alcohol-related?"
    "No. I ran a red light."
    "That's fine."
    We continued through all the yes/no questions to the end. Apparently he had all my submissions from AOS and ROC, he chatted about my bank account statements, asked about my husband's job, about whether we had any pets (I was kinda surprised to be talking to him about my cats' names and why we picked them). He did ask if I had filed all my taxes, and whether I owed on any. I said I do not owe on taxes, and that I submitted the original IRS transcripts with my application, but had copies on me, including my 2015 tax transcript. He requested the 2015 copy, so I surrendered that to him. After all that was done, he asked me to sign my form, and then congratulated me on my approval. He told me that the letter will come in the mail for my oath ceremony, and that it would take a few weeks.
    He walked me out of the office, congratulated me again. I shook his hand, thanked him, and went off!
  12. Like
    akihon got a reaction from JimmyHou in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    Chicago Field Office Interview Experience
    My interview was scheduled for 8:45am. I went through security, checked in at 8:12am, and was given a number. Sat quietly by myself, looking up every time the door opened. There was an Indian lady that I overheard failed the speaking test. Finally, an officer came out and called my number. I grabbed my folder and purse and followed him in, greeting him good morning.
    He showed me into his office, where he had my file open, and a small clear ziploc with my photos in it was sitting on the table. He put me under oath, and asked me for the appointment letter, my passport, LPR card and driver's license. My folder was still open, so he told me to put it away for now. He spent some time inputting information into the computer, before he turned to me and we started off with the civics test. In no particular order:
    1. What is an amendment?
    2. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
    3. What is the supreme law of the land?
    4. Who vetoes bills?
    5. Who did the United States fight in World War II?
    6. What is the capital of your state?
    Then he told me to read number 1 out of 3 sentences ("Where is the White House?") and to write "The White House is in Washington DC". After that, we started reading through my application, where he just asked me what was on the form and I responded as I had written in February. He checked my list of travel dates against my passport, while asking if I had traveled recently. I said yes, and he updated my list with the one business trip I had at the end of March. I also had to provide my previous passport as well for some of the trips. He flipped through the pages so much, I thought the trips weren't on there, so I asked if they were (I had my third previous passport with me). He said "They are". He also asked whether some trips were business, and I said that the ones to China were on business, while everything else was on vacation. "Was your husband with you?" "For all the vacation trips, yes".
    When we got to the arrests/citations part, I hesitated slightly before I said No (I have not been cited). He looked up at me from the form, noticing my hesitation. I apologized, saying that I hesitated because I do have a traffic citation that I forgot to mention on my initial submission.
    "Was it alcohol-related?"
    "No. I ran a red light."
    "That's fine."
    We continued through all the yes/no questions to the end. Apparently he had all my submissions from AOS and ROC, he chatted about my bank account statements, asked about my husband's job, about whether we had any pets (I was kinda surprised to be talking to him about my cats' names and why we picked them). He did ask if I had filed all my taxes, and whether I owed on any. I said I do not owe on taxes, and that I submitted the original IRS transcripts with my application, but had copies on me, including my 2015 tax transcript. He requested the 2015 copy, so I surrendered that to him. After all that was done, he asked me to sign my form, and then congratulated me on my approval. He told me that the letter will come in the mail for my oath ceremony, and that it would take a few weeks.
    He walked me out of the office, congratulated me again. I shook his hand, thanked him, and went off!
  13. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Caryh in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    PASSED! I'm on my way to work now, will update later!
  14. Like
    akihon got a reaction from ryna in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    PASSED! I'm on my way to work now, will update later!
  15. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Caryh in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    Constitutionally, 9. Currently, 8.
    "And by gosh, I will not support a candidate that so willingly flouts the Constitution ... oh okay, sorry officer, I'll get off my soapbox"
  16. Like
    akihon got a reaction from JimmyHou in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    Yeah I know it's Paul Ryan. *EYEROLL*
  17. Like
    akihon got a reaction from JeffPerren in N-400 May 2016 filers   
    They won't reject her application, but you will probably receive an RFE for the previous year's tax return transcripts. What you could do is provide proof, and maybe a written letter, that you made below the income threshold required to file a return.
  18. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Dustin C in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    The spouse isn't allowed in the interview room, so attending has no actual impact if you're going to just be sitting in the waiting room. I just think that incident was an IO on PMS.
  19. Like
    akihon reacted to Tim & Cai in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    My wife asked me to type this out so here we go. Her interview was scheduled for 9am. We were 15 minutes early. While we were waiting a few people came out of their interview with big smiles. Good sign. At 9:02 the IO came out and called for her by last name only. He looked really cranky... Not a good sign..
    She walked back to an office with a little desk and he had her swear to tell the truth. He then asked for her driver’s license, green card and her passport. He took the port of entry stamp and put it in her file. The IO didn’t ask for any other paperwork. They then went through the N-400 form from front to back. They did skip over the info about my previous marriage. He then asked for her Social Security Number. He did not ask to see the card.
    He then said “It is time for the 100 civic questions. I will ask you a total of 10 questions. You can miss 4.” Here are the questions he asked.
    1. How many members are in the House of Representatives?
    2. Name one war that was fought by the US in the 1900’s.
    3. Who is the father of our country?
    4. Who is the Chief Justice of the US?
    5. How many years is the President elected for?
    6. How many years are members of the House elected for?

    He did not ask 10. J
    “Now it is time for the English portion of the test.”
    He had her read a sentence that happened to be one of the 100 questions. Who is George Washington? He then told her to write “We vote for the president in November.” Then the IO said Congratulations. You have passed the test.” He then printed the Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony and handed it to her. The date and time on the notice is 5/12/16 at 9:45am. She then thanked him and he kind of smiled. That was the first time he smiled.
    At 9:18 my wife came out. I knew right away she passes because she was smiling from ear to ear. I think at first she was trying to hide it but couldn’t. J
    Tim & Cai
  20. Like
    akihon reacted to Rob L in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    Republicans are prepared to take a wide stance on this issue

  21. Like
    akihon reacted to Harpa Timsah in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    So if I kill someone all I have to do is say it was self defense and they don't even look into the issue?
  22. Like
    akihon reacted to Cheezees in NEED Help I-175 RFE   
    I did read your post and responses. I know you do not have any but I also explained USCIS's position. Again, no one can demand kids. However, it is still suspicious to have no major joint purchases/assets. Why? Very simple. Those in a fraudulent marriage can produce just as much evidence as you did. Here is where the scrutiny comes into play. If I am marrying a foreigner only for immigration purposes, I am not likely to put their names on any property I already own. Yes, this can happen with legitimate couples but the fact that it is common with "scam" couples is why this is an issue for you. USCIS would not and should not just take your word for it that your marriage is bona fide. For whatever reason, your application came up short. There is no use arguing what you personally think the standards should be. Work on getting them what they want.
  23. Like
    akihon got a reaction from Dustin C in N-400 February 2016 Filers   
    I'm going by myself. Like you said, there's no reason for my husband to burn vacation time (even if we don't really need it later this year), and Chicago doesn't offer same day oath.
  24. Like
    akihon got a reaction from EM_Vandaveer in Kind of confused about the 3-year and 5-year form options   
    This. 5 years has less having to prove married stuff.
  25. Like
    akihon reacted to Cheezees in Help   
    Honestly, I would suggest hiring a divorce lawyer. DV is no way to start a marriage nor an AOS application.
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