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Status Replies posted by LAGOSLOVE

  1. Friends dont discourage, but encourage. Regardless of what my fiance and I go thru, we always work thru and resolve our problems. I cant have no one in my circle that will try to discourage me.

  2. Happy Joyous New month. expecting great things signs and miracles for us all. What say you?

  3. Happy Joyous New month. expecting great things signs and miracles for us all. What say you?

  4. Happy Joyous New month. expecting great things signs and miracles for us all. What say you?

  5. Quick question: What documents are needed for him to apply for his SS card??

  6. One of the most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as time passes. It cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is of a divine nature, and one of the most beautiful feelings on earth. I have been given all of this in my husband. He is my sweetest thing, my greatest joy, and he has changed my entire world.

  7. Today marks 5 months of Prince being in the states. Going home to him everyday if feels longer. He's adjusting well. Learning so much about this country and how different life is between here and Lagos. We've had our first real knock down drag out argument. We've cried at the death of a family member, he's stayed up nights because I was in so much pain. He's still hunting for a job. Finances have been tested yet....we never think about separating. It's not even a topic...

  8. Friends dont discourage, but encourage. Regardless of what my fiance and I go thru, we always work thru and resolve our problems. I cant have no one in my circle that will try to discourage me.

  9. Am blessed to have the greatest Haitian Mom ever...She keeps me grounded!!!! #luuvmymommy

  10. HA! People ask how do we get into arguments with so much distance between us? WE ARE MARRIED, WE SHARE, and WE ARE IN LOVE!

  11. Ok, so the count down is ON....8 days until my hubby's arrival...I am nervous...stressed and excited all at the same time.....

  12. I received a text message last week that said the petition was back in the hands of USCIS vermont service center. Hopefully they will affirm the approval and send it back to the Embassy with another interview date.

  13. sorry it took so long to post but we celebrated after the APPROVAL....YAY!!!!!!!! I have to say a big THANK YOU to my visa journey family, i could not have did it without you

  14. Lying here listening to the rain and the birds; wishing I could smell his skin.

  15. The embassy told us they would make a decision today. Now, they are saying Thursday of next week. I'm so tired of this.

  16. next week we should be in each others arms for good!! we cant wait!!

  17. See our picture up in the approval section just brings me JOY it's been a long journey and battle although the journey of man and wife hasn't begun yet it was all worth it. Thank you to my Savior Alpha Omega!

  18. Green card in wallet! Praise God

  19. I choose to BELIEVE GOD's report...SPEAK LIFE INTO EVERY DEAD AREAS OF MY LIFE...I BELIEV E IN MIRACLES...and MINE is on its way..Thank you JESUS!!no good thing will you withold.

  20. Right now I'm amazed at the magnitude of God. How he evolved the world from meeting people in person to a day & time when a man can meet his wife over a computer. The power of God to orchestrate our birth and align us is truly amazing and I thank him for giving me my best friend. Forevermore I love you!

  21. Thankful for all the counterfeits who moved out of the way to make room for my husband!

  22. Today marks 5 months of Prince being in the states. Going home to him everyday if feels longer. He's adjusting well. Learning so much about this country and how different life is between here and Lagos. We've had our first real knock down drag out argument. We've cried at the death of a family member, he's stayed up nights because I was in so much pain. He's still hunting for a job. Finances have been tested yet....we never think about separating. It's not even a topic...

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