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Posts posted by stronger

  1. Sweetie I'm so sorry to hear about Grace's dad. I know she is grateful to have had that time with him. You did a beautiful selfless thing. God bless you both!

    YES, Enjoy the Moment, you will have time to worry about NVC later on.

    Thanks for your comments about Grace and her dad! it has been a trying time, you wouldnt belive it! We got our Petition approved in "74" days, but that didnt mean nothing, you see, we still waiting. Lucky we were able to extend petition. Now we back on track.I wanted Grace to not rush things because of her dad. but God has plans for all of us. The petition will not go to waste. Grace has her medical on the 12th. hopefully it goes ok! then on to the interview.we have went Over and Over her Documents to not miss anything and of course Embassy reviews and my Bud Ray_J helped a lot! We have a Good group here. And................that is still the plan, We all hopefully will meet one day after ALL our journeys! Good Luck, "Me and Him", You one of the BEST! :thumbs: :thumbs:

  2. Well Congrats on the interview. And thanks for the good wishes. I'll let you know developments. From what I understand spousal visas take a very different route to approval. Best wishes on a very happy interview :)

    No I am not with him right now, but him and I were checking Ankara interview dates. They have it now until January. Anyways I cant complain. Good luck with you interview date. Any details you would share it would be very helpful.

  3. Generally, the court will rarely take a child from their mother. Mother is the number one nurturing source. So don't let that scare you. That's your child, you're the provider.

    To all those who replied and took time to reply my post"Desperately Needs Help".I would like to say thank you all so much for your words.

    Update: I just talked to my husband again tonight and his final word is he is not kicking his daughter out.SO i said to him ok then i have to move out with my kids.

    I was so devastated coz he act like he is choosing his 25 y.o daughter in exchange for our 3 yr. old son and my two minor kids.

    I was so hurt and can't help but cry coz it is very clear to me that he cares more about his daughter than his wife and child.

    I am so confused now coz if i hav eto move out he said since he is not working.. he will have the custody of our 3 yr old son and i will end up paying him child support since am the one employed>

    I can not live without our 3 yr. old son plus my two minor kids. What should I do? Please help.

  4. You're with your husband now? Am I right about that?

    And yes, about having a date...that's the best news.

    I know. My husband and I counted how may interviews they have in Ankara. 25 interviews a day. I believe since December is here and embassy will be close. They will be back up. Well it is better than nothing. NVC told me they will send my case in February.

  5. Sarah....we had 2 letters of intent. But when Tolga wrote his, it was simply a letter with his intentions of his relationship with my daughter and I. It wasn't the form letter. Yet still we were approved. He did do a new letter for the consulate in the form as you wrote. But if it is not perfectly addressed, I'm sure it will be just fine ;)

  6. Wow Sarah...that's a lot of love :) You will do just fine in this journey. It's honestly just really time consuming. Take the time to check every question a few times. Have an answer for every box. Even if NONE. Then front load your petition with some relationship evidence and voila....you got yourself an approval. Turk Kahvesi is another really helpful forum if you haven't made it over there already. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/287656-turk-kahvesi-turkish-coffee-cafe/page__st__885

    Mari kinda runs the thread, and she's a master as the process.

    Good luck and don't sweat asking for help. That's what we're here for. And don't forget to smile and laugh a lot. Don't let the process get you down ;)

    Hugs to you!


    I freaking love you guys man!

    Michelle Ive been following you from day one :D I actually wanted to start around same time as you and Bahadir did but we couldnt get started for one reason or another. Congrats on your marriage.. welcome to the family gelin hanim :)

    Sabrina, been a follower of you as well :) I hope you and Tolga can join once and forever and start celebrating many great holidays and birthdays and special occasions together.

    Dan & Jenni and payxibka, thank you guys sooooo much. I appreciate everyone taking time out to read and reply to my questions.

  7. My finance's last name has umlats too over the U. You can copy and paste from online if you like. It should work. There is one line that asks for name in native alphabet. You need to put it in. Like Güler. My future last name. You can also hand write the form. Or type it and add with pen later.

    PM me if you have any other questions. I'll be happy to help. Welcome to VJ!



    CONGRATS TEAMKAT!!! REEEEALLY HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! now praying for me&him!!! and all the other may filers!! your time will come!

    And great news! my interview was today and I was APPROVED!!! I feel so blessed!! Thanks for everyone's support!! I love this group!!! =)

  9. I just posted about this yesterday. There's a thread on here that works wonders. Just go to DHL.com and follow instructions as is on here:


    You track a package via reference. On this page type EXP 22 NOV 2011A if sent today. Change date to reflect your departure date. Then choose your country. BAM....you got your tracking number!!! :)

  10. Your interview is SO soon Emma! So exciting....I am praying for a fast and problem free time for you. You'll be together soon!!!

    Totally respect the choice to not post until approval. It can be stressful waiting but even if you're not here you will NOT be forgotten. Can't wait for you to hear about your case and share your news.

    I feel more approvals coming very soon. Don't give up guys. But I understand the frustration. I was having a rough time. But the moment you get that approval, you're on to the next phase and let go of this angst. HUGS TO MY MAY PEOPLE!!! I love you all!!!

  11. As I'm sure everyone else has way overanalyzed this process. I've been looking at historical timelines. Looks like Ankara has mostly sent out Packet 3 upon receipt of the file in Ankara. Same day. Our petition is on it's way to the embassy via DHL and due to arrive by Friday (looks like they're open Friday). Tolga has our file and ready to send it to the embassy. So, if everything goes well....we might actually learn our interview date next week! That's crazy exciting!!!


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