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Posts posted by stronger

  1. For all these crazy replies you are getting, I have a friend on my VJ profile from Haiti that was approved super fast as well. But now they are in AP, waiting on a second interview. It's been a long time for them. It won't be the same for everyone. But Haiti is one of the countries that applications are pushed through faster. Not a freak thing. You can look at Haiti timelines on here and see what I mean.

    Congrats on the fast approval, and hopefully you can have your father healthy and happy at your wedding.

    So many skeptics on here. I wish people would have a more open mind. GEEZ!


  2. That's fabulous news! hopefully it's all resolved SUPER soon. We have been fortunate that the beginning of our journey wasn't too bad. Now we're waiting on the EAD so my husband can work. He has a job waiting for him, but this has been stressful. One income in a big house with extra bills is hard. But we will live.

    Good luck and hugs to you and all the May People! :)

    Hello May family. Just stopping by to let u guys know that I finally got things squared away with ICE and they also gave me a letter to submit to embassy explaining the mistake and that it has been corrected. My fiance already submitted the letter to embassy and now the waiting game begins again. Also my congressman staff send email to embassy on my belahf since they would not reply my email and the embassy said that they will confirm the new info I provided them with ICE and act accordingly. Hope is not too long now.

  3. Have you considered offering to the employer that you would take a 1 year pay cut to make up for the large application price? We have done this in my company.

    I feel that 5,000 dollars is not a big number, especially when you compare it to pharmacists salaries.

  4. Paz is exactly right. And my timeline was also 8 months. Very identical actually. Make sure you work on all the docs you need for interview. Forget nothing so you get that visa at the interview. And you'll need a translated copy of birth record in Turkey for AOS for your fiance. Might as well get that now if you can. You don't need it translated for Ankara, but you will in America. I would get 2 if possible for any future applications and for your files. Not so easy to get later.

    Good luck with the rest of your journey!

  5. Hey fellow May filer! We have all been praying for you and hoping for the best for you and your love. I would be willing to guess that this appointment means good things for you both. I can't wait to hear the good news. Happy thoughts...remember. HUGS TO YOU!

    Hey guys. Wondering if someone can help me understand this. A little background is that my fiance had his interview last month. He was given a blue sheet for additional documents. Last week on Monday, he submitted the documents along with the blue sheet and his passport. He was then given a white token and asked to go to the embassy on May 24th. They did not ask him to bring anything with him. Well today he received a call at his house from the embassy Staff to Confirm his appointment. He told them yes and also that he was given a token with date and time to go to the embassy. The embassy staff told him that she was just confirming that he was aware and was coming to the embassy on that date. She did not tell him anything else. Im excited but also freaking out as to what this could mean. Could it be that they made the decision in our case and are ready to issue the visa? Any suggestions to calm my nerves will be appreciated. Thank you in advance for comments.

  6. Unfortunately, you are the only one with a credit history, and this card will not really build her credit. She is a user, but the history is attached to your SSN. I've been through the same thing with my husband. Bank of America does allow a small secured card starting at $300 to which your wife could begin using and after 1 year, they will instate a real credit card based on her history and return the $300 deposit. That might be an option if history building is what you are trying to do.

    Just a thought.

  7. Give PLENTY of time at the Istanbul airport. It's massive, confusing and the second security point for flights to the USA take at least 1 hour. They even have a serious wait to into the airport building if your original starting point is Istanbul. I know that all the Turkish Airlines planes are fairly old and somewhat uncomfortable compared to other major US airlines. But their deals are incredible. Hard to pass up.

    I have not done a POE in this airport, however, like most I would bet that you should give plenty of time for this also. Don't freak out if you're waiting. Just be patient and REALLY excited :) CONGRATS!!!

  8. We're all pulling for you!!! It's a stressful ride, and of all of us you've had to be the most patient. God bless!

    Congratulations Tom. Iam so happy for the both of u. As always iam the last May filer still stuck. I hope to get required documemts to the embassy soon and hope he can be here before summer is over. Please keep me in ur prayers.

