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    Imagination got a reaction from jojolicious in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    Haha!! love it! and you were told to pack your bags and go back to 'your country', just because you disagree with the US politics, only to find out you are 'gora'. (and people telling you this were highly likely immigrants themselves at one point or another).
    See the hypocrisy-- welcoming, accepting and celebrating diversity? and lack of tolerance on mere opinions, thoughts, ideas? Prejudice and discrimination based on person's country of origin?
    I constantly see hateful and discouraging comments about immigration on this forum. 'Visa Journey-- Your US immigration Community'. [i'm trying to permanently delete my account-don't want to be a part of this].
  2. Like
    Imagination got a reaction from Mike B. in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    Haha!! love it! and you were told to pack your bags and go back to 'your country', just because you disagree with the US politics, only to find out you are 'gora'. (and people telling you this were highly likely immigrants themselves at one point or another).
    See the hypocrisy-- welcoming, accepting and celebrating diversity? and lack of tolerance on mere opinions, thoughts, ideas? Prejudice and discrimination based on person's country of origin?
    I constantly see hateful and discouraging comments about immigration on this forum. 'Visa Journey-- Your US immigration Community'. [i'm trying to permanently delete my account-don't want to be a part of this].
  3. Like
    Imagination got a reaction from NY_BX in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    Haha!! love it! and you were told to pack your bags and go back to 'your country', just because you disagree with the US politics, only to find out you are 'gora'. (and people telling you this were highly likely immigrants themselves at one point or another).
    See the hypocrisy-- welcoming, accepting and celebrating diversity? and lack of tolerance on mere opinions, thoughts, ideas? Prejudice and discrimination based on person's country of origin?
    I constantly see hateful and discouraging comments about immigration on this forum. 'Visa Journey-- Your US immigration Community'. [i'm trying to permanently delete my account-don't want to be a part of this].
  4. Like
    Imagination got a reaction from AmyWrites in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    Haha!! love it! and you were told to pack your bags and go back to 'your country', just because you disagree with the US politics, only to find out you are 'gora'. (and people telling you this were highly likely immigrants themselves at one point or another).
    See the hypocrisy-- welcoming, accepting and celebrating diversity? and lack of tolerance on mere opinions, thoughts, ideas? Prejudice and discrimination based on person's country of origin?
    I constantly see hateful and discouraging comments about immigration on this forum. 'Visa Journey-- Your US immigration Community'. [i'm trying to permanently delete my account-don't want to be a part of this].
  5. Like
    Imagination got a reaction from Miss M in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    Haha!! love it! and you were told to pack your bags and go back to 'your country', just because you disagree with the US politics, only to find out you are 'gora'. (and people telling you this were highly likely immigrants themselves at one point or another).
    See the hypocrisy-- welcoming, accepting and celebrating diversity? and lack of tolerance on mere opinions, thoughts, ideas? Prejudice and discrimination based on person's country of origin?
    I constantly see hateful and discouraging comments about immigration on this forum. 'Visa Journey-- Your US immigration Community'. [i'm trying to permanently delete my account-don't want to be a part of this].
  6. Like
    Imagination got a reaction from SweetieUs in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    Haha!! love it! and you were told to pack your bags and go back to 'your country', just because you disagree with the US politics, only to find out you are 'gora'. (and people telling you this were highly likely immigrants themselves at one point or another).
    See the hypocrisy-- welcoming, accepting and celebrating diversity? and lack of tolerance on mere opinions, thoughts, ideas? Prejudice and discrimination based on person's country of origin?
    I constantly see hateful and discouraging comments about immigration on this forum. 'Visa Journey-- Your US immigration Community'. [i'm trying to permanently delete my account-don't want to be a part of this].
  7. Like
    Imagination reacted to Xanax in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    You have to provide proof the best you can that you will return and you have strong ties, I am fairly sure you have even stated as such.
    I am not sure where your attitude is coming from, but it is not appreciated, I am sorry, but at least to me, you are coming across as nasty.
