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Posts posted by stronger

  1. I'm Sabrina!!! :) So glad to hear everyone is safe and happy :)

    Who's Sabrina? My daughter's name is Serena. Close, but no cigar. :lol: She's doing well. We're trying to get her adjusted to the time difference, but I don't think Amy quite has a handle on how to do that yet. She lets her sleep during the day and is surprised when she's up all night. She counters this by putting Serena in her swing and rocking her to sleep. post-99464-0-18875400-1325692419_thumb.jpg

  2. I am going through the K1 Process in Turkey. And in best case scenario, ,8 months at least. But count on longer. 8 months is the shortest. Believe it or not, spousal visas can be a lot shorter. And once the visa is granted, the green card is automatic upon entry. And the green card holder can begin working immediately.

    However, it is your choice. Both routes have pluses and minuses. I would do a ton of research and read ALL the forums on both options. You should also be sure that you have everything you need before you file. You don't want to risk a Request For Evidence (RFE) and delay your timeline even further.

    Good luck, and ask away on this website. The guidance has proven very helpful for most.


  3. I'll be on Cloud 9 when they get here and we've had a chance to breathe a bit. For the moment, I don't have time to feel like I'm floating on clouds. I have an apartment to finish cleaning, else I feel the wrath of a short filipina. :lol:

    Ray that's so great. And yes...get to cleaning...cuz you know the wrath of a small asian woman is INSANE! My father's wife is Indonesian...she busts his #### every time she comes back from Indo. lol

  4. I'll be sending your fiancée good thoughts and you both my best wishes! I'm also scared about my interview next week...what is helping me is focusing on the best outcome - that my visa is approved. Positive visualization may help your nerves. :) Good luck, keep us posted!!

    Good luck to both of you. Kat...I can't wait to hear the good news. 22 more days for Tolga and his interview. another week after and he will be here!!! It's a very exciting time for all of us. God bless us all. Power of positive thinking will prevail!!! Hugs to all my May Team!!!

  5. Thank you for the good wishes. He has more than enough paperwork to support his interview and his English is great now. So I'm not worried. I believe he will have his visa without issue. I know he will miss Izmir so much. But we are both looking forward to everyday life together. This has been a long journey.

    Thank you so much Tolsab.

    I was not able to have enough time to spend with my family before i left turkey Izmir.

    maybe we can meey him in izmir before he go :)

    I hope he will have a good interwiev and he will have his visa.

    Good luck to him

  6. Ironically, Tolga will be leaving Izmir at the end of January to come home to my daughter and me finally! :) His interview is January 19th. We can't wait!!! So exciting....the beginning is near ;)

    Enjoy your time with your family. It's a magical place indeed.

    Actually i m also going there at the end of january as well i already booked my flight.

    My all relatives live in Istanbul but only my family in Izmir.

    I know Istanbul very well and of course I know Beykoz too.

    Ask your husband i m sure he knows where is pasabahce :)

    Hi back to your husband..

    Sure why not if we are able to meet we can do it.

  7. First of all congrats on the pregnancy...that's so great! As for the police certificate, do you have a copy of it scanned? Maybe when you call on Monday you can explain that it would be quite a while, you're expecting and have the scanned copy to send? It's possible they will make the exception. He could then bring the original to interview. It's incredible just how different the requirements are for each type of visa. K1 (our visa) is very different in process. However, Ankara seems to be more reasonable than most embassies. Perhaps NVC will give a little too.

  8. Call back again tomorrow afternoon. I bet they have your number by then ;)

    I just called NVC and was told that my case has been received by them and is in the process of being entered into the computer. She said she did not have the case number for me yet. Not sure wat that means.... Can anyone help me understand plzzz?

    I'm excited for you!!! Go Ice GO!!!!

    Ice's interview is in 7 hours. EXCITED/NERVOUS!!!! :wacko:

  9. I believe it's time to shake up this May board a little. Some folks have their visas, some already done got married and all. But hey...some of us still need some positive vibes and smiles now. This ####### is HARD!!!! Geez. Ok...happy things....Niing & Ice have their interview this week. So HAPPY THOUGHTS...good luck to you guys!!! And from what I can tell, all of us original May folk have gotten at least some NOA 2 news. Am I wrong? So...things are happening. And I hope to wake up to my interview date in my inbox. And I'm PRAYING it's in Jan/Feb. Because when I look at this interview schedule http://www.usemb-ankara.org.tr/consular/english/schedule_iv.html it does NOT make me warm and fuzzy. I'm also concerned my father will not be able to come to my wedding if we have to schedule it later than March. :(SO.....hook a sistah UP! I want good vibes and happy holiday type stuff.


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