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Status Replies posted by LAGOSLOVE

  1. USCIS has our AOS package. Let the waiting begin....again...lol

  2. there's a baby tap dancing in my tummy. i'd call it cute except it hurts like the dickens.

  3. 8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

  4. What's on your mind?Good Morning everyone!! Happy Tuesday.. :) I can actually say that it feels good to come home knowing that my babe will soon be here..I'm here to answer to answer any questions

  5. Update! Gabriel Simon Ayodeji Okuneye was born 10 weeks early on 3/25/12. He's little but, Thank God, healthy. He's up to over 4 lbs now and we hope to take him home by the end of May! Thanks for all your support!

  6. Every evening they sit in the den watching tv or listening to music. "DAD" he says..."yes son?" he answers and the conversation begans with my young one. Then I'll hear talking ustairs...two voices. I walk upstairs to see my oldest getting advice from him listening and hanging on to his words. He had become the Father they didn't have.. but when if they had thier blood tested the type would be L for love. His name is Prince and he is my husband.

  7. Ok,so I have been away from my husband for nearly a month now and even though I see him twice a year,its getting harder and harder to be away:(

  8. ok,so my 2nd year wedding anniversary is on the 21st..and we are still plugging along!!!Thank the Lord!

  9. I'm going back to Nigeria next week for hubby's interview

  10. NOA2 Approved . Thank God !!!

  11. next week we should be in each others arms for good!! we cant wait!!

  12. "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God" (Mark 10:27). Are there things that make you laugh when you think of the miracle that would be required for it to take place? Ask God for the miracle you need today.

  13. As Sam said we were Aproved!! Details tomorrow but they put us thru hell but it was all worth it!! ;)

  14. Sorry VJ! I know it has been long but here is a quick update from me. I have almost been in the states for 3 weeks now! wow. I love being here and the long visa struggle has definately been worth it /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

  15. Today is an absolutely gorgeous day in Philly. Would love to have shared it with my baby!

  16. Judging from some of these posts, I see the full moon wrought havoc on some minds! LOL

  17. As I see all the up comimg interviews I look back on my own and remember how excited and nervous we both were. M prayers continue to go out to each and every one of you. Keep faith close to your heart and stay close to God. Remain confident because you know your love for eachother. Stay strong and listen not to negative remarks. It is all possible!

  18. Aight VJ Fam today is my last day logging on gotta finalize everything for my trip & interview. My flight is on Sunday early morning but I'll be sure to log in once we're done with the interview y con esa VISA APROVADA. Please keep us in ur prayers para q asi sea as we will be doing the same.. Amen!! :)

  19. Lots of Love & Luck to my amazing friends, La Unica and her man, on their interview today. I know it will be a success but I'm sending lots of extra blessings and prayers their way!!!

  20. Flight is finally booked...POE is May 3, 2012...5 weeks and 2 days...yay


  22. Ok so I had this horrible dream last night were my hubby got a letter from USCIS saying he needs to file more paperwork (although we have an IR-1)...after 3 1/2 months you would think I wouldn't be dreaming these kind of dreams anymore #shiver

  23. Ok so I had this horrible dream last night were my hubby got a letter from USCIS saying he needs to file more paperwork (although we have an IR-1)...after 3 1/2 months you would think I wouldn't be dreaming these kind of dreams anymore #shiver

  24. new interview is schedule for april 23...patiently waiting

  25. The road has been pretty bumpy, but I am still hanging in there. We are going ahead with wedding plans. I should be in Nigeria in June.

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