    I am just trying to help the OP, as I am sure you are. I in no way said that he could steer the interview in a certain way or that the gf could, but the OP stated that his gf did not have a chance to show evidence, providing it all upfront creates that opportunity or at least tries to.
    Good luck OP. I hope if I was not helpful atleast I could provide some comfort, I wish you the best of luck!
  8. Like
    Imagination reacted to Mike B. in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    That's right: there is always some risk involved with issuing visas. What proof did I provide that I was actually going to marry my fiancee? A 3-sentence statement that I signed. I totally could have just brought her here, collected some money from her, and then bid her farewell. The Department of State took a risk. Such is life.
    OP asked what might constitute better evidence. A few people have attempted to help him. His girlfriend's odds are still probably not very good. There's probably not much use in arguing it much further.
    In any event, at least I got

  9. Like
    Imagination reacted to Mike B. in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    I was born and raised in the United States. I moved to Peru. So you post about me, based wholly on conjecture, is incorrect.
    I dislike corruption, and I find the physical assault of women to be intolerable. Like most Peruvians, I am concerned about the level of pollution in Lima.
    Glad you hate me for that, though! Whatever floats your boat/helps you sleep at night is a-ok to me!
  10. Like
    Imagination reacted to Mike B. in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    I used to live in Peru. That's how I met my wife. As much as I love Peru, the country has a pretty significant problem with corruption. I dislike the fact that the National Police do almost nothing to protect the population until they receive a bribe. Also, I dislike the fact that beating women is, to a large extent, socially acceptable behavior in Peru. The capital also has a pretty significant pollution problem.
    So now I've "bad mouthed" not "just 1 thing" about the country I lived in, but three things. I guess I'm one of the people you now "hate." I can live with that.
  11. Like
    Imagination reacted to Mike B. in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    OP: Never mind all these holier-than-thou people who are absolutely certain that they know what your intentions are better than you are. Also, I have absolutely no doubt that you are intelligent enough to immediately dismiss anyone who makes the argument "if you don't like every law that has even been passed in this country, you should leave" as what they are: fools. You simply cannot ever convince people who say stuff like that. Sorry, but it's true.
    Yeah, it's going to be very difficult to get an F1. The best evidence you could give is evidence that truly is tied to India. As you correctly pointed out, money can be moved very quickly to the United States even when people cannot, as our bizarre and hypocritical policy is that free trade in every single commodity EXCEPT labor is good. Somehow free trade in labor is evil and would bring about the destruction of the Republic or something, so we have to tightly control immigration. As nonsensical as it is, that's the law, and immigration is an area where the government seems to hold all of the cards: USCIS is the only game in town, Congress will take absolutely forever to pass any kind of reform to the INA because people (like many on here) love to bask in the glory of being part of the collective and think things like "If I had to go through a lousy process, everyone should go through a lousy process," and quite frankly your Congressman/Senator/President/Etc. don't give a damn about your girlfriend because she can't vote and/or donate a million dollars to a reelection campaign. So yeah, it sucks, but you kinda have to get used to it. If your girlfriend owns a bunch of unmovable property such as real estate, has solid evidence that she is being sent to the US by a job that she will return to, can show that she absolutely cannot leave her family for whatever reason, or something like that, that would be much better evidence than a bank account loaded with money. Unfortunately, 1) it sounds like she may not have that stuff and 2) even if she did it is very, very far from guaranteed that she'd overcome an IO's suspicions.
    Many people have told you that you should get a K-1 even though you say you have no intent to marry. Do not listen to them. If you truly have no intent on marrying this woman, it makes no sense to get a K-1. If you think you might want to do it but are not ready and simply want to spend more time with her but cannot get her to the US on some other visa, look for a different way to spend time with her. Maybe she could manage to go to a third country and you could visit her there. Or maybe instead of her practicing her English you might be interested in practicing your Hindi by spending some time in India. Perhaps a bilingual college-educated person such as yourself could even find a job in India.
