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Status Replies posted by LAGOSLOVE

  1. Received my NOA2 last night (May 10TH 2012), thank you Jesus!


  3. Received my NOA2 last night (May 10TH 2012), thank you Jesus!

  4. Recap to some of my status updates: "Study to show thyself approved." If you found VJ by accident know that is God's way of preparing you for the test ahead. READ READ READ. Stop posting every single question.

  5. Often times we just think about our sig other adjusting but boy does it goes both ways. As usual I will hand over everthing to my Alpha Omega.

  6. exactly one mth til my bday!!!

  7. Heaven sent me a wonderful, supernatural, wonderful gift...Ade's visa is approved!! Thank you God for this and the man worthy of walking life's journey with me. Thank you for the people you set in this visa path to offer wisdom, laughter, and pray me through my trials. Much love for LagosLove, TJ4ever, and Inyang loves Dee!

  8. The sky is the limit to what I can have...

  9. If I don't get back to you, or any thread, I apologize now. Going through something at the moment.

  10. Today marks 5 days since my hubby's arrival...it still seems like a dream..we have had a long journey...but now is when the real journey begins...living the married life together in one household...I pray that what ever trials and tribulations that we endure that our love is strong enough to conquer...it is God that put us together so I have faith that it will also be God that will keep us together for life....

  11. interview date June 5th! i can't wait to see my baby!

  12. "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible." Audrey Hepburn

  13. Once gain the embassy has said we'll you back today. Person said, I give you my word, I'll call. NOt going to believe that at all. They did acknowledge that they received my correspondence from my senator's office but no response, yet. TIRED

  14. only five more weekends alone.inshallah....

  15. I realize some days are easier than others with out him.......just have too keep busy busy....

  16. Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; Hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius.......

  17. Last night was his first night on the new job...Picked him up at 1:00 a.m., and I felt so sorry for him because he looked like they worked my baby to death *smh*

  18. Hey...I've been upgraded to a Junior Member...I've graduated from Newbie! Yipee!

  19. Really happy for those getting approved out of the Nairobi Embassy lately :) Really very happy for everyone...

  20. 7 weeks 3 days left, y'all! I can't wait to meet this little tap dancer. STILL waiting on GC. Going to work on getting Daddy enrolled in some college classes to pass the boredom and so he can stay home with baby!!

  21. Last night was his first night on the new job...Picked him up at 1:00 a.m., and I felt so sorry for him because he looked like they worked my baby to death *smh*

  22. When we find a promise in the Bible we must Claim it. When we find a commandment in the Bible we must Obey it. When the Bible tells us the truth about who we already are and what Christ has already done we must Believe it.

  23. Happy 1 year anniversary Baby. May this be the only one we live apart. mmwah

  24. Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination ♥ -Maya Angelou

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