    Congrats !!! I didn't get a chance to say that yet. So happy for you and grace!!! Can't wait to see the post where your love is home! :)

    Hi Weh Grace had her Interview on Apruil 16th, i wasnt there as much as I wanted to be. the Lady CO was very Strict Grace told me. Grace was armed with emails from Travel.State.gov that she didnt need a Police clearance from Dubai. the lady CO or Filipina Prescreener never asked her for it.Never! we were so glad about that. She takes her CFO May 7th. After that she is ready to fly, but we will wait till june to give her time to spend with her Family. Her Aunt is there now from New York. She will be leaving May 19th coming back to the States. It is no rush coming here, she wont be able to go back for Quite awhile. we will go back together when we do. The Interview really was a Peice of cake, the Lady CO Grace said Focused entirely on me.

  9. Took many folks about 2 days. As long as there are no hiccups or issues at interview. Our interview was on a Thursday. The visa came on that Saturday.

    But just a work of advice. If booking a ticket. Book it round trip, to save money. And plan on 1 week just in case. You can always change the ticket if you have to.

  10. I'm sorry you're having to go there during a difficult period. But he is lucky he gets to have you with him. While you're there, take the time to learn the language. Because it's such a special thing to be able to communicate with his family. It's a show of respect and so nice to actually share and learn about the man you're marrying. I'm learning slowly, but it helps. I wish I could have had the time there to learn. Now we mostly speak english.

    thank you im kind of depending on my family for sponsor because that is who i live with ya know. i mean i make money. i will pay for the visa and the processing but its helpful my family is there and so is his. but i NEED to be in turkey his dad died. :(

  11. Don't forget the medical for I-693 form for the AOS. It's about $1300-$1500 WITH AOS fee with all that jazz. Not a cheap process at ALL. With a small wedding and all this, beat the hell out of my pocket book that's for sure. You might wanna stretch out having the wedding. Don't rush it the minute he gets here. That way you buy yourself a little more breathing room on paper process.

    ...Then after you get married you will file for Adjustment of Status (AOS) so that he can get his green card that will cost you another $1,070.00.

    I think with all the application fees, visa fees, medical, translations we are somewhere around $3,000.00.

  12. My advice on the paperwork is take your time. Go over everything with a fine tooth comb. Because an RFE can delay you 2-3 months. I've seen it before. There is a flat fee envelope that takes about 2 weeks with the US postal service that I have used all the time to send packages to Turkey. Have your dad send it 3-4 weeks before you need it, and you'll be fine. Cost is $15 I believe. It's even trackable. Just don't try to hurry to get him here. Better to do it right then get roadblocked and have problems at interview. Those problems at interview can follow you through the whole rest of the process.

    PM me if you ever need anything. Turkey can be tricky, but if done right will go smoothly. Take care!

    if my dad has to send them then he has to. i was just trying to see if there was alternative ways so save some money. you shouldn't talk about my budgeting when you don't know the whole situation. its like i am young unlike most people who do this process, i will bring him here later i will move out, so i have to try to budget everything in and saving that 50$ would come in handy. if you understand. i havent done any kind of visa or anything so i am new to all of this, and i just want some guidance to get through this, from people who have already been in my position.

  13. May family!!!!

    I've been SO absent from here. Life has been so busy that I haven't been online that much. I try not to touch my computer at night. Because I have my sweet husband home with me. And for those of you still waiting, you will have what you want and need VERY soon. Love you all...keep on truckin!

    AOS for us now. But at least we're waiting together.

  14. Actually an argument is the best way to show a real relationship. Who doesn't have a little squabble now and again? If you don't it means you don't give and take. Only take.

    Haha! Amazing..the capabilities of our govt. It's kinda funny because when my husband and I have a disagreement over this very long distance, we often used to hang up skype/phone and get on facebook later to send a "closing argument" to inbox. Kinda childish, but avoids saying things we don't mean in the heat of the moment.

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