    If you do want to marry her, though, then get the K-1 (assuming you want to marry in the United States). I know the wait sounds really long, but at the end of the day it really isn't that bad. The emotional pain you will feel is like any other kind of pain: it hurts while you're feeling it but then as soon as it's over it is over. I'm sure you've been injured before. Even when you remember that injury, you can't truly experience the pain like you felt it then. Same goes with being apart for half a year. Yeah, it took eight whole months for me wife (then fiancee) to get her K-1 and come here. And it sucked at the time. But at the end of the day I get to spend the rest of my life with her and I'm with her pretty much every minute of my life that I'm not at work, so it's not like it bothers me that we were apart for so long anymore. You get over it the moment you see her at the airport.
    Anyway, best of luck to you. I hope you find a way to be united with her.
    I speak to my wife in Spanish and I am not Hispanic. Does my story hold up or do you think I'm lying?
  12. Like
    Imagination got a reaction from SunDancer in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    Haha!! love it! and you were told to pack your bags and go back to 'your country', just because you disagree with the US politics, only to find out you are 'gora'. (and people telling you this were highly likely immigrants themselves at one point or another).
    See the hypocrisy-- welcoming, accepting and celebrating diversity? and lack of tolerance on mere opinions, thoughts, ideas? Prejudice and discrimination based on person's country of origin?
    I constantly see hateful and discouraging comments about immigration on this forum. 'Visa Journey-- Your US immigration Community'. [i'm trying to permanently delete my account-don't want to be a part of this].
  13. Like
    Imagination reacted to thedude6752000 in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    I find your response patronizing and frankly quite a bit offensive. I went to school at FSU which has a very active ESL program and having known lots of the ESL students there (mostly young Saudi men but also plenty of people from Latin American countries) I can tell you for a fact that more than 2% of single ESL students return to their home country. Moreover this is a summer-long program and she will be staying at my place; it would be patently obvious to anyone that if we married we had used the F1 to circumvent the K1 and so for this reason alone we are not contemplating such a stupid and illegal move. I nor she wants to be found guilty of immigration fraud or become a criminal in anyway, and I find the accusation more than a bit insulting. Furthermore despite the lofty tone of your message you seem to fail to realize the reason WHY so many people want to circumvent the K1--being forced into separation for 8 months to a year (tends to be more if you're coming from a non-white developing country like my girlfriend is) is just ridiculous and unnecessary--to to mention hypocritical coming from the one country (the US) which has done more than any other to make sure the financial capital can flow freely and without delay from one country to another, the consequences to the people of those countries be damned. To move $100,000,000 from Delhi to New York takes not even a day.....to move your fiancee takes a year. Seems clear to me where this country's priorities lie..........
  14. Like
    Imagination reacted to grrrrreat in Children flying international after Mom becomes citizen   
    This is harsh. I'm new to the board and want to be helpful and can be based on my knowledge, but it's hard to want to stay with the lack of cordiality.
  15. Like
    Imagination reacted to karin_brenig in Re-Instating a Green Card that was relinquished while Minor   
    short answer: no
    long answer:
    I am (or rather, was) in the same boat.
    My father worked in the USA for a year, back in 1960, when the US still happily accepted immigrants and handed out greencards to anybody who wanted one.
    My entire family (mom, dad, and three young children) each got a greencard back then.
    I still have mine. It is really green! A piece of laminated cardboard, with a black-and-white baby picture of me, and my details written on it with a mechanical type-writer.
    On the back of the card it says, that it will become invalid if I leave the US for more than 12 months, or if I leave before I turn 18.
    1960 was not the only year my dad worked in the USA.
    He did it again in 1976, again for one year, again taking his family - 4 kids by then - with him.
    The USA had already become stricter in 1976.
    None of us received a greencard. Everybody got their own temporary visa.
    Since I was going to college, I had a J-1 visa in 1976.
