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Posts posted by stronger

  1. from what I am reading this lady came here legally. The slaughter in Syria is outrageous. Every day there are photos of children murdered in the streets. Entire cities wiped out. Who wouldn't dream of a better life. Survival. Sure there are makeshift villages in turkey to help. But these people live in tents, and its getting colder in east turkey. Little food or water. Its astonishing. So, I support the mother wanting more for her child. It was not done to just bleed the American people of their tax dollars. She doesn't want her or her child to die!

  2. Don't beat yourself up about it. It is normally best to send in photocopies of documents like this just in case they do something stupid like lose an original copy. I would double check that they just asked for another copy, If you have the copy in the computer send it again.

    The birth certificate was the long one. The translation was certified and notarized. The cover sheet we received was yellow not blue. Should I worry that it's not blue? It said to send that yellow sheet with my information. It is funny but we even put exactly what was in our package on the cover sheet. It clearly states the birth certificate and translation. We probably checked 10 times before we sent it to make sure everything was there. We are working hard to do everything right and it seems like other people's mistakes always finds us. Sorry for the rant but we are soo frustrated.

  3. TRUST ME! I've been trying for a LONG time to block someone from my profile. It doesn't work. The only thing that blocking/ignoring on this website does is prevent them from sending you private messages. They can still reply to your status updates. It's a major flaw in this website. I have a hot mess of a woman stalking me and causing trouble. Next step is a restraining order!

  4. Cheating is not deportable. They entered into a valid marriage as far as USCIS is concerned. He has NOTHING to worry about. She would need mountains of proof for this. She signed the AOS and removal of conditions support documents. Nothing she can do now. She's gonna look like a crazy person. He should file a restraining order against her it sounds like. She's a bitter woman seeking revenge. Whether he cheated or not is irrelevant at this point.

    I apologize if you think that I am trying to stir up people. I am not. I really have searched the internet for this issue and can not find it anywhere. The real question is: can she deport him on a R1 10 yr visa through a falsified claim that he cheated on her within this last year?? They have been married for 3yrs 10m. She set up an online appointment with USCIS this Friday. He is scared, really scared of being deported. He left everything when he moved to the US. How deep will USCIS look into this or will they just look at her like a bitter ex??

  5. my husband is from turkey and had his medical in Istanbul as well. We were advised to complete the I-693 and visited a civil surgeon. They gave him 2 additional shots and a new TB test. They do not accept the chest xray alone in the USA as proof of a negative TB. The whole thing cost us $250 with exam and shots and completed I-693. You can always wait for a RFE to see if you need it. They can also request it at interview if you have one.

  6. That happens a lot too. It just depends on the country. I was divorced 2 years before I met my current husband and it was a HUGE issue during his interview. Was practically interrogated. For this gal, I have read a little closer and see that they were both free to marry when they applied. That's the bigger issue. So they should be fine. It's really the luck of the draw on what CO you get. My then fiance was questioned twice in one day. Was there early morning and then asked to return again later in the afternoon. But that's Turkey. They are all about tradition and following their cultural rules. Turkey has a waiting period. That was my only concern. But I don't know the rules for Chile. I'm sure it will all work out here. I think the one big negative of VJ is that it make you crazy paranoid about your case. You wonder if a problem for another person can be a problem for you. There is not way to make you feel 100% confident. It's the nature of the beast. I am happy to see there are more supportive people out there than those that want to bring you down.

    Good luck everybody. Keep your chin up and stay positive ;)

    I started a relationship with my husband about 1 year before he was officially divorced and we got married 3 months after his divorce was final and it never came up. Not even one single question or thought about it from the IO. His divorce degree even stated that 'adultery' was the reason for divorce .... was never a problem!

  7. I've seen this time and time again on here. The CO at the consulate will look how much time between divorce and marriage, and see if the new relationship started before the old one ended. There's also the issue of where there is a waiting period after divorce in their home state as well as the country of the foreign fiance. I've met more than a couple people on VJ who were denied because of this.

    your friend should not rush anything, and maybe slow down and take their time. If they rush they could end up getting denied or delayed quite a long time.

  8. I have a passport in the US and Canada. Both countries offer free change of name within one year of issuance. Is it that new?

    Hi Guys,

    In May, I took a trip to Europe, and upon my departure I got pulled into secondary customs, and had all sorts of issues at other points in security.

    My greencard is in my married name, and my passport is in my maiden. I've never had an issue before (I even went to Europe last Fall and it was fine).

    Apparently because Greencard + Tags on my luggage don't match, they pulled me. It was this 2.5 hour ordeal before the top customs official released me.

    Is there a work around this to prevent the issues in the future? I don't want to change my passport because it's fairly new (and would require an entire new one).

    I always carry a copy of our marriage licence when we travel to show the name transfer, and they've never questioned it before.

    Has anyone had this problem (and solved it outside of getting an entire new passport?)

    I have to book my tickets in my maiden name since it has to match the passport.


    /starburst star_smile.gif

  9. No, unfortunately you must have a US Citizen sponsor you for this petition. This is for the government to hold a US Citizen responsible for the foreign person. They cannot reach the sponsor in Canada and hold them responsible if the worst scenario happens.


    I can't seem to find this answer in other posts so I had to put it as a new post. I am an American. I cannot find any US sponsor at all. My fiance' is from Canada. His parents and grandmother are more than willing to sponsor him. Can they be a sponsor even though they are not from the USA?

    Also, how do I update my profile on here?


  10. I'm glad we could offer some help. Making the package as professional, put together is the best you can do for yourself. They don't want mountains of paperwork. And if you give them a thousand samples of everything you have, then they have to read every single page. It doesn't really help your case either. Several samples of each type of communication, and copies of all your evidence as far as passport stamps and boarding passes, hotel receipts with both your names. That's all they want. That's enough. Good luck and keep in touch on your journey. Feel free to ask questions anytime. That's what this site is for!

    Thank you Sabrina. I just wanted to avoid wasting money and making the packet to thick as I cant help myself but put so many pictures. So I did what you did, I printed the pictures out at the CVS and labeled them and everything but I also made copies of each with the notes on them so I will send the first packet out with the paper copies and send the originals to my fiance, if they need to see the originals they can ask him for them.

    Thank you for your help :)

    Thank you :)

    Yea i didnt know that but I was a happy camper when I found out :) I ended up having CVS print them. Thanks for your input:)

  11. I did it for the K1 and AOS. It was accepted and just fine. You can get several photos on there also. They only want originals at interview. Also, when printing on paper, you can explain when, where and who are in the photos. Relationship to those in the photos easier. When I did send original photos it was a massive pain having to sticker and label every single photo. What I will recommend is making address stickers with your case number on it when you have to send packet 3 info to the Embassy. I did that with every single sheet. It prevents the loss of one piece of paperwork that will throw the whole process off.

  12. DO NOT put the original in the petition. Only originals are forms that need signature at this point. You need all this proof at interview. I would be careful sending anything original. If you loose them then you cannot replace them. When it gets to the consulate, there are a few originals they require you to send, like divorce decrees if you are divorced or police reports. But I really stress not sending original documents proving relationship.

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