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Status Replies posted by LAGOSLOVE

  1. My friend girl asked me why my ringtone for my husband sounds like a jackpot. I told her it's because I know I won the lottery when I picked him! :D

  2. 5 months and 2 days...tic tock...tic tock!!!! #patienceisavirtue

  3. James 1:19 "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:" Be still and know IAM GOD. AMEN

  4. Had a fabulous weekend...hope the same for everyone else! Sending good luck vibes to Brian & Ana on their interview today!! And congrats to Katdluna on her approval!

  5. Four months with me here in the U.S. and Marriage is simmering with lots of rich sweet and sour flavors. Marrying someone from abroad takes being strong yet pliable. The differences can either overwhelm or underwhelm. I'm saying this because I come from a linage of women who are strong, confident and independant in many ways. As for me I decided to mix the flavors of marriage gently and carefully the sweetness of it will go on and on!

  6. God, thank You for Your comforting promise that You will never leave nor forsake me. In times like today, I need that assurance. You are my Rock and my Salvation. I trust You, even when I feel like I cannot trust anyone else. I look up to You, because I know You will always be there for me, even if the whole world forsakes me. Thank You, so much, for Your love and dependability. You are awesome! With love and appreciation in my heart, amen.

  7. Medical done anxiously waiting q llegue el dia y con dios por delante sera VISA APROVADA!! :)


  9. Flight is finally booked...POE is May 3, 2012...5 weeks and 2 days...yay

  10. Four months with me here in the U.S. and Marriage is simmering with lots of rich sweet and sour flavors. Marrying someone from abroad takes being strong yet pliable. The differences can either overwhelm or underwhelm. I'm saying this because I come from a linage of women who are strong, confident and independant in many ways. As for me I decided to mix the flavors of marriage gently and carefully the sweetness of it will go on and on!

  11. His laughter makes my heart smile.

  12. Four months with me here in the U.S. and Marriage is simmering with lots of rich sweet and sour flavors. Marrying someone from abroad takes being strong yet pliable. The differences can either overwhelm or underwhelm. I'm saying this because I come from a linage of women who are strong, confident and independant in many ways. As for me I decided to mix the flavors of marriage gently and carefully the sweetness of it will go on and on!

  13. Just watched a movie called "The Okra Principle". I recommend this movie for all my VJ family that have African spouses! Good movie!

  14. I offer this sound advice. Get to know the one you love in ever aspect of the word love. I Know we can see the wrong but be believe we can love it through. My Mother told me this very young. When a person shows you who they are...believe it. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and heart. Don't be afraid of the arguments. Your opinions and feelings are valid. If you feel in anyway this is may not be the person for you ...back down until you are ready. There is no shame in loving some...

  15. Just sitting here thinking about how much I adore and love my husband...I love him sooooooo much that I can just about stand myself. He brings me the greatest joy, the best love ever, and I can now say that fairy tales really do come true...

  16. Hope everyone is well.....thanks for the continued support

  17. so a lot of bitches are hating on me and the fact that he is finally here lol!!!!! let the circus act begin.

  18. When we're grateful for things that DON'T come easily, they're that much more precious & SINCERELY appreciated when they do come!

  19. Are there any 15,20 or 30yr old successful marriages through this process on this site? These relationships started in some type of love n end in deception. Some1 plz prove me wrong.

  20. He's the only man on Earth who makes my spirit dance dance dance!

  21. We've spent the last three days trying to find him a car and a job. No luck with the car, but he got a job today that he starts tomorrow morning. The good thing about it is it's close to my job and has similar hours so we can ride together. Gracias a Dios!

  22. I offer this sound advice. Get to know the one you love in ever aspect of the word love. I Know we can see the wrong but be believe we can love it through. My Mother told me this very young. When a person shows you who they are...believe it. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and heart. Don't be afraid of the arguments. Your opinions and feelings are valid. If you feel in anyway this is may not be the person for you ...back down until you are ready. There is no shame in loving some...

  23. Start collecting the stones people throw at you for following your heart and build a strong foundation for your relationship. They could never be as bold as you or have what you have. Their faith and understanding are too weak to make it happen.

  24. I heard from the Congressman's office yesterday. They were pretty much telling me the process after the petition gets back to the immigraiton office. She did say that a lot of time, they reaffirm the approvals and send the petition back to the embassy.

  25. missing my baby while he's at work

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