    None of that was considered relevant when my husband applied for my greencard in 2005.
    We had to start from scratch.
  16. Like
    Imagination reacted to rlogan in Update ....   
    That's good advice troutcat.
    How much you want to bet they got cops on the street right now preying on ordinary citizens for plunder in the form of traffic fines. They got that covered 24/7 while in the meantime there's unsolved murders, rapes, and in this case serious domestic violence and it's "oh we're too busy trying to pull over soccer moms that didn't come to a complete stop at the stop-sign. Good thing there wasn't another car for a hundred miles, or someone might have been killed..."
    In the meantime you have not quite 20% of total murders committed by spouse, lover, or romantic interest. We know exactly when the risk is highest too - and it is right now in this case. Are the cops saying "hey, ma'am, you better take this seriously because we see what appear to be normal people snap all the time and kill the person they were sleeping with when the relationship is threatened..." or beat them senseless, burn their house down, or steal their life's savings etc. Nope.
    Is there anything worse than a cop over-dramatizing some trivial traffic matter to justify the fine costing four or five months in diapers? Sure! It's the same cop telling sam&jensi that she is bothering them and to go away. She's at about the highest risk of anyone in the county. But she isn't bringing in a thousand dollars a day for the department budget. So it helps a lot to have someone who has the experience and contacts to get these cops to do their jobs. I have had nothing but bad experiences with cops being called for help on something serious and have met too many people that say the same thing.
  17. Like
    Imagination reacted to troutcat in Update ....   
    You may already have done so, but if not, you may want to visit the local women's shelter or call the local DV hotline, if there is one. If the local police have been so brutally bad in responding appropriately to your calls, the local shelter will have experience with this, and can help you a) document your case and b) may have some suggestions or protocol for getting the police to respond appropriately. they might also be able to make use of your experience of being dismissed by the police as part of a larger effort to get police trained to respond correctly to domestic violence calls. it takes many women and men saying that the police are not responding appropriately - lawfully - to DV calls to get any change implemented.
  18. Like
    Imagination reacted to NY_BX in Update ....   
    WOW! Do not dwell on the weakness but celebrate your strength. I highly suggest you set up some sort of a hidden camera somewhere, in case he decides to break in, or worse, attack you again. That way you can gather visual irrefutable evidence of his chauvinistic wrath. That man is toast and he knows it.
    Good luck!
  19. Like
    Imagination reacted to Darnell in Two years to Ten Year GC..   
    incessant? no la...
    Have some nice Korean History Channel update

  20. Like
    Imagination reacted to brucejen in What will happen if AOS is denied- we got RFE   
    hi, I have not read all threads hear yet but I once had RFE during our AOS since we don't have joint account nor properties in our name, we only submitted jointly filed tax returns, marriage certificate, and pictures. When we got our RFE, they asked for a joint bank account which we don't have, so we responded through mail and explained that we never used banks and pay bills in cash and made a promise that my husband will support me, then he signed it. We got approved, now we are about to apply for lifting conditions.
    You have to be strong and stress your continuing and married relationship. Goodluck!
  21. Like
    Imagination reacted to mcastilloRN in September Filers? =)   
    Jake is finally in Vegas! He arrived last March 20th =) God Bless all Sept filers! :dance:
  22. Like
    Imagination reacted to JimVaPhuong in More proof   
    I don't think that's the point. Almost all of the evidence you mentioned in your first response was evidence that a married couple would be expected to have, but NOT evidence that an engaged couple would be expected to have. A consular officer might be highly suspicious of an engaged couple who provided evidence of financial co-mingling, or beneficiary of bank or brokerage accounts or life insurance. People simply do not do these things before they marry, and in some cases it's impossible to do them before you marry. It's not because of a lack of a Social Security number. It's because they don't yet have a family relationship.
    Your circumstances were different because you applied for a spousal visa.
    For the OP's case, I agree with pushbrk. It wasn't the quantity of evidence that was their problem, but the quality of their evidence. One thing is certain, and that is that the CO did not sit and read those 1000's of chat transcripts. They probably selected a few, read them, and found them lacking in any strong indication of a couple with an emotional attachment to each other. In my opinion, it's better to cherry pick the evidence you give to the consular officer. Don't give them transcripts of conversations that were mundane or might be typical of two friends or acquaintances rather than two people in love, and definitely don't give them transcripts of conversations where you're discussing potential answers to visa interview questions. If you initially give them only the very best stuff then anything they select at random is more likely to make a good impression. If you overwhelm them with paper then you may be burying your best evidence in the haystack.
  23. Like
    Imagination got a reaction from LeftCoastLady in How did you tell your family you are moving?   
    "Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you. You see.. NZ is not a good fit for us anymore. We want to move back to the US. It is for the best. You can always come visit us if you like."
  24. Like
    Imagination reacted to BzmommytoAmerican in Visa approved!   
    Thank you menina, it was so piece of cake that when i opened the interview room i bursted i. Tears of relief
  25. Like
    Imagination reacted to aaron2020 in Green card and travel question   
    Why the heck didn't your family inform the US Embassy to add your uncle's wife and children to his case when he went for his interview? BIG MISTAKE. His wife and children would have been able to immigrate with him as his derivatives beneficiaries.
    MOVE FAST IF HE ELIGIBLE TO DO FOLLOW TO JOIN. It will be faster than him filing for his wife and children.
    Contact the US Embassy/Consulate where he interviewed immediately to ask about follow-to-join procedure in Pakistan. File Form I-824 Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition for the purpose of to request an approval notice be sent to a U.S. Consulate for derivative visas for family members.
    Here are the instructions for follow-to-join benefits for derivative beneficiaries from the US Embassy in Manila, Philippines. I could not find similar instructions for the US Embassy in Islamabad. It should be similar, but don't expect it to be exactly like the Philippines. Call the US Embassy in Islamabad.
    The spouse and children of a principal applicant are entitled to derive immigration benefits from their principal’s approved visa petition and may travel to the United States at a later date. Under no circumstance will the derivative spouse or child be allowed to travel to the U.S. ahead of the principal applicant.
    Following-to-join applicants may derive immigration benefits only if:

    The spouse or children were acquired before the principal applicant’s admission into the United States; and
    The principal applicant gained lawful permanent resident (LPR) status or was issued an immigrant visa under the family-preference or employment-based (E) visa categories or was issued a non-immigrant K or V visa. Foreign nationals who immigrated to the U.S. under an immediate relative (IR) visa category need to file a separate Form I-130 visa petition on behalf of their spouses and children.
    The principal applicant has not naturalized. Once the principal applicant becomes a U.S. citizen, a separate visa petition needs to be filed on behalf of the spouse and/or children to qualify for immigration benefits again.

    Following-to-join derivative beneficiaries must present documentation establishing the principal applicant’s immigration status in the United States and their relationship to their principal. These include:

    A copy of the child’s birth certificate issued by the National Statistics Office;
    A copy of the marriage certificate issued by the National Statistics Office;
    A copy of the principal alien’s registration receipt card or I-551 or a copy of the principal alien’s passport pages indicating admission to the U.S. as an immigrant; and
    If applicable, Form I-824, Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition.

    To register a family member as a following-to-join derivative, the above documents may be faxed to the Immigrant Visa Section at (632) 301-2591 or mailed to the Operations Unit, Immigrant Visa Branch, U.S. Embassy, 1201 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Metro Manila 1000. The documents must come with a letter of request clearly indicating the name of the applicant(s) and the applicant(s)' contact address and telephone number.
    Once the Embassy ascertains the eligibility for following-to-join derivative status, it will provide instructions on how to apply for the visas.
    It is important to remember that a child is only eligible for following-to-join benefits if he or she is a child, step-child or adopted child in accordance with U.S. immigration law.
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